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he even went on his wheel for a last few spins the day before...gulp.
It is heartbreaking when you lose a pet,I have lost many over the years and am always devestated.....Thinking of them all at Rainbow bridge is very comforting..all my dogs, guinea pigs,rabbits, and hamsters will be there for me....and for you too....
Aww thank you all.I know some folk think it was only a little furry,but they are still little characters.Next week we go on another hamster search!

My younger cousin ,who is now 24 years old and built like a brick house and is a door person /security guy,blubbled when his old dog called "Ruffles" a Bichon Frise had to be put to sleep over 6 weeks ago aged nearly 17.
Oh and to put a tin lid on it I got stung by  a  wasp(I think) yesterday too.I was talking to my neighbour in the garden and felt a sharp needle sting  on my upper inside arm.OUch I thought I've been bitten etc,flicked  away whatever,then noticed the usual white lump with red pin prick centre.Dabs of vinegar,then some HC45.24 hours later I  have a large red patch on my arm,(well an inch square)
Awwww, katty!  
I knew he was getting old and had had a few health issues, but it's always a wrench, isn't it? I remember you posting about him when you first got him - his long fluffy 'skirts' and how pleased you were when he became tame. He obviously had a great life, and a long one!

My remaining ancient two are still truckin' on. Motley is looking pretty geriatric these days, but Gray still thinks she's a nipper, even though she's about two-and-a-half!

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