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Fought it hard though..    right til the end.


The actual ACTUAL end (cos there have been quite a few dress rehearsals in the last 6 weeks) was miraculously peaceful...   so peaceful that the first I knew was my brother on the phone saying mum hadn't breathed for over ten minutes, but that neither he nor Dad knew if she had died or not.


Obviously she had..    thankfully just after brother hung up the phone the hospice vicar turned up (coincidence) so was able to call in the various people & help my Dad accept she'd gone etc.


The funeral directors have taken her now..    brother is helping Dad with all the other stuff - Dad wants to do it all.     so..   I am home..    MrD is snoring on the sofa, the girl is iphoning next to me, the dog is snoozing on the floor.... 


it all feels really odd..    


I daredn't poke at the hurt yet...   gonna hang onto the numb feeling for as long as possible.. 


though I don't half fancy a drink..   


can't decide whether to throw normal routine out the window & have a drink...   or whether to get on & do some of the mundane normal things I would normally be doing..     like going out to get the dogs kibble... 


actually I will do that..   then I can get a bottle of bacardi whilst I am out & do the drinking thing when I get back 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Condolences to you and your family Ditty It's a blessing she had a peaceful ending, and is now free of suffering. I too was numb on the day when Mum passed, friends and family who came round couldn't understand why I was offering to make tea all the time instead of crying, that all came later. Just take each moment as it comes xxxxxxx

Yellow Rose

I am so, so, so sorry for you Ditty. I don't know you that well but this forum acquaints us all and as you have included us in this painful time in your life then I hope you will accept my sincerest condolences. In fact 'condolences' always sounds so formal and stuffy, have a big warm hug! A right good tight, loving one that imbues you with all the strength that I wish for you in the days ahead.

I said it before, you are doing this. You're doing it well. You'll probably doubt that in certain moments but even in those moments you're still doing it.


The dog's got his kibble - so you have that Bacardi if that's what you fancy! Lots of love, take care of yourself xxx 



yeah thank you..   all of you..  


you've all helped so much throughout all this..     sometimes I haven't acknowledged individual posts but I have read & appreciated every single one.   They do help..    thank you xxx


Last few weeks were too much -  we were in this headfeck of a limbo hell... I was barely using the laptop and hadn't even looked on here..   main coping mechanism was long walks with Loki & MrD..    then coming home & knocking myself out with Zopiclone...   it felt like it was never going to end...   


now it has and I want to purge the last few weeks from my head..   I do not want to remember her like that..    but gawd..    I don't know how people don't end up traumatised after going through this..    


anyways... its over now..  determined effort now to not think about any of the recent stuff..    


I'm trying not to..   but I can';t help it..    I just feel broken

Ditty, mr summer said exactly the same the last few weeks/months before the actual death, catch up with you hard when it all suddenly stops and it's such an awful feeling. Be proud of yourself for looking after your mum, you were there for her when she needed you. There will be so much to do in next week or two too, so make sure you take that doggy out and get your daily fresh air xxx
~Sparkling Summer~

our local crematorium has a back log...    so its looking like it'll be at least two weeks before the funeral..   


on the plus side it gives us longer to make the arrangements...  on the down side it kinda drags it all out even longer... 


brother & I had both, secretly, been thinking about stuff that needed to be done when we got to this point..   so we were all pretty much on the ball..   Dad wants to be kept busy and wants to do the stuff..   but needs one of us with him to help with the decision making..   


hardest bits today were hearing my Dad telling my Mums body that he would be joining her soon    and then getting him to let her body go, to let the funeral directors take her..


he's calmer now though apparently..     My brother has done the best part of a bottle of scotch with him..   hopefully he'll sleep now     


A sad, sad time Ditty, a head full of,  If only's, sadness, guilty feelings, what do I do now, were has Mum gone, how will life/family be without her..


All these thoughts, even if you are not having them are normal..


One day in the future you will realize your Mum is always with you, usually when you say something that she used to say (that you usually raised your eyebrows at) and you will smile and feel comforted that she is always with you.










Deepest sympathies Ditty xx  


You've coped so well and been real a lynchpin for your family  Go on have some Bacardi or whatever you feel like. It must be very difficult now all the care activity has suddenly stopped as that filled your day.


Your Mum's passing sounds wonderfully peaceful thankfully xx


thank you again..   all of you..  


am now pretty sloshed on pina colada with a zopi chaser..     and its 1am..     and I have been left to put the dog to bed & turn everything off & lock up etc..  


its been a bit of a while since it was me doing this 


gonna stagger around & try & get the dog to have a last wee in the garden..   


then throw myself in the direction of any switchs that need to be off & then ricochet up the stairs & hurl myself in the general direction of me bed!



Night all.     thank you...    


I may well feel the need ot delite this post in the morning 


but right now..   feeling ok, and very very fluffy, fuzzy & floaty lite    I like it


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