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Yep in a strange way best thing that ever happened to me personally, but it has turned my life around for the better
 I think it's called a reality check and I've had a couple of them over the years & it's amazing how often there's a song to suit the is what feelings sound like
  BIG HUGS for you two
That's what I mean when I mention on the forum. I 'bounce' off other peeps and if they aren't here well.................
I've been struggling with catching folk in the lounge since I moved, we've been like ships that pass... in here.
But I've also met some new folk on LC from GaGa that I'd never talked to too.
Its seems to be settling down a bit now and I've noticed that folk in other boards are starting to come back and hopefully the tips & tricks forum will encourage more to do the same
Ensign Muf
Lol According to them U's were the jam-eaters And I am at home down here
Ohhh good on ya, you got  the going home bit right hun, but back in the olden days of coal mining in Whitehaven all they had to eat when mining was jam butties hence the jam eaters, some of my best mates are from Whitehaven love em to bits salt of the earth!!!
Ohhh good on ya, you got the going home bit right hun, but back in the olden days of coal mining in Whitehaven all they had to eat when mining was jam butties hence the jam eaters, some of my best mates are from Whitehaven love em to bits salt of the earth!!!
I spent a year at the atom factory at seascale and got on with everybody from round them there parts
Ensign Muf
orry hun, it was the 'Yee-Hoo' I always think of that tune, I love it!!! What time did you get up this morning? I'm really ill believe it or not this flu is doing my heed in sleep most of the day awake all night!
Awwwwww  an 'ug' I'm givin out 'ugs'

I think i got up about 10.15 but didn't get to bed till 2.30 ish

Awwwwww  an 'ug' I'm givin out 'ugs' I think i got up about 10.15 but didn't get to bed till 2.30 ish
I'll take an 'ug'  I went at 3 and got up at 9 yes 9 why do my neighbours always decide to stand outside my bedroom window and discuss what can only be described as piffle at an un-godly hour on a weekend????   ----Move away from my window   I could shut it I suppose
Pam I'm old and set in my ways I like cold fresh air all night long!!! Tbh I can't be arsed to move out of me bed and shut the bloody window when they start their deliberations about last nights corrie

PMSL Kells! I don't have the window open through the night...........hay fever and stuff but I know what you mean

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