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Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:
Pardon my typo Izzy, I'm still getting used to this silly auto spell! To think that the salesman told me it would make my life easier too

Pah- critics! Who knows why they do anything, perhaps they're just jealous of my long line of 120+ best sellers, or bored of their own insignificance to the world of literature, darling
One critic once gave me a bad review because she was envious of my red sparkly limited edition, sold out, brogues. Pathetic I tell you


But, darling,won't the bad reviews affect your sales?


Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:
Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:
Pardon my typo Izzy, I'm still getting used to this silly auto spell! To think that the salesman told me it would make my life easier too

Pah- critics! Who knows why they do anything, perhaps they're just jealous of my long line of 120+ best sellers, or bored of their own insignificance to the world of literature, darling
One critic once gave me a bad review because she was envious of my red sparkly limited edition, sold out, brogues. Pathetic I tell you


But, darling,won't the bad reviews affect your sales?



Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Well there you go Willet... I think Emily is crazy to love the Capt! and whats more I think she is capable of murder!


It's not true! I would never hurt Captain Slost! Well, not unless he asked me to Anyway, I don't own a gun and I haven't been anywhere near Dr Manoeuvre's cabin


Ms Airhead! You killed the good Captain because you were obsessively in love with him and he rejected me  err you!

Originally Posted by Prince Ton-Akadamee:
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Evening folks *puts megaphone and camera on bar*

Think I'll have Crabbies for a change bar tender.


*try's out the megaphone*


Which of you weirdos killed the Captain then? 

I say old chap! That was right down my ear hole 

*Slaps Willy on the bar*


Darling, I'd put that away before Ms Airhead spots it and tries to smother it in mustard.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:
Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:
Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:
Pardon my typo Izzy, I'm still getting used to this silly auto spell! To think that the salesman told me it would make my life easier too

Pah- critics! Who knows why they do anything, perhaps they're just jealous of my long line of 120+ best sellers, or bored of their own insignificance to the world of literature, darling
One critic once gave me a bad review because she was envious of my red sparkly limited edition, sold out, brogues. Pathetic I tell you


But, darling,won't the bad reviews affect your sales?




Did you want to say something, Mr Fatpin?

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

Guten Abend dear people   apologise for my lateness but I am still suffering from ze 'edache last night and now my ears are sore from ze loud booming voice of Herr Fry 


*sticks the megaphone right next to the Docs ear*


Where the bloody hell have you been?


I've been looking for you all night! I have a theory that's even betterer than my Heliwhiz invention!


I think you bought a gun onto the ship with the sole intention of killing poor dead (and seriously starting to get smelly) Captain Slost.  

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:
Ooooh hehe thank you Willet! I would love to fly a plane- could you invent one with a comfy arm chair in the pilots seat please?
And could Leo Dicaprio be the co-pilot on a permanent basis?! *swoons*

*jots notes for possible romance plot*


I know I said I could make it easy enough for anyone to fly. But it may be a stretch for Leo. He genuinely is JUST a pretty face that one. 

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

Guten Abend dear people   apologise for my lateness but I am still suffering from ze 'edache last night and now my ears are sore from ze loud booming voice of Herr Fry 


*sticks the megaphone right next to the Docs ear*


Where the bloody hell have you been?


I've been looking for you all night! I have a theory that's even betterer than my Heliwhiz invention!


I think you bought a gun onto the ship with the sole intention of killing poor dead (and seriously starting to get smelly) Captain Slost.  

*visibly pales* Ich brauche einen Arzt   oh I am a doktor so physician heal thy self 


well it's true zat I may have brought zat gun onto ze boaty but I swear on ze Kaiser's life zat it was only to scare ze Kaptain not keel him 


I vill zay zis - my gun was stolen ja! stolen from my kabin earlier today so perhaps you would be so kind as to find out ooo stole my gun 

Willet I'm a bit dissapointed, I thought you were the inventors equivalent of what I am in the world of literature!
Hang on- *quickly scribbles rough note to draft a plot based on a down & out, lunatic inventor without letting said inventor see what it is I'm writing*- yes Leo is just a pretty face, but he really is very pretty
I say, are you going to buy me a drink or what?
hagatha twisty
Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:
Ooooh hehe thank you Willet! I would love to fly a plane- could you invent one with a comfy arm chair in the pilots seat please?
And could Leo Dicaprio be the co-pilot on a permanent basis?! *swoons*

*jots notes for possible romance plot*


Dear lord above, if only your publishers were here now darling! They would be able see exactly what the problem is with your books.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

*visibly pales* Ich brauche einen Arzt   oh I am a doktor so physician heal thy self 


well it's true zat I may have brought zat gun onto ze boaty but I swear on ze Kaiser's life zat it was only to scare ze Kaptain not keel him 


I vill zay zis - my gun was stolen ja! stolen from my kabin earlier today so perhaps you would be so kind as to find out ooo stole my gun 


Why were you trying to scare the Captain?  That's really not a sensible thing to do when he has a 50,000 tonne vessel in his hands. 

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Well there you go Willet... I think Emily is crazy to love the Capt! and whats more I think she is capable of murder!


It's not true! I would never hurt Captain Slost! Well, not unless he asked me to Anyway, I don't own a gun and I haven't been anywhere near Dr Manoeuvre's cabin

Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Well there you go Willet... I think Emily is crazy to love the Capt! and whats more I think she is capable of murder!


It's not true! I would never hurt Captain Slost! Well, not unless he asked me to Anyway, I don't own a gun and I haven't been anywhere near Dr Manoeuvre's cabin


I guessed

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:
Izzy, pish posh! I have a huge, loyal fan base I suppose a few readers could be put off by the odd bad review, but there are so many of them that losing a few here and there really won't make much difference to sales. Besides darling, it's my publishers job to worry about that


And just how far would your publishers go to keep your 'books' at the top of the sales charts, darling?

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

*visibly pales* Ich brauche einen Arzt   oh I am a doktor so physician heal thy self 


well it's true zat I may have brought zat gun onto ze boaty but I swear on ze Kaiser's life zat it was only to scare ze Kaptain not keel him 


I vill zay zis - my gun was stolen ja! stolen from my kabin earlier today so perhaps you would be so kind as to find out ooo stole my gun 


Why were you trying to scare the Captain?  That's really not a sensible thing to do when he has a 50,000 tonne vessel in his hands. 

by my dear chap that Kaptain was a scoundrel ja!  a bounder - he told another doktor about some techniques I had invented   Zis Doktor Stomachpunch is now passing my invention off as iz own  


I just wanted to remind ze Kaptain to keep his flapping lips shut and not to divulge my great inventions ja 

Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Well there you go Willet... I think Emily is crazy to love the Capt! and whats more I think she is capable of murder!


It's not true! I would never hurt Captain Slost! Well, not unless he asked me to Anyway, I don't own a gun and I haven't been anywhere near Dr Manoeuvre's cabin


It appears Miss Airhead is able to predict the future.


Emily, will my inventions one day make me rich and famous (for the right reasons)? 

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

*visibly pales* Ich brauche einen Arzt   oh I am a doktor so physician heal thy self 


well it's true zat I may have brought zat gun onto ze boaty but I swear on ze Kaiser's life zat it was only to scare ze Kaptain not keel him 


I vill zay zis - my gun was stolen ja! stolen from my kabin earlier today so perhaps you would be so kind as to find out ooo stole my gun 


Why were you trying to scare the Captain?  That's really not a sensible thing to do when he has a 50,000 tonne vessel in his hands. 


From what I saw earlier. darling, the Prince can handle rather sizeable vessels.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin:

Well there you go Willet... I think Emily is crazy to love the Capt! and whats more I think she is capable of murder!


It's not true! I would never hurt Captain Slost! Well, not unless he asked me to Anyway, I don't own a gun and I haven't been anywhere near Dr Manoeuvre's cabin


It appears Miss Airhead is able to predict the future.


Emily, will my inventions one day make me rich and famous (for the right reasons)? 


I think the polar bear passes her secret messages, darling.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

*visibly pales* Ich brauche einen Arzt   oh I am a doktor so physician heal thy self 


well it's true zat I may have brought zat gun onto ze boaty but I swear on ze Kaiser's life zat it was only to scare ze Kaptain not keel him 


I vill zay zis - my gun was stolen ja! stolen from my kabin earlier today so perhaps you would be so kind as to find out ooo stole my gun 


Why were you trying to scare the Captain?  That's really not a sensible thing to do when he has a 50,000 tonne vessel in his hands. 

by my dear chap that Kaptain was a scoundrel ja!  a bounder - he told another doktor about some techniques I had invented   Zis Doktor Stomachpunch is now passing my invention off as iz own  


I just wanted to remind ze Kaptain to keep his flapping lips shut and not to divulge my great inventions ja 


Mmmmmmm (as DI Effing Useless would say).....


So, I wonder who else has been into your cabin then? 


Emily....I think you should answer first love  

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

*visibly pales* Ich brauche einen Arzt   oh I am a doktor so physician heal thy self 


well it's true zat I may have brought zat gun onto ze boaty but I swear on ze Kaiser's life zat it was only to scare ze Kaptain not keel him 


I vill zay zis - my gun was stolen ja! stolen from my kabin earlier today so perhaps you would be so kind as to find out ooo stole my gun 


Why were you trying to scare the Captain?  That's really not a sensible thing to do when he has a 50,000 tonne vessel in his hands. 


From what I saw earlier. darling, the Prince can handle rather sizeable vessels.

believe me as someone of great anatomical knowledge neither as anyfink to boast about 

Originally Posted by Willet Fry:


It appears Miss Airhead is able to predict the future.


Emily, will my inventions one day make me rich and famous (for the right reasons)? 



See, I'm not as stupid as people say, I knew the Herr Doctor had a gun, it was obvious at some point he had it in his cabin



In answer to your question...No

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Fanny Shaker:
Originally Posted by Prince Ton-Akadamee:

Ah, Miss Shaker, Did you have any plans when the ship reached it destination?

I'm going all the way your highness


I shall be making a bee line straight to the nearest theatre and making them give me a staring role!


And why would they give a two bit showgirl like you a starring role, darling? Unless you were planning to use your rather tenuous link to the poor Captain, to boost your sagging arse  star quality?

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

*visibly pales* Ich brauche einen Arzt   oh I am a doktor so physician heal thy self 


well it's true zat I may have brought zat gun onto ze boaty but I swear on ze Kaiser's life zat it was only to scare ze Kaptain not keel him 


I vill zay zis - my gun was stolen ja! stolen from my kabin earlier today so perhaps you would be so kind as to find out ooo stole my gun 


Why were you trying to scare the Captain?  That's really not a sensible thing to do when he has a 50,000 tonne vessel in his hands. 

by my dear chap that Kaptain was a scoundrel ja!  a bounder - he told another doktor about some techniques I had invented   Zis Doktor Stomachpunch is now passing my invention off as iz own  


I just wanted to remind ze Kaptain to keep his flapping lips shut and not to divulge my great inventions ja 


Mmmmmmm (as DI Effing Useless would say).....


So, I wonder who else has been into your cabin then? 


Emily....I think you should answer first love  

hmmmm let me ze - zere was Frauline Fanny, Ms Tweety and of course The Princeling haf all been to my kabine 

Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Willet Fry:


Mmmmmmm (as DI Effing Useless would say).....


So, I wonder who else has been into your cabin then? 


Emily....I think you should answer first love  



I have never been anywhere near the Herr Doctor's cabin

well not zat I am aware of but who knows 


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