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His profile (BB home page) reveals that he promised to be argumentative. What sort of a boast is that? I'd be ashamed. (But knowing how weird the producers can be) it probably helped to get him in the show.)
Argumentative with chosen targets the tool....I have siad before if that were how he is across the board it would be easier to fathom but noooooo he chooses who to be argumentative with.
I wonder if Davina will make him feel suitably ashamed in his eviction interview for targetting and belittling women and people he deemed to be weaker than him. What am I talking about? Of course she won't. I like Davina but she's a complete waste of space in the eviction interviews. Voice of the people my arse. Voice of the producers more like.
Interview?  It would be a loonyfest. "whaddyamean by that Davina, why you saying that, no seriously, what made you say that, understand what you're saying, but why did you say it, don't understand why you said it, then he'll go loking for the diarrhoea room and sit in the corner to wait for Josie to arrive!   
There is no one in there to stand up to him now... apart from perhaps Steve (even thought I don't like him)... and that isn't going to happen, cos JJ would never have the cojones !  He is going to go straight into the final.. and probably win, all by being nasty..... what a world!

He waits for Nathan to go before he kicks off, say no more about the little sh*t house.
Interview?  It would be a loonyfest. "whaddyamean by that Davina, why you saying that, no seriously, what made you say that, understand what you're saying, but why did you say it, don't understand why you said it, then he'll go loking for the diarrhoea room and sit in the corner to wait for Josie to arrive!
Interjected with eff's and yeah yeah yeah's.
i havent seen whats happened my internets been down. hes upset corin again? in a way im glad i didnt get to see it he does my head in with his whinney voice

He's been bitching about Corin and Dave/Keeva are going to confront her about her happy disposition , her singing annoys them . He's now moved on to next weeks victim Keely, he's working a week in advance.

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