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She laid a load of unfertilised eggs, recently, which we had to gradually remove, while she was wrapped round them. She's been sulking ever since!
awwwww... you stole her babies....  fake babies...  

poor corn snake!

I've had a hamster (ours too escaped...  chewed through every electrical wire it could find, somehow escaping electrocution, rampaged round the wall cavities & then presented itself in my Nana's room under her tights!

Also had guinea pigs, a cat, a rat, numerous dogs...   and loved them all, but the cat was the only one that didn't seem to love us back.    He buggered off in the end... went & found himself a new family when I came home from hospital carrying baby no. 2...    he took one look and left!   Guess he couldn't face going through all that again!
no... though that would have been funnier...    she reckoned she'd left them on the back of her chair and they must have slid onto the floor (my mum says thats bull & she'll have just thrown them on the floor...  its my paternal nana )...   the poor thing somehow found its way in, but couldn't get out.

Or it was preparing to go rob a bank..
I must be honest, I didn't realise you could teach cats to stay off the worktops.
It's dead easy (looks around to make sure there are no cats present).  What you do is put the cat ON the worktop.  When they jump down, you put them back up.  Do this a few times and Voila!  The cat thinks that you want them there and will never go up again.

It's reverse cat psychology.
That's what I don't like about them too, and the 'gifts' they sometimes like to bring their people.
But on the upside at least they never try to shag your leg. Or your furniture. Or your friends' legs. Or your mother's leg...

Or do that dragging themselves around by their front paws to scratch their bum on your carpet thing.
But on the upside at least they never try to shag your leg. Or your furniture. Or your friends' legs. Or your mother's leg...

Or do that dragging themselves around by their front paws to scratch their bum on your carpet thing
my dog doesn't do any of that!

(but does need fairly frequent bum washes ... usually first thing on a Monday if he KNOWS its a shit day anyway )

What you cat haters need is a Mo-Cat.

For those of you who have seen "How To Train Your Dragon" - my two came home and announced Toothless was a Mo-Dragon. That is the ultimate accolade.

He's the colour of 85% chocolate with kiwi green eyes. Probably dropped on his head as a kitten but thoroughly adorable and besotted with my daughter (and vice versa) and his stomach. But his stomach comes a distant second to his Lydia. They sleep curled up together and he sits on her chair at supper - never attempts to dive for the food on her plate.

He catches nothing more than leaves - except for one Christmas week 3 years ago when he brought home a robin so 10/10 for brilliant timing!

He's currently curled up with son on his gaming beanbag purring loudly and vibrating ever so slightly.  This is an M&S cat.

He is thoroughly and utterly indulged and he makes every day seem brighter. I'm already dreading how she'll cope when he leaves this mortal coil and he's only 5.

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