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Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I can understand why it affected you so much mate but maybe it's time to let bygone be bygones and just live for today? it will be hard but    your mums worth it. You dont have to be bessie mate with her fella, just agree not to talk about him and get on with it, i swear its a worry for mum and like i said even if its just for her sake being civil with chit chat etc would put those worries to bed.


Either way i feel for you, families can be shit cos you cant just walk away (no matter how much you want to) hope your mum feels better soon and you see her more!!


she (sis) has got neighbours to either inform her/police if i turn up at the door

she's changed the code on the door

shes spiteful

i remember once when she was at our holiday home she hid the toilet roll, cos she couldnt get her own way-she was 61 FFS

Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

im banned from the ma's house

half sis has the police on me if i go

sounds like im a nutcase lol

im not

so when i saw my ma in hospital-it was the first time ive seen her in about a year

families eh?

Oh, dear.

Well, I'm glad you went to see her. 


A jigsaw is a great idea! My MIL loves them, too. We also like them (in the winter, when the weather keeps us indoors.) I also like the bed socks/wheat bag idea. When you're 90, you're always cold, and probably something always hurts.


Yogi, they said that Crohn's is a young person's disease, so they are a bit at a loss as to treatment. I've always said she was young at heart.

I was 40 when I was diagnosed, so not that young.

I hope they are able to find suitable treatment for her. It can be a bit hit-and-miss for everyone re treatment, because what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Her quality of life can be greatly improved with the correct meds, so make sure you fight for her.

Originally Posted by pirate1111:


she (sis) has got neighbours to either inform her/police if i turn up at the door

she's changed the code on the door

shes spiteful

i remember once when she was at our holiday home she hid the toilet roll, cos she couldnt get her own way-she was 61 FFS

Pirate have you done anything wrong that maybe you could own up to and regret?


Get your mum to sign a paper saying she is ok with you visiting, seriously shes you mother she needs you around mate, i would take it further, you only have your mums best interests at heart and like i said i have lost mine and couldnt imagine not being 'allowed' to see her when she was still here.


1 big point though, don't ever try to see her/deal with the situation when you have a drink on you, it will only look bad on you and make you react differently.


for your mum, we only get one.



thank you for your lovely and supportive messages

i think im gonna disappear for a bit to sort me mother out, i wanna stay there..but..

effing hate my family (apart from said mother)

love my OH

love my greyhounds

love my big gay step-brother (who is bringing me baccy back from his holiday)

love you lot

see ya around xmas time - if im not in the blue brick

ina bit


Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Get your mum to sign a paper saying she is ok with you visiting, seriously shes you mother she needs you around mate, i would take it further, you only have your mums best interests at heart and like i said i have lost mine and couldnt imagine not being 'allowed' to see her when she was still here.


1 big point though, don't ever try to see her/deal with the situation when you have a drink on you, it will only look bad on you and make you react differently.


for your mum, we only get one.

Great post Pirate.....listen....x

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I was 40 when I was diagnosed, so not that young.

I hope they are able to find suitable treatment for her. It can be a bit hit-and-miss for everyone re treatment, because what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Her quality of life can be greatly improved with the correct meds, so make sure you fight for her.

Well, compared to 83, you are a spring chicken.

They've just now told us that the options are medication or complete removal of the colon with a permanent bag. Dear God, for her sake I hope the  med work.


So, meds work OK for you, then?

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

now im off to kip lol


i witnessed my half sis get beaten by her husband, he nearly killed her twice, another time he made her have an abortion, when she came home, he kicked her in the stomach and asked for the change,called the police on my dad, he's in a wheelchair, oblivious to why the police are there (the cop involved got the sack, turned out he was a friend of bro-in-law)


i was about 7-15 when i witnessed all this, she cant understand why i hold a grudge-she lies about it now-says it never happened

she's lied about me to make it look like im a liar-its ****ed my head up 

Sad to hear your story but i dont think a forum is the right way to go to open up about your past. A councilor would be a better option here i think. Hope you get everything though.

Originally Posted by Tori:

Sad to hear your story but i dont think a forum is the right way to go to open up about your past. A councilor would be a better option here i think. Hope you get everything though.

This forum is a paper and pencil, if it makes people get it off their chest, then it is all good...........


This forum is for Laughing, Crying, Imagining, and just posting..............


Gawd Bless all who post in her!.......(And the Forum has to be a her, just cos) 

Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I was 40 when I was diagnosed, so not that young.

I hope they are able to find suitable treatment for her. It can be a bit hit-and-miss for everyone re treatment, because what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Her quality of life can be greatly improved with the correct meds, so make sure you fight for her.

Well, compared to 83, you are a spring chicken.

They've just now told us that the options are medication or complete removal of the colon with a permanent bag. Dear God, for her sake I hope the  med work.


So, meds work OK for you, then?

I'm 51 now, so catching up with her.

Just meds, no bag for me. Although things can be a bit unsettled at times, on the whole, the meds are keeping things under control. There are several drugs and several combinations of drugs they can try, before going down the op route.

I'll be thinking of your MiL and hoping they can successfully treat her with meds.

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Sad to hear your story but i dont think a forum is the right way to go to open up about your past. A councilor would be a better option here i think. Hope you get everything though.

This forum is a paper and pencil, if it make people get it off their chest, then it is all good...........


This forum is for Laughing, Crying, Imagining, and just posting..............


Gawd Bless all who post in her!.......(And the Forum has to be a her, just cos) 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

she's 90 next week!

Hold her hand, I bet her birthday is the last thing on her mind....

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww yes - I was just gonna post that she'll want a big cuddle and just to know that someones there. Can you not download some of her favourite tunes for her on an MP3 player.


I really hope she's feeling better soon

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I was 40 when I was diagnosed, so not that young.

I hope they are able to find suitable treatment for her. It can be a bit hit-and-miss for everyone re treatment, because what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Her quality of life can be greatly improved with the correct meds, so make sure you fight for her.

Well, compared to 83, you are a spring chicken.

They've just now told us that the options are medication or complete removal of the colon with a permanent bag. Dear God, for her sake I hope the  med work.


So, meds work OK for you, then?

I'm 51 now, so catching up with her.

Just meds, no bag for me. Although things can be a bit unsettled at times, on the whole, the meds are keeping things under control. There are several drugs and several combinations of drugs they can try, before going down the op route.

I'll be thinking of your MiL and hoping they can successfully treat her with meds.

Thanks, Yogi! Me, too....she's an independent cuss, and I think the bag would make it harder for her to remain so, at her age.

Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I was 40 when I was diagnosed, so not that young.

I hope they are able to find suitable treatment for her. It can be a bit hit-and-miss for everyone re treatment, because what works for one person doesn't always work for another. Her quality of life can be greatly improved with the correct meds, so make sure you fight for her.

Well, compared to 83, you are a spring chicken.

They've just now told us that the options are medication or complete removal of the colon with a permanent bag. Dear God, for her sake I hope the  med work.


So, meds work OK for you, then?

I'm 51 now, so catching up with her.

Just meds, no bag for me. Although things can be a bit unsettled at times, on the whole, the meds are keeping things under control. There are several drugs and several combinations of drugs they can try, before going down the op route.

I'll be thinking of your MiL and hoping they can successfully treat her with meds.

Thanks, Yogi! Me, too....she's an independent cuss, and I think the bag would make it harder for her to remain so, at her age.

I guess it might be harder for her to adapt then a much younger person, but with support and an independent spirit, I'm sure she would be fine.

Remember though, it may not come to that.


Hope she's not in too much pain pirate and they're looking after her well. Perhaps you can pay for her to have the tv in hospital or get her a mobile phone if she doesn't have one so you can call her direct.

She will need help when she gets home - such a shame you can't go and help out.


Lori - hope your MIL is getting help and will be able to manage her illness xx

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Hope she's not in too much pain pirate and they're looking after her well. Perhaps you can pay for her to have the tv in hospital or get her a mobile phone if she doesn't have one so you can call her direct.

She will need help when she gets home - such a shame you can't go and help out.


Lori - hope your MIL is getting help and will be able to manage her illness xx

I echo everything Veggie said in her post   Pirate and Lori 

Originally Posted by Tori:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

Sad to hear your story but i dont think a forum is the right way to go to open up about your past. A councilor would be a better option here i think. Hope you get everything though.

back now,

ive stopped panicking

and honestly having a whinge on here made me feel better

and it was cheaper than seeing a pycshcologist
which i cant even spell

but you know what i mean


ta for the messages

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by SezitSparklySnowflake:

Awww. Pirate.


she's ok

a nice careworker has phoned me with the new code for the door

so if she's not back by her birthday, im gonna go in a leave a present and put the christmas tree up

That's a lovely thing to do. If I leave you my address, will you do the same for me?

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
 if she's not back by her birthday, im gonna go in a leave a present and put the christmas tree up

 beautiful thought pirate


only a small present

gotta climb into the spiderery dust filled loft for the tree

thats a present in itself lol

It wasn't the present part, it was the putting up of the tree part, and knowing you have to scramble about in a dusty loft to accomplish it, makes it all the more special......xxxx


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