Just been listening to one of my favourites Lavender by Marillion. I didn't realise it came out in 1985
What do you think has been the best era for music? Me, 60's, 70's and 80's. Beatles, Motown and then the 80's. When bands were bands, singers had to be able to sing and success was dependent solely on talent and record sales. (In the 80's you used to have to sell hundreds of thousands to get to no.1 - not like now). There was no internet, no (illegal) downloading facility, no famous for being famous sake, you either had it or you didn't.
This is quite deep for a Monday lunchtime.
But please post your favourites, my ears are always open to new avenues!

This is quite deep for a Monday lunchtime.
But please post your favourites, my ears are always open to new avenues!