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Country and western: If I wanted to be depressed I'd just watch Chelsea.

Reggae: 'boing boing boing repression boing boing' seriously, just f*ck off.

Ska: Just profoundly crap.

Techno: Nice drum machine. Nice synth track. Song? No. Drug music. What if you're not on drugs and you're subjected to it? Bleh.

Opera: Fat people wailing their faces off and nobody can understand the words. It's 'impressive' though, right? No. No it isn't.

Jazz/funk: pretentious moi? Yes you bloody are and you're not French either and you're BORING!

I'm sure there's more. I'll have a little think

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ska and Reggae 'crap' - Prom, where's my sniper riffle? 

Not many forms of music I have a low opinion of as most have some merit.

Country and Western - yep, it's pretty crap - especially in its most commercial rhinestone, Stetson and line dancing format

80s commercial soul/jazz - i.e. Alexander O'Neil, Billy Ocean, George Benson, Phil Bailey, Lionel Richie - dull as ditch water, I hated it with an absolute passion, profoundly tedious, awfully over produced and clichÃĐd boy meets girl tat.  Seemed to be the antitheses of what soul was in the 1960s.

R&B/rap - yes, there's some good stuff but it's so few and far between.  Most is tiresome clichÃĐd in theme objectionably vacant and materialist in nature, image and lyrics.

SAW Stock, Aitkin and Waterman/The Hit Factory - a musical genre in its own right during the 80s since they were so prolific.  Pop pap of the highest order.  The same drum machine and crap production on homogenised artists.

Hair Metal - absolute shite, corporate MTV marketed rebelion sung by middle aged coked up twats for the consumption of impressionable sad fourteen year old IT nerds.
Last edited by Carnelian
Boybands - I don't think I need to explain that one!

When I say Boybands I mean the Boyband genre that was really kicked off by New Kids on the Block, that is, each pretty boy band member having an image within a youth sub group and marketable persona, for example: the bad boy punky type, the rapper type, the roots rasta type, the clean cut type, the jack the lad type.
Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Boybands - I don't think I need to explain that one!

You're back to SAW there. Ditto girl bands. If the kids want it, they're going to get it. Pleb Factor will give them an endless supply.

The 'soul' from the 60's you alluded to above is 'pop' to my mind. Modern soul is slow and dull and boring unless you're pretentious enough to believe it has hidden uplifting qualities that you don't actually hear. I don't personally subscribe to that theory.
You're back to SAW there. Ditto girl bands. If the kids want it, they're going to get it. Pleb Factor will give them an endless supply.

The 'soul' from the 60's you alluded to above is 'pop' to my mind. Modern soul is slow and dull and boring unless you're pretentious enough to believe it has hidden uplifting qualities that you don't actually hear. I don't personally subscribe to that theory.

Well it comes down to personal preferences.  For example, the soul of the sixties that I prefer had similar straitjacketed production values as the soul of the 1980s, but somehow that production seems to have not crushed the 'soul' like the 1980s production did.  It's all a matter of preference I suppose, but I feel the generally tinny production values and overuse of rubbish drum machines, scratching and synthesizer stabs and gimmicks of the 1980s stripped the life out of soul music.
I love country & western and most opera and ballet, pop songs from the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s when they had a tune. (Rather than 1 repeated phrase.)
But, as others have said, it does depend on the individual piece for me.
It is hardly possible to like every musical piece in a genre.
However I loathe rap. In fact I don't regard it as music at all!
Jazz (apart from acid jazz). There was some bloke my dad used to know who said he loved this instrument playing bloke called Stan Getz. My dad, trying to be polite said 'oh yeah he ain't bad' (even though he had no idea who Stan was).

Dad's mate came round one evening and brought the Stan Getz album and we all had to listen to it 3 times. I hope Stan Getz is decomposing in a 6 by 2.
Reggae: 'boing boing boing repression boing boing' seriously, just f*ck off.

Huh? Reggae has the biggest influence on music of almost any genre.  Dub reggae production, sound experimentation heavily influences punk, rap and dance music, trip hop, trance and also most recently the dubstep genre.  The reggae and dub reggae influence is everywhere.

I must admit that reggae (particularly roots reggae) can be rather clichÃĐd in lyrical and musical style but IMO, its influence has enabled a lot of the best and most innovative music (IMO) of the last forty years.
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Huh? Reggae has the biggest influence on music of almost any genre. 

How can you say that with a straight face? It has one beat and every boring pleb black or white (hello UB40) has opted against making any kind of song at all and instead used the ONE beat reggae music offers and waffled nonsense over the top. Ditto rap. I don't want to hear special needs types talking over the same beat I've heard sing rap began.

Music: yes. Mindless repetition: no is pretty much my motto.
How can you say that with a straight face? It has one beat and every boring pleb black or white (hello UB40) has opted against making any kind of song at all and instead used the ONE beat reggae music offers and waffled nonsense over the top. Ditto rap. I don't want to hear special needs types talking over the same beat I've heard sing rap began.Music: yes. Mindless repetition: no is pretty much my motto.

I can say that with the face of someone who listens to broad range of music. Most of UB40's post 1982 output was watered down pap with a reggae flavour, Even so, prom, I challenge you to listen to UB40's "Signing off" album and tell me that it's just "boing boing boing repression"!

UB40 have long been a shite reggae-lite band but they in no way represent the richness of the genre.
I'm only pulling your leg, Prom,

I have loads of time for goth music but if I take The Sisters of Mercy "First and Last and Always" album then to my mind that's quite a boring album where most of the songs sound the same. 

Goth in the mid 1980s really lacked the innovation it had in the early 80s. The Sisters of Mercy were quite clichÃĐd lyrically resorting to camp repetition of horror movie imagery and musically bland production - IMO of course.

Goth in the 1990s and 2000s became another MTV clichÃĐ much like hair metal. Marilyn Mansun was pathetic.
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Signing Off and Present Arms  

I have these 2 wonderful albums filed alongside my 2-Tone and Madness albums – rather than alongside UK Roots albums such as Steel Pulse, Aswad and Misty in Roots.


Yet my Jamaican albums (and singles); whether they be Ska, Rocksteady, Roots or Dub; are generally mixed together.

Cold Sweat

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