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Goodbye everyone. Have tried my best for everyone on here--- but seem to put my foot in my gob every night. Love all of you-- but with things in RL as they are at the moment--- need to concentrate more on life/ Death stuff. FB Friends will understand.
Oh Real, I totally understand if you feel the need to concentrate on what is happening in RL, so much more important than online life. Is this re Justine? if so my heart goes out to you, your daughter and Justine's family and children bless them all. When the time feels right for you I hope you come back. My thoughts are with you
Yellow Rose
Real, I don't know wot is going on in your RL, but leaving here might just be a mistake as your friends here can give you support,  belive me mine on here keep me sane sometimes, and the everyday things are a little easier because of all know who you are

But please reconsider as I find I can talk about anything on here that sometimes find hard to say in RL whateva you decide my thoughts and wishes are with you, for whateva you may be going through
Real, I don't know whats happened and I don't know you from posting but you should stick around.

Last week the most horrible thing in my life happened to me and I don't at this point know how I'm going to get through it all, but people here genuinely want to help and genuinely care.  I've made mistakes misjudging people and being unfair about people here when I shouldn't have, but when it matters people are here for you no matter what.

If you feel you're putting your foot in it with people then don't worry about it, it's probably more due to the fact you are feeling very sensitive at the moment.

I don't know you, but I am here too if you need anything. 

Big hugs and I hope you can get through whatever it is you're going through in RL.

L x
Reference:real  -  we loves ya too lol
Goodbye everyone. Have tried my best for everyone on here--- but seem to put my foot in my gob every night. Love all of you-- but with things in RL as they are at the moment--- need to concentrate more on life/ Death stuff.  FB Friends will understand.

so sorry to read this real  hope you reconsider or if you take time out it isnt long before you are back

As so many have said on this thread, we know you are having probs in real life but being here really does help - with what you and your family (and particularly your daughter) are going through at the moment, sometimes it is easier to get help and talk to people who arent so involved

I know it often helps you to take time out from here and you come back after a little while - hope same happens again now

we will miss you putting your foot in it all the time

come back soon
forgot to say ... if you think you have upset someone on here - i suggest you go back and read that thread, they have clearly stated they are not offended - just different sense of humour - this happens every day, everywhere ... dont take it to heart

(thats if i have got the correct thing that has upset you - apologies if it is not)
Real, you get your bum back here and quickly!!

I don't know who has upset you, but you are one of the nicest people on here and I don't want you to go.  I know RL is tough for you at the moment, I've read back in Darnie, but we don't want to lose such a brilliant FM.

Go, spend a little time doing what you need to do, but come back soon you hear else the Darnies will be after you.

Take care hun, hope we speak very soon   
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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