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Watched this on catchup.  It may be mildly entertaining, but there is no getting away from the fact that this lot are nothing but a bunch of arrogant pikey chavs.  Their behaviour is appalling, they're loud and obnoxious, and they think they can live outside the law.  They got thrown out of paintball for refusing to stick to the rules (which are there for peoples' safety,) and they under-take whilst driving, and ride over the pavements to take shortcuts. They leave shit everywhere, they're loud and obnoxious, and they don't appear to have normal jobs (and you can bet they don't pay taxes!)  The men are masoginists, and the women are kept down, and aren't even allowed to work, yet they're gobby and mouthy.  Living in that world would be a fate worse than death IMO.

Where I live, these kind of people beg steal and borrow.  I used to work in a restaurant, with a fast turnover of customers, and they would come to the counter and say that they had had a meal, and the waitress had taken it away before they could finish it, and they wanted a replacement or their money back.  And when my friend worked in Boots, a few years ago, they used to come in and steal the nappies and baby wipes out of the mother and baby room.  My uncle is a manager at a big foodstore, and says that they often come in to the store and deliberately trip over, and try to claim damages.  Some shops and stores in my town won't even allow them in now, and with good reason.   I could spend all night on here telling you similar tales of 'travellers...' and their escapades and their cons and scams.

These people think they can do what they want, and live outside the law; and they don't even send their kids to school, when the rest of us would get fined or even imprisoned if we kept ours away from school.  And yet they expect 'respect' and to be treated fairly and to be allowed to stay where they want whilst living with their own laws and rules.   I bet they don't even pay council tax!

I think every one of them should be shipped off across the atlantic to live their lives on an island at least 1000 miles away from the mainland.  They want everything their own way, and to be allowed to live completely outside the law, so they can make their home away from the rest of us; they can do what they want then!

If this makes me a nasty, heartless, racist, bigoted oaf blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, then so be it.  But I would bet that I'm not the only one with this opinion! 

Their behaviour is appalling, they're loud and obnoxious, and they think they can live outside the law.  , and they don't appear to have normal jobs (and you can bet they don't pay taxes!)  The men are masoginists, and the women are kept down, and aren't even allowed to work
I agree something needs to be done  about the  Royal Family.
They have another big fat Royal wedding coming soon

Irish Travellers ("tinkers") (1946)

Irish Travellers (Irish: an lucht siΓΊil, Shelta: Pavee) are traditionally nomadic people of Irish origin with their own language and traditions, living predominantly in Ireland but also in Great Britain and the United States of America.[1][2] Travellers refer to themselves as Minceir or Pavees in their own language or in Irish as an Lucht SiΓΊil, meaning literally "the walking people". The European Parliament Committee of Enquiry on Racism and Xenophobia found them to be among the most discriminated-against ethnic groups in Ireland[3] and yet their status remains insecure in the absence of widespread legal endorsement.[4]



I think you will find that the British Royal Family decendants were forgeiners,in fact they changed their name,why that?

WTF has the royal family got to do with the gypsy wedding programme?    Your hate for the royals knows no bounds. You're posting in any thread just randomly for no reason now just to attack them.  You sound a little obsessed.  

I suppose the difference between the Royal family and the travellers is that the Royal family do generate an income for the country in the form of tourism etc, They also do an awful lot of work for charity and are ambassadors overseas for us.
We may not appear to have a lot of time for them but other countries sure do.

I am not quite sure what income travellers generate or what charitable works they do but I am sure they do something.
Of course they should keep the grave tidy. I`m sure they don`t only do that on the anniversary of their son`s death. Their disrespect was drinking beer while sitting beside the graves of other people`s loved ones. 
I would be horrified, as most people would, to find that scene beside my loved one`s grave.
They gave no consideration to other grieving people who might be visiting that day.

it wasn't a "gang"  it was a family (albeit an extended one) and they weren't only drinking - i don't think it can be likened to a group of lads drinking in a park and causing trouble - i would hope as they are very religious that they would say a prayer for my loved one too,   as for their reaction to my drinking near their son's grave i don't know them and so can only put forward my ignorant opinion but it might be that i was celebrating a loved one buried nearby and with limited space i was close to their grave as well
I didn`t liken it to a gang of young ones drinking in a park and causing trouble. There was a gang of them, group of people - an assemblage.
I`m referring to their drinking and nothing else they did that day.  
Limited space? They could have stood at the side of their son`s grave doing the same but they chose not to. They chose to sit drinking beer beside other graves giving no respect or consideration to anyone.

They`re grieving but they`re not the only ones.
Scotty: I would be horrified, as most people would, to find that scene beside my loved one`s grave.
Scotty, my parents' grave is about 10 foot, if that, from the start of all of the gypsy graves in the 'Catholic' bit of the cemetery. They are all v v well kept, not to my taste admittedly and definitely not within the 'council rules' : bazillions of plastic flower arrangements, wooden benches, hanging bumble bees, hanging baskets, eiffel tower statue, (or maybe it's Blackpool LOL) garden ornaments/statues/cherubs, bottle of perfume, bottle of Baileys etc. etc. etc. the list is endless, and that's just the one nearest to my mum and dad, the others continue in much the same manner.
Anyway I'm not  sure how I'd feel if when I visited the grave the Gypsy community were having a party, I think I'd initially do a  but then, thinking about it, and knowing my mum and dad they'd probably then be  at me and say 'bloody hell girl, they're doing no harm' and I'd probably end up thinking, yeah ma and pa, you're right and asking if they have a beer going spare lager and raising a glass tinny to my parents
I think most Cafflicks grow up seeing a bit of the Irish Traveller culture, so should be able to cope with their different ways.

You get the prudes tutting their way through Mass, at the scandalous outfits, usually while ignoring the priest, who is doing a sermon about how Christians should follow Jebus' teachings on not judging others, preferring to mix with prostitutes and sinners, and interpreting parables about hypocrisy and throwing the first stones etc.  

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