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Originally posted by Growlybear:
I think it's also worth bearing in mind that some people find it offensive when they see people professing grief for people who they have never met, like Michael Jackson, the Princess of Wales etc. I'm not for a minute having a go at anyone who finds that something like this sets off a grieving process for someone they have lost themselves, and realise that can happen. But I don't think that is the case with the majority of the people who post in threads like the ones we've seen today.

When I die, I want my funeral to be funny and unconventional. I want people to wear bright colours, laugh, and joke about all the silly things I've done in my life, take the piss out of me, and I want to force them to listen to the sort of music they've always groaned about. The last thing I woudl ever want is for it to be a sombre affair with weeping and wailing.

I feel much the same about threads on death. If someone posted that they had lost a family member, friend etc, I would of course be respectful, and offer my condolences, because that is personal. But the death of a celebrity is very different, and I can see no reason for people not to express their feelings, or why anyone should be expected to display fake grief or respect when they don't feel that way.

well said growly Big Grin
i myself am pretty devaststated that MJ has died ... his music has grown up with me and i remember when it was ALL about the music and not the media scapegoat he became ...... BUT !
i have to admit to laughing at black humour , ok some of the jokes are pretty sick and in bad taste but , i admit they can be so bad that the shock factor is quite funny Ninja does that make me bad ? (no pun intended)
of course if it was a forum member telling of personal grief at the loss of a friend or loved one, any joke making would go beyond the realms of decency.....
people in the public eye are open to all sorts of jokes and slatings, its just the way it is...
and for the record wherever he is now im sure he dont give a flying one about any of it
Originally posted by kit-cat:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Those RIP and angel threads for celebrities really creep me out. Also, when people talk about the dead being in heaven and god taking care of them creeps me out a bit too. I'm being serious here, they really do. Perhaps those posters should desist in respect of my feelings? Or, alternatively, we just all get on with it as we wish and not be so sensitive about the written word?

Nod totally agree

wavey Long time, as it were, sort of, so to speak etc.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by EDWARDIAN LIL:
people that have experienced death first hand through losing someone 'are in the knowledge'

sadly until it happens to you first hand you don't know any better

equally those that have experienced it first hand should have the understanding to know this and be accepting of it Nod

My mum died young of bowel cancer. My dad died of a heart attack following kidney and other health problems. All my grandparents are dead. One of my uncles too. My beloved cats are dead. Even my mate's first guinea pigs, which I loved dearly, are dead. Lordy, the two dwarf conifers on my balcony died this spring too. Having experienced all that, the deaths of Michael Jackson, Jade Goody, Princess Diana, and Bob the Dog are less than nothing, really. And all that up there doesn't require any hug smileys. It's just life and it goes on.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by kit-cat:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Those RIP and angel threads for celebrities really creep me out. Also, when people talk about the dead being in heaven and god taking care of them creeps me out a bit too. I'm being serious here, they really do. Perhaps those posters should desist in respect of my feelings? Or, alternatively, we just all get on with it as we wish and not be so sensitive about the written word?

Nod totally agree

wavey Long time, as it were, sort of, so to speak etc.

So to speak yes Wink Good to see you here Big Grin
If we are going to get down to brass tacks.... Rather like Danny La Rue, Michael never had a real friend or someone to look after his interests. The guy made loads and died in debt. Surrounded by a bunch of sycophants and people interested in obtaining his cash. Where were his family in all this? They appear to be a bunch of arseholes.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by EDWARDIAN LIL:
people that have experienced death first hand through losing someone 'are in the knowledge'

sadly until it happens to you first hand you don't know any better

equally those that have experienced it first hand should have the understanding to know this and be accepting of it Nod

My mum died young of bowel cancer. My dad died of a heart attack following kidney and other health problems. All my grandparents are dead. One of my uncles too. My beloved cats are dead. Even my mate's first guinea pigs, which I loved dearly, are dead. Lordy, the two dwarf conifers on my balcony died this spring too. Having experienced all that, the deaths of Michael Jackson, Jade Goody, Princess Diana, and Bob the Dog are less than nothing, really. And all that up there doesn't require any hug smileys. It's just life and it goes on.

You're a jinx Eeker Ninja
The Secretary
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by EDWARDIAN LIL:
people that have experienced death first hand through losing someone 'are in the knowledge'

sadly until it happens to you first hand you don't know any better

equally those that have experienced it first hand should have the understanding to know this and be accepting of it Nod

My mum died young of bowel cancer. My dad died of a heart attack following kidney and other health problems. All my grandparents are dead. One of my uncles too. My beloved cats are dead. Even my mate's first guinea pigs, which I loved dearly, are dead. Lordy, the two dwarf conifers on my balcony died this spring too. Having experienced all that, the deaths of Michael Jackson, Jade Goody, Princess Diana, and Bob the Dog are less than nothing, really. And all that up there doesn't require any hug smileys. It's just life and it goes on.

Same...(cept the guinea pig bit)...and I laughed and joked at all of those occasions...if I can do it for them Ican certainly do it for some random bloke who made decent music but who really meant nothing in my life.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
If we are going to get down to brass tacks.... Rather like Danny La Rue, Michael never had a real friend or someone to look after his interests. The guy made loads and died in debt. Surrounded by a bunch of sycophants and people interested in obtaining his cash. Where were his family in all this? They appear to be a bunch of arseholes.

I absolutely agree. Nod

When the news people spoke to his 'so called' friends this morning and they were asked..'So when was the last time you spoke to Michael?'...not one gave a straight answer.Frowner

A little too late to comment if you ask me.
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
If we are going to get down to brass tacks.... Rather like Danny La Rue, Michael never had a real friend or someone to look after his interests. The guy made loads and died in debt. Surrounded by a bunch of sycophants and people interested in obtaining his cash. Where were his family in all this? They appear to be a bunch of arseholes.

I absolutely agree. Nod

When the news people spoke to his 'so called' friends this morning and they were asked..'So when was the last time you spoke to Michael?'...not one gave a straight answer.Frowner

A little too late to comment if you ask me.

Nod f***ing uri uphisownerse geller
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Maybe a section should be added to the forum? Any celebrity appreciation/tribute threads should be posted there... then people who do wish to pay respect can do and the ones who want to enjoy BB and discuss BB on the BB forum can, instead of having to see 11 threads about MJ Nod

Most sensible suggestion all day.

I respect the dead and don't like reading the jokes and cynical comments, although I wasn't a massive MJ fan Earthsong is in my all time top ten, so I would like a thread where people who wanted to could just pay their respects.
Isn't that the thing with forums, though? It's somewhere to express yourself that's free of the baggage of real life. It's not therapy, for heavens sake, where we have 'safe circles' where no-one should criticise what we express. We just throw our thoughts into the ring and some people agree with them and some disagree. I've never really got the sometime idea that we must all respect everyone else's opinion and be supportive. What's the point in that on a forum?
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
If we are going to get down to brass tacks.... Rather like Danny La Rue, Michael never had a real friend or someone to look after his interests. The guy made loads and died in debt. Surrounded by a bunch of sycophants and people interested in obtaining his cash. Where were his family in all this? They appear to be a bunch of arseholes.

I absolutely agree. Nod

When the news people spoke to his 'so called' friends this morning and they were asked..'So when was the last time you spoke to Michael?'...not one gave a straight answer.Frowner

A little too late to comment if you ask me.

Mark Lester is the godfather to Michael's children , he said they spoke on the phone last week.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Isn't that the thing with forums, though? It's somewhere to express yourself that's free of the baggage of real life. It's not therapy, for heavens sake, where we have 'safe circles' where no-one should criticise what we express. We just throw our thoughts into the ring and some people agree with them and some disagree.

Yes...and we should not censor ourselves just in case someone is going thru something...cos someone always will be....which leaves us with weather and dinner threads.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Isn't that the thing with forums, though? It's somewhere to express yourself that's free of the baggage of real life. It's not therapy, for heavens sake, where we have 'safe circles' where no-one should criticise what we express. We just throw our thoughts into the ring and some people agree with them and some disagree.

Yes...and we should not censor ourselves just in case someone is going thru something...cos someone always will be....which leaves us with weather and dinner threads.

and BB threads lol Ninja
I don't want to antagonise the OP, but I do take issue with her assertion that people who aren't heartbroken by MJ's death shouldn't post, just because their views are different to hers. By that logic, we could just as easily claim SHE shouldn't post, because her views are different to ours.

This isn't a dictatorship, all views are equally valid and no-one has the right to tell others they shouldn't post, just because they're not joining in the wailing.

For the record, I think MJ's death is sad, but I'm not devastated by it - I never knew him.
I reacted the same way when Diana died. A few hours before her death, I'd been to the funeral of someone I actually KNEW, where everyone was devastated but dignified, so the whole spectacle of mass hysteria that followed left me cold.

I'd guess most of us have lost people over the years, and there's no comparison between that and the death of some celebrity, IMO.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by EDWARDIAN LIL:
people that have experienced death first hand through losing someone 'are in the knowledge'

sadly until it happens to you first hand you don't know any better

equally those that have experienced it first hand should have the understanding to know this and be accepting of it Nod

My mum died young of bowel cancer. My dad died of a heart attack following kidney and other health problems. All my grandparents are dead. One of my uncles too. My beloved cats are dead. Even my mate's first guinea pigs, which I loved dearly, are dead. Lordy, the two dwarf conifers on my balcony died this spring too. Having experienced all that, the deaths of Michael Jackson, Jade Goody, Princess Diana, and Bob the Dog are less than nothing, really. And all that up there doesn't require any hug smileys. It's just life and it goes on.

Don't diss Bob the Dog!!!!! Angry

Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Isn't that the thing with forums, though? It's somewhere to express yourself that's free of the baggage of real life. It's not therapy, for heavens sake, where we have 'safe circles' where no-one should criticise what we express. We just throw our thoughts into the ring and some people agree with them and some disagree. I've never really got the sometime idea that we must all respect everyone else's opinion and be supportive. What's the point in that on a forum?

Again you win.....

I give up...fayn nights (sp).... Wink
Originally posted by Demantoid:
I don't want to antagonise the OP, but I do take issue with her assertion that people who aren't heartbroken by MJ's death shouldn't post, just because their views are different to hers. By that logic, we could just as easily claim SHE shouldn't post, because her views are different to ours.

This isn't a dictatorship, all views are equally valid and no-one has the right to tell others they shouldn't post, just because they're not joining in the wailing.

For the record, I think MJ's death is sad, but I'm not devastated by it - I never knew him.
I reacted the same way when Diana died. A few hours before her death, I'd been to the funeral of someone I actually KNEW, where everyone was devastated but dignified, so the whole spectacle of mass hysteria that followed left me cold.

I'd guess most of us have lost people over the years, and there's no comparison between that and the death of some celebrity, IMO.

For the record I wasn't saying don't post..I was just saying I (in my opinion)which I apparently am entitled to, find it unnecessary to post sick jokes when others are obviously upset on the same thread!!!...That was all...... Disappointed
you know , im sitting here thinking about my dad dying in feb ..... me and my brothers after crying our hearts out and drinking ourselves into oblivion sat there and took the piss out of all of his mad antics and crazy things he used to do .... the 'dad' things , its a way of release, we laughed and laughed and it was crazy .... he died abroad in Gibraltar where he lived and its a very small place so EVERYONE knew he had passed, we were getting some strange looks in our hotel bar ...
when we went to the mortuary one of my brothers broke down and had his hands and head on the coffin ..... my other brother knocked on the side of it and made him jump .....well we all absolutley killed ourselves laughing Ninja
sounds morbid ? sounds bad ? well i dont think so... life is for celebrating and laughing sure as hell beats crying, and i know for one my old man was cracking up along with us Big Grin
Originally posted by lal:
find it unnecessary to post sick jokes when others are obviously upset on the same thread!!!...That was all...... Disappointed

Well, on the flip side, there was a thread about how peeps weren't really bothered and a couple of us went in there about how sad we were...should we not have gone in there?

I haven't seen any 'sick' jokes this evening. I saw a very disturbing one this morning, but only harmless ones this evening.

The blame it on the Boogie ones I find funny Blush
Originally posted by lorraineshere:
you know , im sitting here thinking about my dad dying in feb ..... me and my brothers after crying our hearts out and drinking ourselves into oblivion sat there and took the piss out of all of his mad antics and crazy things he used to do .... the 'dad' things , its a way of release, we laughed and laughed and it was crazy .... he died abroad in Gibraltar where he lived and its a very small place so EVERYONE knew he had passed, we were getting some strange looks in our hotel bar ...
when we went to the mortuary one of my brothers broke down and had his hands and head on the coffin ..... my other brother knocked on the side of it and made him jump .....well we all absolutley killed ourselves laughing Ninja
sounds morbid ? sounds bad ? well i dont think so... life is for celebrating and laughing sure as hell beats crying, and i know for one my old man was cracking up along with us Big Grin
Thumbs Upagreed
Originally posted by lorraineshere:
you know , im sitting here thinking about my dad dying in feb ..... me and my brothers after crying our hearts out and drinking ourselves into oblivion sat there and took the piss out of all of his mad antics and crazy things he used to do .... the 'dad' things , its a way of release, we laughed and laughed and it was crazy .... he died abroad in Gibraltar where he lived and its a very small place so EVERYONE knew he had passed, we were getting some strange looks in our hotel bar ...
when we went to the mortuary one of my brothers broke down and had his hands and head on the coffin ..... my other brother knocked on the side of it and made him jump .....well we all absolutley killed ourselves laughing Ninja
sounds morbid ? sounds bad ? well i dont think so... life is for celebrating and laughing sure as hell beats crying, and i know for one my old man was cracking up along with us Big Grin

Sorry about your dad Hug

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