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Oh dear, you all despise her so much that you'd even resort to denouncing that her sneezes weren't coming out at the right trajectory, or condemn her farts for not being of the right density. I can't stand her either; she's pure evil personified (but a great housemate), but I thought it was an okay conversation last night. Rather that than watching Rod and Charlie playing tickle and fight.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by The Guru:
His eyes were glazed over as he was wondering how to throw in a few 'i wouldn't hurt a fly me' and 'i love everybody me' into the conversation.

Cause that's all you're gonna get from wor Charlie the big ole faker.

That is so true Big Grin

Tis. He also probably wanted her to get to some gossip that he could run off and tell someone about.
The girl needs a big dose of humble pie! Having been asked if she liked Star Wars and replying no, she was started banging on about how she dislikes all sci-fi, fantasy & fiction. And if those that allowed themselves to be distracted by this rubbish didn't give it any 'head space' the problems of our planet would be lessened. (we seem to be allowed to give head space to that much more serious issue of vintage and boho fashion though! Nod)

Apparently cos of 'Rom Com' films and the internet, people no longer understand what real love is, and if they went out into the world they would actually find it.

The internet apparently has destroyed communities (not created them... destroyed them!).

In her head... if you like Sci Fi then she sees you as a full on Star Trek fanatic. If you go on the internet then you are that old stereotypical computer nerd, if you watch Romantic Comedy films then you believe that is how the world is and you will grow into a lonely old spinster cos you are forever waiting for Richard Gere to walk into your factory in full navel uniform to carry you away.

I gotta wonder if she actually listens when she has conversations with people.... for her to hold so tightly to these naive stereotypes.

She really does think she has sussed the meaning of life, and that she is a template for perfection.
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
watching LF from last night Bea was going on about science fiction and then the next thing love in the hollywood films how much drink had she had last night? Laugh she did say one thing that I agreed with and that is we should take more time to get to know the person sitting next to us and the world would be a better place.
Charlie looked bored shitless Laugh

At least Freddie, Bea and Marcus can actually have some real conversation about more than 2 or 3 subjects unlike the others.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by RENTON:
OMG i was truly shouting "SHUT UP, SHUT UP"

Professor Bea stating the bleeding obvious and looking down her snooty nose at how we choose to live

I wanted to scream!!!

Same here. She was driving me mad last night with her ridiculous ideas that everyone should live how she chooses and those who don't are lacking in their lives.
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
watching LF from last night Bea was going on about science fiction and then the next thing love in the hollywood films how much drink had she had last night? Laugh she did say one thing that I agreed with and that is we should take more time to get to know the person sitting next to us and the world would be a better place.
Charlie looked bored shitless Laugh

At least Freddie, Bea and Marcus can actually have some real conversation about more than 2 or 3 subjects unlike the others.
she may do, but last nights she didn't sound that intellectual at all far from it.
Much as i dislike marcus. he managed very cleverly to run rings around her in that conversation. She sat spouting such sweeping generalisations, based on her own poorly hidden prejudices, that all he had to do was wait for her to come up for air, ask a pertinent question and shot her previous ramblings to ribbons.

She may be well spoken,but well spoken crap is still crap, Marcus is obviously well whatever means be it TV or books....and he check mated her at every move.
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
watching LF from last night Bea was going on about science fiction and then the next thing love in the hollywood films how much drink had she had last night? Laugh she did say one thing that I agreed with and that is we should take more time to get to know the person sitting next to us and the world would be a better place.
Charlie looked bored shitless Laugh

LOL.... that was the point that I turned off the TV and decided bed was the better option! Laugh
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
The girl needs a big dose of humble pie! Having been asked if she liked Star Wars and replying no, she was started banging on about how she dislikes all sci-fi, fantasy & fiction. And if those that allowed themselves to be distracted by this rubbish didn't give it any 'head space' the problems of our planet would be lessened. (we seem to be allowed to give head space to that much more serious issue of vintage and boho fashion though! Nod)

Apparently cos of 'Rom Com' films and the internet, people no longer understand what real love is, and if they went out into the world they would actually find it.

The internet apparently has destroyed communities (not created them... destroyed them!).

In her head... if you like Sci Fi then she sees you as a full on Star Trek fanatic. If you go on the internet then you are that old stereotypical computer nerd, if you watch Romantic Comedy films then you believe that is how the world is and you will grow into a lonely old spinster cos you are forever waiting for Richard Gere to walk into your factory in full navel uniform to carry you away.

I gotta wonder if she actually listens when she has conversations with people.... for her to hold so tightly to these naive stereotypes.

She really does think she has sussed the meaning of life, and that she is a template for perfection.

Well said Ditty Clapping I gotta agree, just cos she is well spoken, doesn't mean she doesn't still talk drivel.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Baz:

Well said Ditty Clapping I gotta agree, just cos she is well spoken, doesn't mean she doesn't still talk drivel.

Thank you Baz. She was spouting all this when I was in bed, this morning I had to come down and get it off my chest somewhere! Big Grin

LOL... that was the point when I went to bed.....before I got a headache! Big Grin
Originally posted by paace:
It was just like listening in to any pub conversation. I do agree with her about Science Fiction being a complete nonsense and waste of time.
She had a far more interesting convo with someone the other night about how she worked in hospitals, caring for people in the Third World, and would like to carry on this work.

But she did go on to say all fiction. I have no problem with her not being into Sci Fi, but the world would be a dull place without any kind of creativity. As a species we are creative.

But as I said, I don't have a problem with her not liking some things, my problem is she doesn't return the same courtesy.
Originally posted by paace:
It was just like listening in to any pub conversation. I do agree with her about Science Fiction being a complete nonsense and waste of time.
She had a far more interesting convo with someone the other night about how she worked in hospitals, caring for people in the Third World, and would like to carry on this work.

I heard her say she was a temp in the NHS.

To be honest after her ludicrous observations last night, she would need a Sat Nav to even find the third world.
Originally posted by paace:
It was just like listening in to any pub conversation. I do agree with her about Science Fiction being a complete nonsense and waste of time.
She had a far more interesting convo with someone the other night about how she worked in hospitals, caring for people in the Third World, and would like to carry on this work.

It wouldn't do if we all liked the same thing Paace. I'm not a Sci-Fi buff myself, but live and let live. Nod
Originally posted by paace:
It was just like listening in to any pub conversation. I do agree with her about Science Fiction being a complete nonsense and waste of time.
She had a far more interesting convo with someone the other night about how she worked in hospitals, caring for people in the Third World, and would like to carry on this work.
You might as well say all fiction is a waste of time. A lot of things originally written in science fiction have come to pass. Ironically the very subject Bea was talking about has been written as a "science fiction" novel. Otherland by Tad Williams is about people being pulled away from reality in an advanced form of the internet. I also find it interesting as time goes on the things we dont predict happening like mobile phones.

Also ironically she preaches about the internet influencing the younger generation and she forgets she is the younger generation and examples she gives like the moon landings existed pre mobile phones and internet. Ironically again she quotes unsubstantiated and constantly debunked conspiracy's that are spread via the very tool she has ridiculed. We were the ones who had pen pals wrote letters and had one phone in the house if we were lucky Bea not you.

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