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my brothers x-wife died yesterday..............  she choked on her own vomit whilst drunk  although they have been separated 4yrs , should i attend the funeral ....... i would very much like to go and pay my respects as she was a childhood friend of mine before she got with my brother and although he has a new partner and isnt going ( he is scared to offend his new partner)  i would hate if her family ignored me  , and i would like to tell them he is sorry and hurting too but he is torn too , also my dad *77*  is a nervous wreck  omg i dont know what to do

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Good for you going madamski, if your ex SIL thought enough of you to stay in touch after the separation then I don't see why her family would complain about you paying your respects.
Perhaps you could telephone her family beforehand to see how they would feel about flowers from your whole family if your dad and brother would like to pay their respects that way.

It's a fraught time, so sorry for your loss as well as all the worry
My sister left her alcoholic husband after 22 years of marriage (some years ago now) THREE YEARS LATER HE DIED THROUGH ALCOHOL RELATED PROBLEMS. mE. MY HUSBAND, daughter, mother and sister all attended the funeral and kept a back seat in the proceedings. He had been part of our lives for a long time and we wanted to be there.
We didn't go to the wake ........we went back to my sisters house ..............a few hours later his sisters came and it was all very emotional (it took many years for his mother to forgive but she has now).
If she was a childhood friend and you got on well I think you should go's not about your brothers relationship with her - it's all about your own relationship. I think you'll feel better for going.
Soozy Woo
I haven't gone to funerals that I would have been expected to go to.

I've never regretted it  .

You don't have to be there to mourn with the masses think , and love someone .

I'm a private griever, and if people don't understand that  

Just do what you think is right Madamski, and bugger what anyone thinks about it.

You don't have to be there to prove your grief
Stoory ................i know where you're coming from but - I think it's the very last thing you can do for a person. It may seem silly but - a good turn out - is somehow giving respect to the person who has died.
I guess we're all different ........i dont think it's about personal grief - it's simply a very public way of paying respect IMO.
Soozy Woo
I think it's the very last thing you can do for a person. It may seem silly but - a good turn out - is somehow giving respect to the person who has died.
"A good turn out ' is always something my dad says........I know exactly what he means, but I wouldn't measure the worth of someone by the amount of people that attended their funeral
Reference: stoory
"A good turn out ' is always something my dad says........I know exactly what he means, but I wouldn't measure the worth of someone by the amount of people that attended their funeral
I think it's just nice for the family to see how many people care.
It's not about measuring their worth, IMO.

Madamski, big hugs and I would go.
Follow your heart as to whether to go or not but imho I feel you should as she was a long time friend of yours.  It would be nice if your brother's new partner also let him go so that he'll have closure, would be even better if she accompanied him to help him through it if memories are brought back to him, which invariably they are when a passing occurs. If he feels he can't go on the day maybe he could visit her grave at some time and share his thoughts and feelings. (((((Hugs))))) for you and all who are mourning a loss. xxxxx
Yellow Rose
I'd go. Your brother isn't against you going, he only cant go because of how it may affect his current situation (which is sad). It's different if you were going reluctantly on your brother's behalf or just to show that someone from the family attended, but that isn't the case. She was your friend for many years, and regardless what may or may not have happened between her and your brother or other members of both families, this is about you going to remember her and pay your own respects to someone who was your friend.

Don't feel guilty or that you will be disloyal to anyone by attending, because you wont xx
If it was me, I would definitely go to the funeral and sit at the back as other people have said, and then leave.  I would see the wake as being a more private family gathering which it might not be appropriate for you to attend, but if you feel you want to be at the ceremony to say your goodbyes, then you should be there.
I agree with the rest you should go if you feel you want to.. 

Also your bro was married to her at one point and regardless of the fact they split up eventually there must have been something there at the start so if he wants to attend he should tell his new partner it's none of her business and he's entitled to pay his respects.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
madamski 3130 Forum PostsYesterday at 22:56 (Edited: ) hya x i did keep in touch with her , she was my closest friend , but sadly , know children were involved
If she was your friend then you are entitled to go to her funeral, no-on else comes into it really.Thats it, it seems the right thing to do, and it's what you want to do, you don't need to ask anyone elses opinion, she was your friend.

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