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Originally Posted by Candy Capish:


Money troubles? Can't be easy for a girl with such god bloody awful taste as you.


Milk delivery troubles...I have great taste, its not all about looks, as you should well know

True, some of the men in my life have not been overly handsome, but you beat me hands down with that man of yours.



Izzy Gonyett

*saunters in with an air of self importance and immense greatness*


I know none of you have any faith in me whatsoever and I know my reputations are well known. Prepare to be amazed you lousy lot, for a miracle has happened. It would appear that allowing my brain to concentrate solely on this here murder, rather than chasing anything in trouser, has worked .


*waits for everyone to fall at feet*


While I was rummaging in the bins for evidence something to eat, I ain't never trustin Sam again I found this....



Hmmmmm...sure makes you look at certain people in a whole new light, doesn't it?

Izzy Gonyett

Now, as you lot seem to wander about as you darn well please, no thought to us who are tryin to solve this murder, I shall ask some questions now...please answer them when you can be arsed get here.



Who/What were you protecting Tone from?

How long were you with Spudsy   and when you were together were you known as Sweet Potato?

How long after breaking up with Spudsy did you get it on with Tone?

Did Spudsy know you two were married?

Why did you and Spusy finish?


Did you know about Candy and Spudsy?

Did he ever threaten you over your relationship with her?

Who was she protecting you from?

How long have you been married?



Did you know about Candy and Spudsy?

Did Spudsy ever talk about her? Did he hate Tone for getting her? Did he know they were married?



So you're not stirctly the entertainment or even a close friend are you? Are you just arm candy or is there more to you than that?

Did you want there to be more between you? Did Spudsy turn you down?


That will do for now, there is only so much thinking I can do in a day.

I will give you a bit of time to answer the questions, I'm off for a huge drink and a nap a look round to see if I can find anymore evidence, I appear to be on a roll.

Izzy Gonyett

This ya call evidence and ya's leaves it out for all ta see when ya coulds a brought it ta me alone so we coulda shared in the intrigue..

Ya dumb broad Sheesh! I'm Billy Badda Bing we could have had a fling. 

Originally Posted by Billy:

This ya call evidence and ya's leaves it out for all ta see when ya coulds a brought it ta me alone so we coulda shared in the intrigue..

Ya dumb broad Sheesh! I'm Billy Badda Bing we could have had a fling. 

*Oh god, Im'never gonna get that drink find more evidence at this rate*


And why would i share it with you alone sugar?


And don't rule the fling out, my brain cells are bound to pack in soon

Izzy Gonyett

Spudsy wouldn’t put up with being used by Candy. After he found out what she was up to, he would have put an end to it. Maybe she decided to murder Spudsy to stop Tony frying!

Well Tony did ya's know Candy was seeing Spudsy.??

Originally Posted by Vi Brator:



Did you know about Candy and Spudsy?

Did he ever threaten you over your relationship with her?

Who was she protecting you from?

How long have you been married?




You have no idea how good it feels to read that letter to Bella! In the weirdest way of course. Yeah I knew about the two of 'em.  


Me and Candy are newly weds, it's only been a few months but things were going pretty well. I hadn't cocked things up once! Treater her like a princess and she seemed to be well 'appy with things.  


Then I found out that she was going behind me back with me bestest mate.  Even for a big tough guy like me, that hits yous hard! Me BESTEST mate! 


But having read that ^^ it looks like she was just doing it to protect me! Awwww Candy! She's just the best ain't she? 

Willet Fry

I'll have to let her speak for herself and that, but I reckons she was protecting me from Spudsy himself. Him getting all upset over my sloppiness SOPPINESS. He was obviously jealous weren't he? Maybe we wasn't such good mates after all. 

Willet Fry

Hang on! the note was found in the trash? So Did Spuds decide to chuck it? Did Bella see it first and dump it or did the killer decide it was too good a piece of dirt NOT to leave around where it could be found.. Hmmmmm> rubs chin<

Originally Posted by Billy:

Hang on! the note was found in the trash? So Did Spuds decide to chuck it? Did Bella see it first and dump it or did the killer decide it was too good a piece of dirt NOT to leave around where it could be found.. Hmmmmm> rubs chin<


Ooh you has some brains beneath that dodgy looking hat of yours Bing!  

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:

Now, as you lot seem to wander about as you darn well please, no thought to us who are tryin to solve this murder, I shall ask some questions now...please answer them when you can be arsed get here.



Who/What were you protecting Tone from?

How long were you with Spudsy   and when you were together were you known as Sweet Potato?

How long after breaking up with Spudsy did you get it on with Tone?

Did Spudsy know you two were married?

Why did you and Spusy finish?



I was protecting Tony from Spudsy, he threatened some god awful things.. I did what I had to do...that's what mobsters wives do



I wasn't with spudsy that long and whatever he said, he used me and my love for Tony more than I ever used him Yes, Spudsy knew we were married..and we finished because we were never in love!

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Billy:


Well Tony did ya's know Candy was seeing Spudsy.??


Yeah, I did know. It was hard not to notice when she came home smelling like potatoes! Rotten ones at that.  I tried putting it to the back of me mind though, I didn't want to face up to it. Me darlin' Candy and me bestest mate Spuds.  

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Billy:

Spudsy wouldn’t put up with being used by Candy. After he found out what she was up to, he would have put an end to it. Maybe she decided to murder Spudsy to stop Tony frying!

Well Tony did ya's know Candy was seeing Spudsy.??



I didn't murder Spudsy... Ding Dong


Spudsy was quite happy with the arrangement, in fact he told me he had some jewellery to give me, so he can't have been that unhappy!

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Tony Triceps:
Originally Posted by Billy:


Well Tony did ya's know Candy was seeing Spudsy.??


Yeah, I did know. It was hard not to notice when she came home smelling like potatoes! Rotten ones at that.  I tried putting it to the back of me mind though, I didn't want to face up to it. Me darlin' Candy and me bestest mate Spuds.  



I did it for you honey bunch...all for you

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Candy Capish:

I did it for you honey bunch...all for you


I knows thats now sweetheart I can't believe you'd do that for me!   It's no wonder you weren't interested in the Shepard's Pie I cooked ya for us two month anniversary! It must of been enough to put you off 'taters for life. 


Please tell me he didn't call ya sweet potato though.  Anything but that! 

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Bella:

*sleeeeeeeeeeeeenks* in ze sexzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeee burd - not not ze penpuiz ze slovakian peacock

*slink not squint*


Ah, here's the bird of the hour.....wanna explain how comes that note of yours ended up in the bins? 'eh? 


And, excuse me while I takes some pleasure in noting that ol's Spuds wasn't as keen on you as yous like to makes out  

Willet Fry

PAh zat gina - adeez not getz all ze mezzge - he adored me spudsy and tood z mez stuffz

I vew he zantez to zee mez but spudsy always came backstage - he used to viggle vi garter - zis my trademark


Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Tony Triceps:
Originally Posted by Candy Capish:

I did it for you honey bunch...all for you


I knows thats now sweetheart I can't believe you'd do that for me!   It's no wonder you weren't interested in the Shepard's Pie I cooked ya for us two month anniversary! It must of been enough to put you off 'taters for life. 


Please tell me he didn't call ya sweet potato though.  Anything but that! 



aww you are the bestest man in the whole wide world I can't remember him using sweet potao with me darlin, in fact I'm sure he didn't

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Tony Triceps:
Originally Posted by Bella:

*sleeeeeeeeeeeeenks* in ze sexzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeee burd - not not ze penpuiz ze slovakian peacock

*slink not squint*


Ah, here's the bird of the hour.....wanna explain how comes that note of yours ended up in the bins? 'eh? 


And, excuse me while I takes some pleasure in noting that ol's Spuds wasn't as keen on you as yous like to makes out  

aaa zat you ze evaz a cover up - ze vanted more and ve were plotting to feez to get zi married - zat zis deceptive

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Billy:

Think I'm gonna be sick 


Oh, he's the man who likes to cast aspersions on others! Just so you know I DID NOT KILL SPUDS! Nor did Candy.  


Yeah, I wasn't exactly will impressed with him messing with me woman, but I don'ts murder people in me private life! I have enough of that malarky at work.  

Willet Fry
Originally Posted by Tony Triceps:
Originally Posted by Billy:

Think I'm gonna be sick 


Oh, he's the man who likes to cast aspersions on others! Just so you know I DID NOT KILL SPUDS! Nor did Candy.  


Yeah, I wasn't exactly will impressed with him messing with me woman, but I don'ts murder people in me private life! I have enough of that malarky at work.  


we just got to work on your directional skills a bit more honey

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Bella:

candy vy zu  iz 'ere - vy did zu sleep wiz spudsy after only beingz married 3 monz ????

- diz gusting  - zu eez worz san ze tony and ze is lowest of ze low




you know nothing you Russian floozy...I did what I had to do to keep my Tony out of Prison...that's what mobsters wives do I wouldn't be surprised if you and Ding Dong weren't not in cahoots, you both talk rubbish

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Tony Triceps:
Originally Posted by Billy:

Think I'm gonna be sick 


Oh, he's the man who likes to cast aspersions on others! Just so you know I DID NOT KILL SPUDS! Nor did Candy.  


Yeah, I wasn't exactly will impressed with him messing with me woman, but I don'ts murder people in me private life! I have enough of that malarky at work.  

zo  zu zay - vy should ve believe you I dizn't eizer but zumbody zid


Rocking Ros Rose

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