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It's always darkest before the dawn Comrade.See what happens tomorrow after you've slept on it.Sometimes it doesn't seem so bad the following day.
We are here to listen and help you if we can.No man is an island,we all need help of some sort during our lives.Don't be afraid to ask for advice from us.
Have a good night sleep if you can.God Bless.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Thanks again everyone, the meds are kicking in a bit now I took just one more (6mg total) taken the edge off a bit.

6mg should be fine, you'll sleep well tonight and a good sleep is always good for the soul. I know it sounds like a clichÃĐ but I rang the samaritans when I was at my worst and just talked for about 4 hours. They don't judge or ask questions, they just listen and sometimes just getting it all out there instead of keeping it inside feels so much better.

Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by stoory:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.


Thanks stoory I just think it took so much courage to post that Valentine

Absolutely Clapping
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

I regretted it after hitting the send button tbh but it has been an eyeopener firstly to how nice most of the FMs are on here and also.. that I never myself really thought about how much shit my fellow FMs may be going through themselves in the real world but never talk about it.

Suffering in silence, talking about the trivia of the day and getting by. My love to you all.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

Hope things are better for you soon hun, you can always pm me if you want to chat

Bless you Veggie thanks will pm you soon just can't get my head around it at the moment Valentine
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

I regretted it after hitting the send button tbh but it has been an eyeopener firstly to how nice most of the FMs are on here and also.. that I never myself really thought about how much shit my fellow FMs may be going through themselves in the real world but never talk about it.

Suffering in silence, talking about the trivia of the day and getting by. My love to you all.

We are all human,we suffer,if you don't want to open up to us,please do get help elsewhere.You will feel better slowly,no instant miracle cures etc.Good luck and love. Hug
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

I regretted it after hitting the send button tbh but it has been an eyeopener firstly to how nice most of the FMs are on here and also.. that I never myself really thought about how much shit my fellow FMs may be going through themselves in the real world but never talk about it.

Suffering in silence, talking about the trivia of the day and getting by. My love to you all.

No regrets you're shit is not any less important that anyone else. People have responded so positively to you. If ever you feel the need to talk pm me I don't need need to know the details Iknow the feeling. Personally you couldn't get better support than what you've got here .
Originally posted by robertsam:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

Hope things are better for you soon hun, you can always pm me if you want to chat

Bless you Veggie thanks will pm you soon just can't get my head around it at the moment Valentine

anytime hun Hug

Same for you Comrade Hug
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

I regretted it after hitting the send button tbh but it has been an eyeopener firstly to how nice most of the FMs are on here and also.. that I never myself really thought about how much shit my fellow FMs may be going through themselves in the real world but never talk about it.

Suffering in silence, talking about the trivia of the day and getting by. My love to you all.

Lots of love right backatcha! Valentine
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

I regretted it after hitting the send button tbh but it has been an eyeopener firstly to how nice most of the FMs are on here and also.. that I never myself really thought about how much shit my fellow FMs may be going through themselves in the real world but never talk about it.

Suffering in silence, talking about the trivia of the day and getting by. My love to you all.

CO ... as other FMs have said, we're here if you need us ... that is the very positive aspect to forums, especially one like this which, although large, consists of FMs who have posted together, in some instances, for a good few years ... we know each other ... and we don't know each other ... but one thing this forum is good at is pulling together and showing support for another member who needs it ... I've seen it before and it does restore my faith in what sometimes seems a hopeless cause ... Big Grin

We're here to listen CO ... whether it be here or by PM ... Hug
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by robertsam:
I'm in the same place at the the moment but do not have the same courage as you to put it on the forum. Look at the lovely response you got just take one day at a time.

I regretted it after hitting the send button tbh but it has been an eyeopener firstly to how nice most of the FMs are on here and also.. that I never myself really thought about how much shit my fellow FMs may be going through themselves in the real world but never talk about it.

Suffering in silence, talking about the trivia of the day and getting by. My love to you all.

CO ... as other FMs have said, we're here if you need us ... that is the very positive aspect to forums, especially one like this which, although large, consists of FMs who have posted together, in some instances, for a good few years ... we know each other ... and we don't know each other ... but one thing this forum is good at is pulling together and showing support for another member who needs it ... I've seen it before and it does restore my faith in what sometimes seems a hopeless cause ... Big Grin

We're here to listen CO ... whether it be here or by PM ... Hug

That's the way I see it Smiler

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