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aw well , when a kitten he fell from a 4th floor window, then a friends child smashed him on the head with a can of air freshener, then he was attacked by a fox, then my new neighbours wee boy covered him in diesel , then he had two ops for a cyst on his kidneys and then he's been shot with a pellet gun  i'm worried he's on his last legs or else he's immortal  jokin aside i called police and they looked at me as if * who gives *

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Oh dear! A little story.WE were offered a kitten to look after because the owner had two kids under 4 and were treating him like  a  toy etc.We kept him temporararily for few weeks.WE couldn't adopt him,we have two house rabbits and a free flying budgie and a hamster.My cousin and her partner and family wanted him,we promised him to them (they have had cats and kittens before).However the original owner wanted him back so we had to hand him over ,much ranting and swearing etc.

Well the kitten got a bit playful and scratched the toddler  a few times(probably desereved ) This lot were rather shall we say ...eejits.
Well good news in the end,ny cousin got the kitten,she and her partner love cats and  her kids are 12 and 14."Loki" as he  is now known is a beautiful long haired  male tabby,and spoiled rotten. All's well.,
aw well , when a kitten he fell from a 4th floor window, then a friends child smashed him on the head with a can of air freshener, then he was attacked by a fox, then my new neighbours wee boy covered him in diesel , then he had two ops for a cyst on his kidneys and then he's been shot with a pellet gun i'm worried he's on his last legs or else he's immortal jokin aside i called police and they looked at me as if * who gives *
Phone the bloody RSPCA ! If true this is a bad case of neglect.
aw well , when a kitten he fell from a 4th floor window, then a friends child smashed him on the head with a can of air freshener, then he was attacked by a fox, then my new neighbours wee boy covered him in diesel , then he had two ops for a cyst on his kidneys and then he's been shot with a pellet gun i'm worried he's on his last legs or else he's immortal jokin aside i called police and they looked at me as if * who gives *

Thats a great outcome Katty
He's a total darling! He's a house cat as they are two floors up,I really will have learn how to post pics.He has a really dark chocolate stripe down his back and a big fluffy tail,her partner has taught him to beg and give a paw ,like dog for a little cat treat!So sweet.
Just highlight the text in blue with the left mouse button, then click on the post reply box and it will be there. Refresh the page after you have posted else the quote will stll be in the reply box next time you open it. testing 123 im not getting it am i
Yes--- just make sure the cursor is outside the quote box when you typs a reply.
He's a total darling! He's a house cat as they are two floors up,I really will have learn how to post pics.He has a really dark chocolate stripe down his back and a big fluffy tail,her partner has taught him to beg and give a paw ,like dog for a little cat treat!So sweet
Had to have our Ben ( Alsation cross) put to sleep a few years back. Thought of getting another but didn't want to go through loosing another dearly loved pet. It upset me more than i thought it would. The vet came to our home and put him to sleep in our living room. My wife and son were in there but i couldn't be there.
Aww Real,We have only had so called small pets put to sleep,my liitle budgie "Dino"(he was 7 and took a bad infection,ending in  a stroke) and four Syrian Hamsters,I blubbed at them all.Still hurts deeply.Feck knows how I'll cope when the rabbits pass,,,gibbering wreck,I suspect! Hopefully a few years in them yet.,
Hammes 2-3 years,budgies 6 to 10 years.Rabbits despite their size 5 to 8 years.

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