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*wafts into room with considerably less decorum than usual and hammers on the bar to get everyone's attention*


Darlings, darlings, I am so glad you are here, you need to see this letter, you really do, darlings.


*waves a bit of paper in the air and tries to catch breath and order a cocktail at the same time*


Give me a minute, darlings, I just need to lubricate the old vocal chords.


*knocks back cocktail and gets ready to read out letter*

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:

*wafts into room with considerably less decorum than usual and hammers on the bar to get everyone's attention*


Darlings, darlings, I am so glad you are here, you need to see this letter, you really do, darlings.


*waves a bit of paper in the air and tries to catch breath and order a cocktail at the same time*


Give me a minute, darlings, I just need to lubricate the old vocal chords.


*knocks back cocktail and gets ready to read out letter*


Cast her in your new movie Farls. 100% A List drama queen 

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:

*wafts into room with considerably less decorum than usual and hammers on the bar to get everyone's attention*


Darlings, darlings, I am so glad you are here, you need to see this letter, you really do, darlings.


*waves a bit of paper in the air and tries to catch breath and order a cocktail at the same time*


Give me a minute, darlings, I just need to lubricate the old vocal chords.


*knocks back cocktail and gets ready to read out letter*


Cast her in your new movie Farls. 100% A List drama queen 

 First I shall grab a Crabbies and Dr Pepper

Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:

*wafts into room with considerably less decorum than usual and hammers on the bar to get everyone's attention*


Darlings, darlings, I am so glad you are here, you need to see this letter, you really do, darlings.


*waves a bit of paper in the air and tries to catch breath and order a cocktail at the same time*


Give me a minute, darlings, I just need to lubricate the old vocal chords.


*knocks back cocktail and gets ready to read out letter*


Cast her in your new movie Farls. 100% A List drama queen 


Bet you are not so cocky now, are you darling?

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Hmmm Willet did confide to me that none of his inventions worked



did he confide in you he stole Captain Slost's plans too?

Don't remember


you've not been the same since your night with Fanny

Please I'm trying to forget it.. 

Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:

*reads out loud*



So it is very clear, darlings, that you, Mr Fly, killed poor Captain Slost so that you could take credit for his flying ship machine thing-a-ma-bob, darling.



Talk about putting two and two together and getting..... *counts on fingers* ....12. 


That letter proves nothing except that Captain Slost was a first class bully! Threatening to dump me all at sea like that.... 


Ok, I admit it,  I may have stolen borrowed his plans, but that's a long way from murdering someone in cold blood! I've done some crazy things for my inventions but I draw the line at that.  If I were you I'd take a closer look at his shady lawyer, he doesn't seem to object to getting physical in the pursuit of money. 


All I did was the same thing as you Izzy! Poking about in other people's stuff and swiping their private documents.  

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Hmmm Willet did confide to me that none of his inventions worked



did he confide in you he stole Captain Slost's plans too?

Don't remember


Oh dear, darling, you must have a chat with Herr Doktor when he gets here, the shock of all this might have bought on a bout of selective amnesia. Or maybe you are just making this all up, darling? 

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:


Talk about putting two and two together and getting..... *counts on fingers* ....12. 


That letter proves nothing except that Captain Slost was a first class bully! Threatening to dump me all at sea like that.... 


Ok, I admit it,  I may have stolen borrowed his plans, but that's a long way from murdering someone in cold blood! I've done some crazy things for my inventions but I draw the line at that.  If I were you I'd take a closer look at his shady lawyer, he doesn't seem to object to getting physical in the pursuit of money. 


All I did was the same thing as you Izzy! Poking about in other people's stuff and swiping their private documents.  


Mr Fry, if your capable of stealing someone's plans that could happen to make you a very rich man, how are we expected to believe to what level someone would stoop? 

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:



Talk about putting two and two together and getting..... *counts on fingers* ....12. 


That letter proves nothing except that Captain Slost was a first class bully! Threatening to dump me all at sea like that.... 


Ok, I admit it,  I may have stolen borrowed his plans, but that's a long way from murdering someone in cold blood! I've done some crazy things for my inventions but I draw the line at that.  If I were you I'd take a closer look at his shady lawyer, he doesn't seem to object to getting physical in the pursuit of money. 


All I did was the same thing as you Izzy! Poking about in other people's stuff and swiping their private documents.  


Oh, darling, you can say what you like, the evidence is there for all to see. Just one thing, darling, have you ever been inside Herr Doktor Manoeuvre's cabin? 

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:

How did you get hold of it izzy, if it's meant for Willet?


Exactly Miss Twisty. I knew I could rely on your solid intellect to dig deep and go after the truly important questions  


Oh, do pay attention, darling, I FOUND it stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I am far too pissed most of the time lady like to go rummaging around in people's personal belongings.

Izzy Gonyett

Guten Abend dear people I haf just come in from ze deck and ze weather is frightful - I am ze drownded rat ja!


Vos iz dis, Herr Fry stole some documents from ze Kaptain   Mein Gott in Himmel  eee can't come up wif ze decent invention so ee has to steal one  haffing had my invention stolen I know how ze  Kaptain felt - you bounder Herr Fry 

Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:


Oh, darling, you can say what you like, the evidence is there for all to see. Just one thing, darling, have you ever been inside Herr Doktor Manoeuvre's cabin? 


No, can't say that I have.  Although I keep meaning to talk to him.... I'm branching out from flying things (reckon its for the best), I think he'd be very interested in the Phlegm-o-meter I've designed.  


I was going to demonstrate it earlier in the evening in the study, but I didn't want to disturb dear Miss Twisty while she was writing. 

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Please I'm trying to forget it.. 


how can you forget a pot holing experience like that

Cries "I'd rather not talk about it" sob



scary eh? I have a fear of large black caves too

 I have a rear of large enclosed dark places

Research? Ah yes, well I decides to set my new novel at christmas time, so it's release date is perfect for gift buying times.. So I went to NYC to soak up the festive atmosphere, watched home alone and bought a pair of red brogues! The inspiration was unstoppable, I wrote it between thanksgiving and advent! No wonder my arthritis has flared up again
hagatha twisty
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Please I'm trying to forget it.. 


how can you forget a pot holing experience like that

Cries "I'd rather not talk about it" sob



scary eh? I have a fear of large black caves too


Still, once her 'showbiz' career is over, she can always set herself up as a potholing attraction, darling. She'll never be poor, that girl.

Izzy Gonyett

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