He's really upset about it.
The guy he has to sack has been with the company for 30 years and started there straight from school. He was doing really well but his life seems to have fallen apart over the last 12 months or so and he now has a serious drink problem and keeps turning up drunk or not turning up at all. His wife left him last year because she couldn't cope with his behaviour. He's had 3 warnings and the company have offered to get him into some sort of therapy but he won't acknowledge he has a problem. At his last formal warning he said he was going to pull himself together because the job was the only thing he has left. He said if he lost his job he might as well chuck himself off a bridge and end it all. It's not actually OH that should be doing the deed but the guy who should be doing it isn't going to be at work tomorrow so hubby's been lumbered with the dirty work.
He's gone to bed now and I can hear him tossing and turning in his sleep because he feels so bad about it.