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Old boy bunny Rio  is off his food etc.He had a full dental again about a month ago,I've had him back at the vets twice since,he got  a course of anti-biotics to see if that would help(It did last time)no results..he's been weighed and is fine at the moment,but he's not eating his bunny food,just his veg.I did think he's drinking more water etc.Vet stated buns can get diabetes or maybe his kidneys are failing. He will be eight years old in Feb.That,the vet said is a great age for a bun,about 80 in human terms...sigh! I Loves the old furry fool! Vet said he's not suffering and seems chipper enough etc.However he said i would know if he's suffering etc.sob!

I'm not giving up on the old bugger yet!

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Wow 8 is amazing for a bunny!  Bless his cotton furry tootsies!    I wish him well.  Does he live in your house?  Or in the garden?  We used to have a bunny that lived in the conservatory in the winter and he had the whole 10 X 12 foot space to run...  Also, he used to run around the house about 3 or 4 hours a day when we were in.


In the summer - between March and October, he stayed in his hutch and his 15 X 10 foot run we made for him (where we had his hutch placed,) , although we did let him run around the garden for 5 or 6 hours a day on about half the days of the week....  He loved human company.  


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