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Former Member


Two words: Stupid cow


Who the hell does she think she is?  Firstly, when her son won the ÂĢ45 million pounds,(back in February)  she went to the SUN newspaper bleating about how her son does not want to know her after they had a row 7 years ago, and asking them to get in touch with him to get 'his' side and all that shit..


Then when THAT didn't work, and he understandably ignored the old bint, she decided to go on the telebox (this week,) to BEG him to get in touch because she wanted to heal the rift and 'be a family again.'  Again, understandably, he does not seem to be getting in touch with her. 


My question is: why did she not try and heal this rift and have her relationship back with her son, BEFORE he won ÂĢ45 million,..???  Apparently, he lived in the same ROAD as her, so it's not like she hadn't had the opportunity to 'heal the rift' before.


I hope he gets a lawyer to tell her to feck off, stay away from him and his new family, and that he never gets in touch with her again.


Harsh?  Maybe so.  But I have NO time for people like this, and I know a few: who only want to be part of someone's life when it suits THEM, and when they can get something from them.  And this young man's mother is no different.  Moneygrabbing attention seeking old witch.  IMO, the more she bleats on, the more of a twat she is making of herself.


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It's hard to judge, without knowing all the circumstances. Maybe she has tried to reconcile during the seven years, and maybe she has just been courted by the media, since the win, as it makes for a good 'story'. I'm sure she would have been asked what she thought of her son's winnings, at the time, and they would be positively salivating at hearing of problems in the family. I didn't see her interview, nor read the newspaper article.


It's never nice to have family rifts. If she has been a nasty cow and

damaged relations beyond repair, then the son is right to stick to his guns. If not, I hope there is a reconciliation.


tbh he's won a shed load of dosh so I'd pay her off and make her sign a 'don't contact me ever again' document. .



Gets rid of her for good and tis not like he can't spare a bit  of cash. .they may be at loggerheads now but prior to the argument 7 yrs ago she was his mum and brought him up I presume..


either way if it really is the money she wants she'll take the cash and sign the document and piss off. .if it really is to make up then she'll refuse the money and to sign anything meaning he'll know she is genuine..



result either way I reckon. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Well I am totally 100% against this woman, as I have KNOWN a number of people like this who don't want to know unless they can get something from someone.  


My beef is that this woman lived a few YARDS away from her son, yet she never spoke to him in SEVEN YEARS, and yet ODDLY, she wants to speak to him now!  Now he has ÂĢ45 million!  


I think if she had a SHRED of dignity or decency in her bones, she would not be milking it and talking to the gutter press.  She knows what she is doing, and blaming the press for jumping on the story and 'salivating at the thought of it' does not wash with me.  Nobody has been holding a gun to her head to get her to talk to the press or to go on telly BEGGING her son to get in touch.  She has done that of her own free will.


Again I reiterate: why did she not try and make up this rift BEFORE her son won ÂĢ45 million?  Firstly, she has NOTHING to do with her OWN SON for 7 years, and then she tries emotional blackmail via the press, to get in on his millions.  The woman is scum.

Last edited by Former Member

 I like your rants Cuppers!!  


On the subject....Blizz is right, we don't know anything about BEFORE the argument and she could have tried to heal the rift or maybe it was a case of he was only down the road, she saw him everyday and, if he has any....I dunno, I haven't read it, would see her grandkids on a daily basis but now maybe the realisation that he's gonny leave and she may never see them ever again might have been the kick she needed.  Or she may just be a money loving lousy bitch who doesn't give two shits about her son and just wants some of the money.  We don't know.


As Olly says....maybe he should just give her a one off payment and tell her to do one.  I have one sister I don't speak to but if I won the lotto I'd happily give her some money and tell her to never contact me again.


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