I'll post the map when ye have all digested the true facts
now would be a good time
I'll post the map when ye have all digested the true facts
now would be a good time
Pmsl @ Gayle, she sounds stoned
*is too stoned to notice that he's been referred to as a wench*
*clambers up as lady like as possible*
Ah knew it, Ah just knew it! Vi, you really are as useless as they all said you were. Ah am sure mah new Detective Agency will really take off now, Ah will not be poor after all
Oh dear god....she solved it!
Ah sure am good at this detectin' business!
Don't ye be a worryin' Lover Boy, I'll come with yer ter see ol' Longshanks, I'll get yer off Mebbe we'll threaen ter tell his Missus about all them wimmin and stuff, I ain't averse ter a spot of blackmail if it means my baby has a daddy
I not be worrin' darlin',I know too much...that's how I managed to get the codicil... we will be salin' off darlin and with plenty o' gold
I'll post the map when ye have all digested the true facts
now would be a good time
here be the original map
Nobody cares that me Da's DEADED............and the crabs, what about the crabs?....I need answers.....
Maybe I will find them at the bottom of this ere flagon........Hic!..........."Burp!"
fecking slow readers
We're reading through grog goggles......it could take a while
*clambers up as lady like as possible*
Ah knew it, Ah just knew it! Vi, you really are as useless as they all said you were. Ah am sure mah new Detective Agency will really take off now, Ah will not be poor after all
Oh dear god....she solved it!
Don't ye be a worryin' Lover Boy, I'll come with yer ter see ol' Longshanks, I'll get yer off Mebbe we'll threaen ter tell his Missus about all them wimmin and stuff, I ain't averse ter a spot of blackmail if it means my baby has a daddy
I not be worrin' darlin',I know too much...that's how I managed to get the codicil... we will be salin' off darlin and with plenty o' gold
Hey, man....how about a little "grant" to help me with me project? A few thousand oughter set me up in Amsterdam real nice.
fecking slow readers
We're reading through grog goggles......it could take a while
That be half a bottle of vodka Miss Marples owing me fer tonight...I intend to get it back
*I hope yer listenin' hen*
Don't ye be a worryin' Lover Boy, I'll come with yer ter see ol' Longshanks, I'll get yer off Mebbe we'll threaen ter tell his Missus about all them wimmin and stuff, I ain't averse ter a spot of blackmail if it means my baby has a daddy
I not be worrin' darlin',I know too much...that's how I managed to get the codicil... we will be salin' off darlin and with plenty o' gold
Hey, man....how about a little "grant" to help me with me project? A few thousand oughter set me up in Amsterdam real nice.
I'm sure me and me wench would be interested in that little jaunt
Don't ye be a worryin' Lover Boy, I'll come with yer ter see ol' Longshanks, I'll get yer off Mebbe we'll threaen ter tell his Missus about all them wimmin and stuff, I ain't averse ter a spot of blackmail if it means my baby has a daddy
I not be worrin' darlin',I know too much...that's how I managed to get the codicil... we will be salin' off darlin and with plenty o' gold
Hey, man....how about a little "grant" to help me with me project? A few thousand oughter set me up in Amsterdam real nice.
I'm sure me and me wench would be interested in that little jaunt
That I be Lover Boy, that I be
That's fab, man!
Don't fergit to pack yer tye-dye!
That's fab, man!
Don't fergit to pack yer tye-dye!
Vi and me got the t-shirts
At least there will be plenty of pain relief for the birth
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