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Victor tells Nadia that Josie had complained about her. "Who was she kidding?" Nadia replies. "She was a fun character but bloody predictable, she had no competition in this house - all this romance, that’s all there was to her. She had no character, she's bloody forgettable - she's Rachel, that what she is. She's a Cameron that’s what she is."

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And now they have started on John James........ Everything they have ben saying is true, but methinks they will have lost a few fans......
Quite a few, Victor is setting her up nicely Now she just sounds like a nasty bitch.
Someone who's completely forgotten it was her own air of vulnerability, humour (and occasional humility) that won her the show in the first place.
Very true ...............she's become a bit of a nightmare now haSN'T SHE?
Soozy Woo
Shock horror people on DS complaining about Josie and John James being mentioned when even the bloody housemates in there can't help discussing it. Credit to Josie she's been fairly quiet since walking out of UBB until Neon decide to make use of her...
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Let me think what were the first words of this straight talking say it your face woman to Josie. oh yes "Welcome to the family darling" If that's how Nadia treats her family I feel sorry for them.
Nadia was kissing Josie's arse on launch night. Funny how she can slag her off now that she's not here.
Really unpleasant, eh?
Winning her war with Collio has really unleashed the ego..
Winning her war with Collio has really unleashed the ego..
Yes it has, plus Josie going too...she must be thinking she is going to win this...wonder who her next target will be ?
I think she'll start on Ulrika. Would be Chantelle, if Preston wasn't around.
Yes, i think she would go for Makosi but she hasnt got the balls .....(no pun intended! )
Nadia was kissing Josie's arse on launch night.
She decided that she'd tell her straight about John James that night, 5 mins after being in there, that John James didn't care about her and that he was gay, followed by an an 'innocent' woops, I've said too much.....Whatever the truth of their relationship, I blame her for sending Josie over the edge, I think she bloody well knew exactly what she was doing. Yeah John McCririck said similar stuff but made no secret of liking Josie, Nadia didn't like her, knew she was popular with the public and set out to get rid of her as quick as she could
Josie did not complain about Nadia
Marge, I think that what was meant was when Josie was upset and confused about what was being said by Nadia ref her relationship with John James
She decided that she'd tell her straight about John James that night, 5 mins after being in there, that John James didn't care about her and that he was gay, followed by an an 'innocent' woops, I've said too much.....Whatever the truth of their relationship, I blame her for sending Josie over the edge, I think she bloody well knew exactly what she was doing. Yeah John McCririck said similar stuff but made no secret of liking Josie, Nadia didn't like her, knew she was popular with the public and set out to get rid of her as quick as she could

I agree. Reel her in with a friendly hello, then - stab!

The fact I think she's right about John James is immaterial. Nadia didn't say it as a friend, she said it to undermine her competition.

Couldn't care less what Nadia's or any other hm's opinion was of Josie, I liked her, was glad she won and so were 77.5 of the voting public. Can't see Nadia getting that.
My thoughts exactly.
Can't see Nadia getting that
If the comments on here are anything to go by she'll be out at the first opportunity.... Can't believe I actually voted for her to win BB5
eah John McCririck said similar stuff but made no secret of liking Josie, Nadia didn't like her, knew she was popular with the public and set out to get rid of her as quick as she could
John said it in an avuncular way - he was concerned. Nadia said it to put the boot in - nasty woman
Can't see Nadia getting

that If the comments on here are anything to go by she'll be out at the first opportunity.... Can't believe I actually voted for her to win BB5
I did too Supes, I've done a complete turn around with her now, she's awful
Yellow Rose
Same here, but I think she's 'chayyyynged' (as Lea would put it).
Always had a quick temper, but not like this. A there used to be a bit of humour and humility about her, too. We've spawned a frickin monster, folks
Victor tells Nadia that Josie had complained about her. "Who was she kidding?" Nadia replies. "She was a fun character but bloody predictable, she had no competition in this house - all this romance, that’s all there was to her. She had no character, she's bloody forgettable - she's Rachel, that what she is. She's a Cameron that’s what she is."
That just tells me that her comment about John James to Josie was totally calculated. I hope she goes next, what a nasty piece of work!

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