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Here' a little contest for you lot to enjoy: 'Name my Nips'.  There they are, plonked on my chest doing absolutely bugger all. Worthless, pointless and other words that mean the same and end in 'less'.

However, you guys get the opportunity to give them a persona, as in a name. The best names will win an AMAZING, imaginary, prize!!

Here's a little info about each one:

My Left Nip = He's quite sensitive to some fabrics, gets all irritated if touch the wrong sort. Quite pinky coloured with some hair surrounding it.

My Right Nip = Not sensitive to any fabrics, as far as I'm aware of. Has a little scar to the side of it, slightly darker coloured than the left but has more hair around it (seriously you could probably platt it).

Anyway, get thinking, be creative and may the best forumer win. I'll pick the winner in a couple of days

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