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God knows how it happened
i left her at a pub for a party-i went home-did dinner-went back
someone said she'd fell over-so i found her in the beer garden
she HAD fell over and blood was pissing out of her side
i had a better look-and i noticed a 'slit' in her side
an ambulance got called-the cop said it looked like a screwdriver had stabbed her, paramedics said the same-the doc at the hospital put a 'swab' stick inside the wound-6cm! and said it was a screwdriver or something similar
she had them scan thingys, but it missed her bowel cos it went in at an angle
so she didnt have to have surgery but she was kept in overnight
CID,cops, barstaff and us have checked where she fell-lots of blood-no sharp 3inch long things lying about
so the cops have came to the conclusion she was stabbed-they checked CCTV and nothing

but shes home safe and sound now and i wont let her outta my sight!

anyone wanna play detective and give me some theories?

ive been offered one by a local but its so outlandish and away with the fairies, i dare not consider it

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nah-nothing her in pockets-they were empty
there were loads of people about - villa had played chelsea that day and loads went to the pub to watch the match-it was busy til late at night
but cos everyone was as pissed as rats (inc OH) no one can remember anything-the CCTV showed nothing
you gotta bear in mind my OH is the nicest, kindest person ever, but the only conclusion we can all come to is someone jabbed her
dunno why or how
That's a really strange one! I'm glad to hear that she's relatively alright now, but how shocking.

If CCTV didn't show anything at the time of her fall, ie no-one near her to have done something like that, how about prior to it? The few minutes leading up to it? She might not have known it happened, and the fall was the delayed reaction. Sounds far-fetched, but it can, and does happen.
to suzy an jenny
she'd been the pub since 1pm i went at 3pm, she'd downed about 4 pints-they'd just started on the sambucas (sp) about 5 went down-each
i had 3 pints, 3 sambucas at 6.30pm, i felt pissed and went home and made dinner-so God knows what she'd drank after i left-they were all the same-i just havent got a clue what happened
. I'm sure I'd know if I'd been stabbed and how it happened even if I was totally off my face
i totally banned her her from ever going there again-and where did i find her earlier..?
in the bloody beer garden looking for clues-not drinking cos shes on anti biotics-but she was there, searching lol

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