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Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It's a shame about their education. How do they get away with it?

It's their culture innit?

I know but .......I'm surprised the authorities don't step in.

There was a gypsy girl in my daughter's class...she left after primary school and was never seen again....I think they must have moved on and married her off. I don't think the authorities really care one way or the other

When I lived in London i do know that there were teachers who went out to Gypsy sites a few days a week.  The authorities certainly get involved if you want to take a kid on a fortnights holiday in term time! I do think there are schemes in place'd be interesting to see that!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ells:

This Thelma woman must be making bucket-loads off the Gypsies.

well rumours are she charges roughly ÂĢ50,000 per dress.  I'm guessing if she gets paid   she must be raking it in with the amount of traveller dresses she does 


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It's a shame about their education. How do they get away with it?

It's their culture innit?

I know but .......I'm surprised the authorities don't step in.

There was a gypsy girl in my daughter's class...she left after primary school and was never seen again....I think they must have moved on and married her off. I don't think the authorities really care one way or the other

When I lived in London i do know that there were teachers who went out to Gypsy sites a few days a week.  The authorities certainly get involved if you want to take a kid on a fortnights holiday in term time! I do think there are schemes in place'd be interesting to see that!

I just think that around here they are glad to see the back of them tbh

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
  The authorities certainly get involved if you want to take a kid on a fortnights holiday in term time! I do think there are schemes in place'd be interesting to see that!


What exactly do they say about that Sooz  I haven't 'asked' the school if it's ok for me to take mine for a fortnight in May.  I also haven't informed them yet coz I'm worried about the reaction   On one hand I'm thinking they're MY kids and this is the first time I've ever taken them out of school for a holiday and I shouldn't have to ask permission to do so but on the other hand I know they'll be missing quite a bit of school and might fall behind a little although I have already told the kids they will be getting workbooks from school b4 we go so they can do some work when we're there.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OK's been said before - it will be said again! WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR MONEY?

Round here it's known that the Gypsy families claim benefits both here in the North and in the Republic and that there has been cases where they are claiming for more kids than they actually have.  That and they'd steal the eye out of your head.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OK's been said before - it will be said again! WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR MONEY?

Round here it's known that the Gypsy families claim benefits both here in the North and in the Republic and that there has been cases where they are claiming for more kids than they actually have.  That and they'd steal the eye out of your head.

There was one in the paper here that got done for fiddling ÂĢ250,000.....she drove a Merc, lived in a mansion and sent her kid to private school...and was claiming for everything under the sun, she's living at Her Maj's pleasure now

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OK's been said before - it will be said again! WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR MONEY?

Roofing and laying driveways?

If anyone is daft enough to employ them

It would seem so.

Do you believe that's where the money comes from? I don't - ÂĢ50,000 dresses etc. - there is something else surely?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OK's been said before - it will be said again! WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR MONEY?

Roofing and laying driveways?

If anyone is daft enough to employ them

It would seem so.

They turn up here every now and again wanting to do roofs, drives, trim trees etc, but they get shown the door every time

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OK's been said before - it will be said again! WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR MONEY?

Roofing and laying driveways?

If anyone is daft enough to employ them

It would seem so.

Do you believe that's where the money comes from? I don't - ÂĢ50,000 dresses etc. - there is something else surely?

No Soozy, I don't believe it for a minute. I was kidding.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OK's been said before - it will be said again! WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR MONEY?

Roofing and laying driveways?

If anyone is daft enough to employ them

It would seem so.

Do you believe that's where the money comes from? I don't - ÂĢ50,000 dresses etc. - there is something else surely?

Nicking and fiddling

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Do you believe that's where the money comes from? I don't - ÂĢ50,000 dresses etc. - there is something else surely?

well if the truth were ever to get out properly, it's said that travellers are involved in people smuggling and domestic slavery - there have been some cases in the news towards the end of last year.


there's got to be more they're involved in that just tarmacing and the like 


I'm inclined to go with the benefit fraud - they change names and addresses as frequently as their ubderwear. For the likes of us we are Joe Bloggs - born X date of birth Y address Z. Forever traceable must be incredibly 'convenient' to have numerous names and addresses and dubious DOB's. SHOCKING!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Can someone please explain about the "grabbing".

well it depends on who you're speaking to cos one lot say it happens and others say it doesn't.


it basically happens at large events like weddings and birthday parties where boys who fancy a girl will grab her and literally drag her outside in the car park and kiss her.  because there's a no touch policy with the gypsies, they usually end up together.


It's all very disturbing to watch 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Can someone please explain about the "grabbing".

well it depends on who you're speaking to cos one lot say it happens and others say it doesn't.


it basically happens at large events like weddings and birthday parties where boys who fancy a girl will grab her and literally drag her outside in the car park and kiss her.  because there's a no touch policy with the gypsies, they usually end up together.


It's all very disturbing to watch 

Thanks Pengy. It sounds disturbing.


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