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Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

vot are you doooing flying to land on a boaty?   Ze Engleeesh, such strange peoples 


so this isn't HMS Arc Royal?

vas iz dis Arc Royal?  Is his Majesty King Edward bent over? 


I am slightly ditzy and forgotten what date it was set in

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by DI S Array (machel):

my name is Array DI S Array, I wonder where I put the group evidence........


if you can't find where to put your evidence, its hightly unlikely you are going to solve who caused the premature demise of that poor brave captain


In my experience, darling, the police force is a total waste of time, a truly incompetent bunch.


Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by DI S Array (machel):

my name is Array DI S Array, I wonder where I put the group evidence........


if you can't find where to put your evidence, its hightly unlikely you are going to solve who caused the premature demise of that poor brave captain

I always get my man

Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by DI S Array (machel):

my name is Array DI S Array, I wonder where I put the group evidence........


if you can't find where to put your evidence, its hightly unlikely you are going to solve who caused the premature demise of that poor brave captain


In my experience, darling, the police force is a total waste of time, a truly incompetent bunch.


Experience of police?????

*puts Izzy to top of suspect list

Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

vot are you doooing flying to land on a boaty?   Ze Engleeesh, such strange peoples 


so this isn't HMS Arc Royal?

vas iz dis Arc Royal?  Is his Majesty King Edward bent over? 


I am slightly ditzy and forgotten what date it was set in

well my dear I haf a friend in Austria who can do better lenses dan dose milk bottle bottoms you haf on your eyes - zat is der right term iz it not - ze milk bottle bottoms - iz verra difficult for an eminent Doktor like me to say 

Originally Posted by DI S Array (machel):
Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett:
Originally Posted by Emily Airhead:
Originally Posted by DI S Array (machel):

my name is Array DI S Array, I wonder where I put the group evidence........


if you can't find where to put your evidence, its hightly unlikely you are going to solve who caused the premature demise of that poor brave captain


In my experience, darling, the police force is a total waste of time, a truly incompetent bunch.


Experience of police?????

*puts Izzy to top of suspect list

she iz wot I believe iz shifty??  



I'm Emily Airhead *bumps into the lifeboat again* I am a globetrotter and adventurer. You must have seen photo's of me standing next to my lovely trusty plane, the Pink Peril Or maybe you recognise me from newsreels olf me landing after flew solo around the world in 79 days. People called me crazy for that stunt, the only thing I carried was a small hand mirror and a packet of salted peanuts.

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Fanny Shaker:

Hello, I'm Fanny Shaker, i'm lead performer in our evening entertainment..... but you all know that already, how could you forget this bum face?


 Guessing this means tonight's show is now cancelled?


*peers closely at the showgirl*


Fanny, darling, I have some Preparation H back in my cabin if you need to borrow it, It belonged to my beloved Xavier and I just can't bring myself to throw it out.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Dr. Heimlich Manoeuvre:

well my dear I haf a friend in Austria who can do better lenses dan dose milk bottle bottoms you haf on your eyes - zat is der right term iz it not - ze milk bottle bottoms - iz verra difficult for an eminent Doktor like me to say 


milk bottles...these are my goggles I wear all the time. I never know when the urge will take me to fly in my Pink Peril

Emily Airhead

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