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I am so very sorry for the change of theme to this forum.  I asked Headmistress Lori if the theme could change from its Winter one to a more Spring type one.  I asked for Natalie Portman in a sexy bunny outfit, but what did we get instead?


Granny Wallpaper


I feel I am 23% responsible for this change and the level of guilt that is flowing through me body is insane.  Maybe I am still hurt from the fact that Josie and John James split up yesterday, maybe its because I can't make scramble egg or maybe its only because I own one tie...which is gold...


But hear me when I say this...I WILL CHANGE! I will strive to make me a better person, I will learn how to make scrambled egg and I will buy 2 more ties that aren't gold. And I vow to have the theme of this forum changed to something that isn't PAP.  Although with Lori's iron first that last bit might not actually happen 


I know there are a select few of you that like this new theme and to them I say...get help.


Thank you for your time


Your Lord


Rawky-Roo II

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Moonbeams (JJB52):

T beasties stuff, meh.. plus you'd need a massive room for those patterns/designs. I live in a shed remember.


They don't work as whole rooms tbh.  Just a single feature wall if you like.  It's like a massive beautiful painting.  One of our pret a manger's has this on a single wall and it is jaw droppingly gorgeous.


Originally Posted by Moonbeams (JJB52):

What part of duck egg blue, blue and gold did you not understand? Only doing one wall, I is not stooopid ya kno.


OK that is nice but it would be way too much for my lickle bedroom.


I would have thought a paper like that would be ideal for a bedroom.  It's pretty sexy like.  Have the rest of the room muted and a big panel or wall covered in that.  Very decadent. 


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