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Former Member
Can you believe it?  They sent my income tax return form back to me!

In response to question No:4, "Do you have any dependants?"
I replied -
2.1 million illegal immigrants,
1.1 million crack heads,
4.4 million unemployable people,
901 thousand people in over 85 prisons,
and 650 idiots in Parliament.
Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.

Who the hell did I miss?

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Originally Posted by nuts:
Can you believe it?  They sent my income tax return form back to me!

In response to question No:4, "Do you have any dependants?"
I replied -
2.1 million illegal immigrants,
1.1 million crack heads,
4.4 million unemployable people,
901 thousand people in over 85 prisons,
and 650 idiots in Parliament.
Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.

Who the hell did I miss?

HMRC! They are dependent on your tax.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Can you believe it?  They sent my income tax return form back to me!

In response to question No:4, "Do you have any dependants?"
I replied -
2.1 million illegal immigrants,
1.1 million crack heads,
4.4 million unemployable people,
901 thousand people in over 85 prisons,
and 650 idiots in Parliament.
Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.

Who the hell did I miss?

HMRC! They are dependent on your tax.

LOL! Tell me about it! I'm currently paying back ÂĢ800 cos they moved the goalposts! 


My sisters brother-in-law, who is 56 .worked all his days, but lost his job because of cheaper labour , has now had to go on Jobseekers Allowance of a pricely sum of ÂĢ71 per week. To add insult to injury, he got a letter this morning saying its taxable  Not that surely, any tax will be taken, but really!!!!!

Originally Posted by nuts:

Why is it that always the working people are screwed? 

Indeed  No answers, sorry and this Government haven't any either, apparently, except scoring points from each other. Very funny for them, not so much for us, paying their huge wages and perks 
Not going on the soap box ! Off to my kip before i really get started !

Nite xxx 


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