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Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Ditty, im so sorry to hear about your mum, my thoughts are with you and your family.


Erin asked me to give you a message from her...she sends you  and she is thinking of you xxx

Thank you, 


where is Erin?    is she ok?  

Shes very well Ditty, she left us last week,  not totally sure why but maybe she'll send you a message soon and you can talk to her. xx


thank you again everyone... 


can report that I am totally through the surreal & numb phase & today it totally hit me like a steam train (I was stripping the hospital bed she had been using the last few months at home)...   Dad asked me to do it..   when I walked in I saw that it had been left exactly as it was..   it even had mum shape indented in the pillows.


on the bedside table were her glasses, her watch, her mobile phone..      basically my Mum..    all there..   only she wasn't there with them 


Funeral set for 4th Feb 11.45am..    


plenty of time to fall apart a few times before then then 



Right..   am unshamaedly pissed again..     will pop in tomorrow xx 




Ditty you are experiencing one of the most painful times of your life, a huge marker in your life. Everything you are feeling, experiencing is so personal to you and yet so understandable to those who've been through the same experience. There's a process to loss and grief, the process is individual to the person but in the bigger picture it's the same for everyone...the deep loss of a very much loved one. Don't worry about being pissed, whatever helps is right for the time  Much Love to you xxxxx

Yellow Rose

Oh Ditty it must be heartbreaking for you to see your Mum's things all there, and her not there with them. I'm so sorry 

Your Mum will always be with you, inside your heart.


A few drinkies or whatever helps... nothing wrong with that. One thing that helps is to express your grief - get it out - which is exactly what you are doing  


We're all thinking of you xx


Ditty it must be so hard for you - just going through the motions and being like an automaton then finding her stuff exactly where she left it as if life goes on must be a blow to you



I remember after my mammy passed I cleared all her stuff but I found it impossible to move her daily handbag from beside the chair that she sat at by the fire.  it was a full 12 months before I contemplated going through it and putting it away.  I used to just lift it to hoover round it and give it a quick dusting.  Inside I found her wedding ring that I thought had been lost at the hospital inside a zipped portion.



You're time to grieve properly will be when she's had her funeral but until then take care of yourself




where the hell did I get Feb from???   totally lost the plot!


yeah..  its 4th Sept..      



Limbo time again!        just been to the florists with dad, brother & Ickle..    we've sorted our flowers & the *shudders at phrase* 'coffin topper' 


Dad over complicating the arrangements for who sits in which car..     brother & I have now (at his request) returned to our homes to give him a bit of time alone..    well, I've given him 24 hours..    told him I will be down tomorrow afternoon so we can take the dogs out together


It will come in time Ditty, be easy on yourself, it took a year after I lost my hubby before the memories started to come.   They are such a comfort.  It can still catch you offguard my nephew posted some pics on FB of my sister who I lost a year before, and the pain of suddenly seeing her again was suddenly raw again.  You will get there

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

and... and...and...  


he has managed to unearth a load of baby pics of me LOOKING LIKE WILLIAM HAGUE!!! 


That's a brilliant picture ditty, your Mum was a beautiful young woman.


Am I allowed to laugh at William Hague?

how could you not?  


I am horrified at this revelation!   Prior to these pics I'd always found some comfort in the fact that underneath all the seriously hideous clothes I had on, I was actually quite a bonnie baby!!!


They must have taken me for emergency head reshaping or something 

Originally Posted by squiggle:

It will come in time Ditty, be easy on yourself, it took a year after I lost my hubby before the memories started to come.   They are such a comfort.  It can still catch you offguard my nephew posted some pics on FB of my sister who I lost a year before, and the pain of suddenly seeing her again was suddenly raw again.  You will get there

thank you 


and thank you for your post the day Mum died  (about Rev Trev's miraculously timed visit).


Its interesting what you say about it taking a year for the memories to come back..    I am currently finding it really really hard to remember good times Ma & I had prior to her being ill.   I KNOW we had them..   its just everytime I try I remember something I get memories of us arguing or memories of her from the past few weeks..    


I've been told not to panic, and that I haven't forgotten the good times..   that I will be able to remember everything again in time.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

and... and...and...  


he has managed to unearth a load of baby pics of me LOOKING LIKE WILLIAM HAGUE!!! 


That's a brilliant picture ditty, your Mum was a beautiful young woman.


Am I allowed to laugh at William Hague?

how could you not?  


I am horrified at this revelation!   Prior to these pics I'd always found some comfort in the fact that underneath all the seriously hideous clothes I had on, I was actually quite a bonnie baby!!!


They must have taken me for emergency head reshaping or something 

BIB. Aww Ditty, even at this most painful time for you, you can make me laugh.  

Your mum was a very pretty lady.


Beautiful photos of your Mum, and of you as a bonnie child There came a time for me when photos I'd not looked at for a long time were so precious to have. It was a bittersweet experience but they made me smile at the memories, I still look at them from time to time and feel grateful to the person who invented the camera. I wonder if the younger generation will have photos they can hold to look at in the future or are their memories being stored on phones and pc's which could disappear over time.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

sorry to hear news

you lot really helped when i lost my Mom

and i hope we can all help you aswell


and i laughed at william hague...sorry


all the best though

early days you know

but youre BB mates are here for ya

hello pirate & thank you & yeah..  I know..   


its just so shit innit xxx   (the Mum thing..   not me looking like William Hague..  although that too is a bit shit )



you know what this is like..    you're alright one minute..   then out of your head with it all the next..    nothing I can do but accept there is no alturnative but to just go with it 




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