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And there's the feeling that sometimes people do it because it has become fashionable, and when they do it they feel so very uncomfortable. Perhaps the insincerity is worse than the physical contact.
But, as I mentioned in the OP - does anybody have any ideas how, when and where this began. It didn't used to be like this. Who started it?
Thanks for the link to the Time magazine article Blizzie. Very interesting.
I loved the first paragraph:
"...often performed by two women who dislike each other, who wear makeup they don't want smeared and who both resemble Bette Davis in her middle years."

And later in the article Linda Ronstadt says: "The business consists of people who are so desperately insecure and lonely, and they have to have contact: we're all affection junkies."

The particular mwah mwah air kiss seems to be to do with "need" and is insincere.
I must resist the temptation.

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