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So he's in the police station at the mo? He'll be ok, it's not as bad as people think. You are allowed to take stuff to him (as far as I remember) like ciggies/ clean clothes sort of thing (although depends if you wanna trek out in this weather).

They might let him out once he's been to court in the morning, depends on his previous (if he has one). Try not to worry too much. You can always call the cells at the police station to make sure he's ok, some of the police can be quite friendly.

He's been a bit of a muppet though aint he I've been in a simiar position in the past, the bloke was a bit of a tit and I used to have to trundle up armed with half of Tescos. I got so fed up that one night when he asked me to drop off 40 fags I dropped off 2 empty packets
He didn't want to stand in front of the guy. He is absolutely bonkers and we have a toddler. Didn't want to endanger safety.
Understandable, but all it does is delay the inevitable - if he's been called, he has to go, and it's expensive to keep adjourning court cases. He ought to make clear why he avoided it though - the prosecution should know if witnesses are feeling too scared to testify. It's not like he just thought "sod it, can't be arsed", after all, so they should have some sympathy.
Understandable, but all it does is delay the inevitable - if he's been called, he has to go, and it's expensive to keep adjourning court cases. He ought to make clear why he avoided it though - the prosecution should know if witnesses are feeling too scared to testify. It's not like he just thought "sod it, can't be arsed", after all, so they should have some sympathy.
Was about to post the same Demantoid.

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