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He's been off his grub the last five days or two vet vists with injections to stimulate his gut,painkillers and further meds to try and get his gut moving again.I've been on my hands and knees chasing him round the room waving parsley,cabbage etc at him.He is eating but not enough,he won't touch his hay,which is an important part of a rabbits diet,,,sigh.He's getting on ,he's nearly 7.The vet suggested teeth problems,however you can't look at a rabbits back teeth without knocking them out.I've spent nearly ÂĢ100 this week on him..I just don't have the cash for more treatment.

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Me too bills are outrageous the first one was 30 quid for the consultation,meds made it up to ÂĢ57.00  the second one was follow up consultation 20 quid plus meds ,total 37.00...sigh..I'm now applying for housing benefit as my niece has now moved into a flat with her boyfriend.I may qualify for the PDSA .Hope my bun hangs in there.
The thing with rabbits is they can't go long without eating,their guts will stop working properly.Cats and dogs etc can go along ok without eating for a good while.He's still bright in himself and is probably getting enough to keep him ticking along.I've been all over the place sourcing dandelion leaves,a great natural food,he's munching them,alas this bad weather has done for them a bit.
Me too bills are outrageous the first one was 30 quid for the consultation,meds made it up to ÂĢ57.00  the second one was follow up consultation 20 quid plus meds ,total 37.00...sigh..I'm now applying for housing benefit as my niece has now moved into a flat with her boyfriend.I may qualify for the PDSA .Hope my bun hangs in there.
It's extortion, I know, they are part of the family and it's as if these people don't realise that 
"That's ÂĢ113.00" he went off his nut,it was blood tests..he stated I've been to vets before but this is outrageous! Maybe I'm going to the wrong vets

no that sounds about right.   My dog had to have blood tests a couple of years ago.. just basic diagnostic tests...  full blood count, U&E's etc..   cost about ÂĢ120. 

I too think the PDSA will help you Katty...  I know they operate on a "show us proof of benefits" thing (I took my rat to them many years ago)...  but I think they will help you on the basis you have a claim going through...  and even if you didn't I reckon they would point you in the direction of other charitable funding that could help

Fingers crossed xxx
OMG Katty you poor thing and your poor little bunny.    PLEASE apply for help from the PDSA, and I do hope he is better soon.  Vets fees take the piss.  We have insurance for our pets but it costs quite a lot and it doesnt cover innoculations, worming, flea tablets, nail clipping or general check ups or anything.  We have had pets insured for 10 years now and never claimed, but you can bet if we didnt have it, one of them would become really poorly.  Your bunny is 7, and that is quite old-ish, so hopefully, he can withstand the illness/treatment. 

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