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Yes she did get grilled and quite rightly.  She basically said that as she was all over the papers all the time, she had this 'if you can't beat em join em' kind of view, so decided to cash in.  In one way I see her point, that as she was in the papers anyway she would put her side across.... but on the other hand,, how dare she make money and fame from her seedy affair?  What about her poor husband and Ryan Giggs wife?!  Have to say though, Denise agony aunt wotsername gets on my tits ...


Also, I do think that in these kind of situations, the woman involved in the affair ALWAYS gets the shit end of the stick and is made out to be the bad guy...  Ryan Giggs is no better than her.  Still don't like her though.




I was just thinking of you the other day. I did some sorting out and found my printout of the thread we had when Sebastian was being born. Thought of you and your excitement over Eamomn (I know I've spelt that wrong - sorry)


Re Giggs - he should have kept his butt covered in the first place then he wouldn't need injunctions eh?


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