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Hi CO, when we are in that place, for whatever reason - and doesn't life throw up a heck of a lot of reasons at times that gives us a body blow - it's so hard to think anything can change. One huge lesson I've learnt over and over is life is about change for the good, bad or indifferent.

Only you know whether the situation you have is one that needs acceptance, regret or forgiveness, or maybe it's something else for you. Remember that nothing stays the same forever, this too will pass just as everything else does. I truly hope that you will feel more positive soon, do take care of you Hug
Yellow Rose
night comrade Hug i hope your a bit better in the morning Smiler
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Just throw a quilt over yourself that's what I do
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Just throw a quilt over yourself that's what I do

I do that too quite often. Hug
cologne 1
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

night Hug
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Hope you've checked your pm's! Hug
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Just throw a quilt over yourself that's what I do

I do that too quite often. Hug

Thanks I just noticed you're sig I played pool with Lemmy at the music machine and he didn't let me win Frowner
I'm assuming depression,forgive me if I'm wrong.It really is a serious illness,those that have never suffered from it don't understand.|They think it means feeling a bit down ,a bad day etc.We know it's much more serious than that.My first bought over twenty five years ago was when my dad died of a heart attack in front of me.Shock obviously etc.I coped,or thought I did ,four months later I was walking in the town centre ,then this feeling of utter dread and doom just literally landed on me,I fled home,scared.

There followed me not leaving the house,barely eating,I dropped three stones,didn't work for over a year.

However slowley got better.

Great life up untill about six years ago,felt a bit unwell physically ,then full blown "I'm going to die" set in.Took to my bed didn't eat for nearly four weeks,had the psyciatric doctors and nurses out to asses me,I was a whisker whithin being admitted to the hospital,thankfully just a daft"lightbulb" moment in my brain thought,I'm getting up and out.Have to say I didn't take the meds they prescribed because I "Knew" my condition was physical.It's only after you know it wasn't. Cool

So we are all human and have problems.

I'm fine now,just feckin' menopausal! Big Grin
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Hope you've checked your pm's! Hug

Tiddly I don't want to appear thick but how do you go about checking you're pm's
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

I regretted it after hitting the send button tbh but it has been an eyeopener firstly to how nice most of the FMs are on here and also.. that I never myself really thought about how much shit my fellow FMs may be going through themselves in the real world but never talk about it.

Suffering in silence, talking about the trivia of the day and getting by. My love to you all.

CO ... as other FMs have said, we're here if you need us ... that is the very positive aspect to forums, especially one like this which, although large, consists of FMs who have posted together, in some instances, for a good few years ... we know each other ... and we don't know each other ... but one thing this forum is good at is pulling together and showing support for another member who needs it ... I've seen it before and it does restore my faith in what sometimes seems a hopeless cause ... Big Grin

We're here to listen CO ... whether it be here or by PM ... Hug

That's the way I see it Smiler

Hi robertsam ... it really is how I see it too ... and Hug for you ... I read your posts above .... Sometimes a forum like this is the closest thing people have to being able to express how they actually feel ... and it's reassuring to have another 'voice' on the other end saying 'I know how you feel' ...
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

I regretted it after hitting the send button tbh but it has been an eyeopener firstly to how nice most of the FMs are on here and also.. that I never myself really thought about how much shit my fellow FMs may be going through themselves in the real world but never talk about it.

Suffering in silence, talking about the trivia of the day and getting by. My love to you all.

CO ... as other FMs have said, we're here if you need us ... that is the very positive aspect to forums, especially one like this which, although large, consists of FMs who have posted together, in some instances, for a good few years ... we know each other ... and we don't know each other ... but one thing this forum is good at is pulling together and showing support for another member who needs it ... I've seen it before and it does restore my faith in what sometimes seems a hopeless cause ... Big Grin

We're here to listen CO ... whether it be here or by PM ... Hug

That's the way I see it Smiler

Hi robertsam ... it really is how I see it too ... and Hug for you ... I read your posts above .... Sometimes a forum like this is the closest thing people have to being able to express how they actually feel ... and it's reassuring to have another 'voice' on the other end saying 'I know how you feel' ...

It's just the sheer compassion and understanding Shar sometimes it just makes we want to weep.
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Just throw a quilt over yourself that's what I do

I do that too quite often. Hug

Thanks I just noticed you're sig I played pool with Lemmy at the music machine and he didn't let me win Frowner

The swine. Big Grin I'm jealous though, he isn't fanciable, but the music is brilliant.
cologne 1
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Hope you've checked your pm's! Hug

Tiddly I don't want to appear thick but how do you go about checking you're pm's

If someone sends you one, it flashes at top of your page. Hang on I'll do a test one for you ok? Thumbs Up
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Just throw a quilt over yourself that's what I do

I do that too quite often. Hug

Thanks I just noticed you're sig I played pool with Lemmy at the music machine and he didn't let me win Frowner

The swine. Big Grin I'm jealous though, he isn't fanciable, but the music is brilliant.

To be fair he did say he would buy me a drink but in a gruff voice said the barman it's on the house isn't it, the barman didn't argue Big Grin
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Hug<-- For those so lovely to reply with your supportive posts.

And a special Hug to those suffering in silence.

Well my Diazepam holiday has kicked in nicely, ready to sleep but can't be arsed moving myself there physically as zombie Davina makes her appearance on Dead Set.

Goodnight all, you rock.

Hope you've checked your pm's! Hug

Tiddly I don't want to appear thick but how do you go about checking you're pm's

If someone sends you one, it flashes at top of your page. Hang on I'll do a test one for you ok? Thumbs Up

Cheers Tiddlyt but the top of what page where now you get the extent of my stupidity Blush
I've been reading Marcus' shenanigans on DS but I wanted to pop in here before I go to bed because I know so much how it feels to be in that place.

I know as well that no matter what anyone says it doesn't take away the pain, there are no words yet invented that can do that, but it does ease it ever so slightly to know that you're not alone in the universe.

For me, getting kind words posted on the screen made it possible for me to not do what I wanted to do which was lie down on the floor and never get up again. I still did lay on the floor and I hurt so much that I thought I would physically break but I got up again because someone somewhere shared just a little of it with me.

I don't care what the cynics say about t'internet/forums/disclosures etc., for me it remains a beautiful gesture of compassion and solace to read that someone somewhere will take the weight off your shoulders even just for a second by just typing 'I know it's hard and I wish you well'.

So with that in mind I sincerely wish wellness to anyone in need of it tonight. Smiler
Originally posted by skive:
I've been reading Marcus' shenanigans on DS but I wanted to pop in here before I go to bed because I know so much how it feels to be in that place.

I know as well that no matter what anyone says it doesn't take away the pain, there are no words yet invented that can do that, but it does ease it ever so slightly to know that you're not alone in the universe.

For me, getting kind words posted on the screen made it possible for me to not do what I wanted to do which was lie down on the floor and never get up again. I still did lay on the floor and I hurt so much that I thought I would physically break but I got up again because someone somewhere shared just a little of it with me.

I don't care what the cynics say about t'internet/forums/disclosures etc., for me it remains a beautiful gesture of compassion and solace to read that someone somewhere will take the weight off your shoulders even just for a second by just typing 'I know it's hard and I wish you well'.

So with that in mind I sincerely wish wellness to anyone in need of it tonight. Smiler

Skive you're so spot on Thumbs Up
For me, getting kind words posted on the screen made it possible for me to not do what I wanted to do which was lie down on the floor and never get up again. I still did lay on the floor and I hurt so much that I thought I would physically break but I got up again because someone somewhere shared just a little of it with me.

I don't care what the cynics say about t'internet/forums/disclosures etc., for me it remains a beautiful gesture of compassion and solace to read that someone somewhere will take the weight off your shoulders even just for a second by just typing 'I know it's hard and I wish you well'.

So with that in mind I sincerely wish wellness to anyone in need of it tonight.

Spot on! During the last 3 years I have had a very bad time trying to come to terms with my illness and disability and I still struggle with it, but I have so often been reduced to floods of tears after reading very supportive posts from FMs. Tears can be good. Nod
For C.O, robertsam and any other fm's that are feeling low or down at the moment Hug It sometimes helps to think of a time when you did something embarrasing and at the time you wanted the floor to open up and swallow you, but now when you think about it it makes you smile. If your fortunate enough to have never had any moments like that, then give me a shout. I unfortunately have enough to fill a novel or 6.
Originally posted by shar69:
For C.O, robertsam and any other fm's that are feeling low or down at the moment Hug It sometimes helps to think of a time when you did something embarrasing and at the time you wanted the floor to open up and swallow you, but now when you think about it it makes you smile. If your fortunate enough to have never had any moments like that, then give me a shout. I unfortunately have enough to fill a novel or 6.

Whose's been talking Ninja
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by shar69:
For C.O, robertsam and any other fm's that are feeling low or down at the moment Hug It sometimes helps to think of a time when you did something embarrasing and at the time you wanted the floor to open up and swallow you, but now when you think about it it makes you smile. If your fortunate enough to have never had any moments like that, then give me a shout. I unfortunately have enough to fill a novel or 6.

Whose's been talking Ninja

OOOOhhhhhh, shall we compare notes Big Grin
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by shar69:
For C.O, robertsam and any other fm's that are feeling low or down at the moment Hug It sometimes helps to think of a time when you did something embarrasing and at the time you wanted the floor to open up and swallow you, but now when you think about it it makes you smile. If your fortunate enough to have never had any moments like that, then give me a shout. I unfortunately have enough to fill a novel or 6.

Whose's been talking Ninja

OOOOhhhhhh, shall we compare notes Big Grin

If you like---> hides Tree Tree Ninja Tree Tree
Originally posted by *BB*:
For me, getting kind words posted on the screen made it possible for me to not do what I wanted to do which was lie down on the floor and never get up again. I still did lay on the floor and I hurt so much that I thought I would physically break but I got up again because someone somewhere shared just a little of it with me.

I don't care what the cynics say about t'internet/forums/disclosures etc., for me it remains a beautiful gesture of compassion and solace to read that someone somewhere will take the weight off your shoulders even just for a second by just typing 'I know it's hard and I wish you well'.

So with that in mind I sincerely wish wellness to anyone in need of it tonight.

Spot on! During the last 3 years I have had a very bad time trying to come to terms with my illness and disability and I still struggle with it, but I have so often been reduced to floods of tears after reading very supportive posts from FMs. Tears can be good. Nod

Same here, I agree wholeheartedly.
cologne 1
Originally posted by skive:
I've been reading Marcus' shenanigans on DS but I wanted to pop in here before I go to bed because I know so much how it feels to be in that place.

I know as well that no matter what anyone says it doesn't take away the pain, there are no words yet invented that can do that, but it does ease it ever so slightly to know that you're not alone in the universe.

For me, getting kind words posted on the screen made it possible for me to not do what I wanted to do which was lie down on the floor and never get up again. I still did lay on the floor and I hurt so much that I thought I would physically break but I got up again because someone somewhere shared just a little of it with me.

I don't care what the cynics say about t'internet/forums/disclosures etc., for me it remains a beautiful gesture of compassion and solace to read that someone somewhere will take the weight off your shoulders even just for a second by just typing 'I know it's hard and I wish you well'.

So with that in mind I sincerely wish wellness to anyone in need of it tonight. Smiler

I joke around about tears in my eyes reading posts here but this really has made me cry.

Beautiful words from a beautiful person Hug
Originally posted by Demantoid:
It's reading threads like this that make me realise this is much more than just a fansite for BB fans - actually, it's full of lovely, kind and compassionate people. Valentine

To CO and anyone else hitting a low point right now, you're not alone, and please don't forget that. Hug

It's one reason (if not the best reason) why people should stick together and give LC a try. We know each other. To be honest I don't fancy starting over again anywhere with new people who don't know me.
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
It's reading threads like this that make me realise this is much more than just a fansite for BB fans - actually, it's full of lovely, kind and compassionate people. Valentine

To CO and anyone else hitting a low point right now, you're not alone, and please don't forget that. Hug

It's one reason (if not the best reason) why people should stick together and give LC a try. We know each other. To be honest I don't fancy starting over again anywhere with new people who don't know me.

I'm registered Cagney! Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
It's reading threads like this that make me realise this is much more than just a fansite for BB fans - actually, it's full of lovely, kind and compassionate people. Valentine

To CO and anyone else hitting a low point right now, you're not alone, and please don't forget that. Hug

It's one reason (if not the best reason) why people should stick together and give LC a try. We know each other. To be honest I don't fancy starting over again anywhere with new people who don't know me.

I agree completely ... Nod Hug
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
It's reading threads like this that make me realise this is much more than just a fansite for BB fans - actually, it's full of lovely, kind and compassionate people. Valentine

To CO and anyone else hitting a low point right now, you're not alone, and please don't forget that. Hug

It's one reason (if not the best reason) why people should stick together and give LC a try. We know each other. To be honest I don't fancy starting over again anywhere with new people who don't know me.

I agree, that is one of the most important reasons for me to stick with LC, The people on here (after coming from CH4) are fantastic and I can't compare it to any other forum. Hug
cologne 1
Originally posted by Cagney:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
It's reading threads like this that make me realise this is much more than just a fansite for BB fans - actually, it's full of lovely, kind and compassionate people. Valentine

To CO and anyone else hitting a low point right now, you're not alone, and please don't forget that. Hug

It's one reason (if not the best reason) why people should stick together and give LC a try. We know each other. To be honest I don't fancy starting over again anywhere with new people who don't know me.

Cags, you're right. Nod

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