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Reference Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ Today at 21:11:
Ife messed her dance up by losing her wig half way through, she felt embarrassed that she'd made an idiot of herself rather than just laughing it off. She then lashed out of Shabby and Kevin because she's been secretly looking for reasons to ditch them since last week when they were both up for eviction.
Actually, I think there was a bit more to it that that.

IMO, Ife wasn't dancing - she was performing. (She's a professional singer/dancer, remember.)
That's why Caoimhe and Shabby were cringing - they couldn't believe how blatant Ife was being. It also explains Shabby's comment about it looking like a "GCSE drama play".
They touched a nerve, and that's why Ife reacted - just like how Shabby over-reacted when Ben mentioned that she was an actress...
Eugene's Lair
my summary

shabby gets narked because people are getting the sweeties she wants in the other room.  she starts off the bitching and belittling of all of them.

Caiomhe joins in the bitching as usual.  Ife is just enjoying the freedom of dancing and is having a laugh doing silly dancing.  S and C  can't bear to see someone enjoying themselves when they aren't and start mocking her in a nasty way.

Ife gets rightly offended because real friends don't act this way, snotty girls who think they are better than anyone else do.  Iffy is both angry and upset as she realises what a fool she has been all along for thinking they were genuine friends and kiks off.

Sand C backtrack quickly as most bullies do when confronted.   When Iffy goes away, they decide to trash the bedroom just to get back the limelight and to spite the others in the party room that they are having more fun than they are.

When the shit hits the fan.  Ben hastily tries to get them all to stick together to protect themselves.

Lots of rows.  After S realises she can't wheedle her way round Iffy this time and  realises that half the house now can see what a nasty shit she is, decides to do the brave thing and leg it out of the house sharpish.  C tags along after showing Iffy et al what a stuck up superior bitch she is.
I'm edging more towards DS's take on it. Shabby has been doing an audition for the duration of her time in there, Ife is also doing the same. Shabby and Caoimhe had a flaming cheek to call what Ife was doing uncool and cringe worthy...I've been cringing at their antics since it started. Especially Shabby's pratt fall in to the house and most of her soliloquies in to her mike.
IMO, Ife wasn't dancing - she was performing. (She's a professional singer/dancer, remember.) That's why Caoimhe and Shabby were cringing - they couldn't believe how blatant Ife was being. It also explains Shabby's comment about it looking like a "GCSE drama play".
the thing is even if Ife was performing and even if she did feel a fool when her wig came off (which i don't subscribe to myself)...real friends wouldn't mock and bitch , they'd tease or laugh WITH her, not AT her.

This is the difference that made Ife angry with them, and it would have made me angry too in her position    I'd have felt really betrayed and I think Ife did too
Reference DanceSettee Today at 22:37:
 the thing is even if Ife was performing and even if she did feel a fool when her wig came off (which i don't subscribe to myself)...real friends wouldn't mock and bitch , they'd tease or laugh WITH her, not AT her.
Oh, sure. Just to be clear: I'm not defending Shabby or Caoimhe. I think they're all a complete shower.
I mean, Shabby hasn't got the right to have a go at anyone for playing-up to the cameras - then again, neither has Ife, but that's what she did to Sunshine...
Eugene's Lair

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