I be givin' this a lot o' thinkin'..and it hurts somethin' fierce!
Seems as if ALL of us had reason to want that black-hearted Cap'n Black dead. He weren't no treat to work with, day in and day out, were he?
There be a fair amount of dishonesty on this vessel, too, methinks. Scurvy dogs sneakin' in and out o' the Cap'n's cabin, up the mast wi' flags, writin' letters and the like. Heck, even *I* had secrets! (Not anymore, o' course.)
There be a couple o' dogs that not be answerin' questions to me satisfaction, but methinks the murrrderrrrerrrr be....Yu Lie!
Methinks she be in cahoots with Longshanks, who be runnin' for Gov'ner, and lookin' to keep pirate ships outta Freeport. It's possible she never intended to kill the Cap'n, but that it happened in a struggle, when he found her in his cabin, riflin' the desk. At any rate, methinks she hides behind that poor English (which she speaks well enough when she wants to.)
She's an odd 'un, THAT'S fer sure, but methinks she also be the murrrderrerr.