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This air kissing business.
One on each cheek.
But they don't actually kiss. They purse their lips and make a sound.
Who started this and when?
More importantly - do you do it? Have you ever done it?

Another interesting thing about greetings (at least I think it's interesting.)
When males from certain other countries greet each other they often use a hand-clasp. Often quite extended and with obvious pleasure.
Whereas many born-and-bred English males have barely even nodded their head in greeting. (I'm generalising of course.)
But I have noticed more recently that male teenagers of the English variety have started to greet each other with a hand clasp. A handshake, yet with a bit more to it.
I like it. One of the few teenage trends which I hope survives.

How do you greet?

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The forum doesn't seem to be overrun with touchers.
It is awkward when one person is a toucher and the other is not. That terrible feeling when someone touches you in a rather more touchy way then you would like.
A bit shuddery!
One sort of touching I don't like is the type you get in queues.
Bus queues or shop checkout queues. People in your space - first you feel their bag, then the person. Uggh!
Generally I do like touching. Although I don't think I have ever done a both cheeks mwah mwah.
I kiss the kids.... and hubby.  Occasionally I will grab my mum and give her a kiss on the cheek, but apart from that I will do virtually anything to defend my personal space zone.

Most of my friends and wider family know now... when a mass goodbye is underway, I slip to the back of the group... and when everyone else is done... the members of the other group all just laugh & say "bye then!" to me!

When I was pregnant everybody used to try & touch me... even strangers in the supermarket....    ((shudder))
I had some mad woman come up to me in the Co-op
oooh... spooky.. twas in the co-op that I had my bump molested.   I was at the till and some woman who was with her oldish mum.. and a bloke (dunno whose partner he was... it was hard to tell)...   the woman zoned in on me and stuck her hand on the top of my bump...   I froze in shock... & kept thinking "shit.. do I know you.. who are you".   She was rambling about how she loved pregnant women and couldn't help but touch the bump...

she was then going "you're the same aren't you mum"... so the mum then puts her hand on me.... but her hand was below the tummy button...   it was at this point I unfroze... jumped back and left the shop - completely freaked out!

My dad tried to touch my bump a couple of times too...  and much as I love him..  I wanted to run for it then too.  

Thats how I became proactive in avoiding being accosted... learned to predict when someone was gonna home in on me!
I do.... it's weird - there's some people it feels ok with

I'm not a tactile person though ...... I think it's the way our culture has developed.  For instance I have a friend (that's not very tactile either) that I only see 2 or 3 times a year.  Ten years ago when she arrived at the door I'd greet her with a smile ... when she arrived at New Year we hugged and did the mwaaah thing's just what you do now.

I have to say when my MD did it with me when coming back to work after the holidays I was a bit taken aback though
Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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