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So many of them are saying:
"The important thing is we have apologised."
"The important thing is that we are putting it right."
So that's alright then is it?
They seem very surprised that many people are not forgiving them so quickly.
This could be because many people believe it would still be happening if they had not been found out. They are only being righteous because they were discovered.
(I still want to know why the people in the Fees Office who sanctioned these things seem to have escaped.)
The attitude of many MPs now is "I have apologised - you can now trust me again - so please love, respect and support me."

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I used to be a staunch Labour supporter when the Unions were strong But ever since Maggie got in an shut the pits etc; haven't voted since. Whoever gets in nowadays-- they are in it for what they can get out of it. Wish i had emigrated abroad when i was younger. And to think folk are still trying to get here and risking life and limb to do it
That's the problem - it was sanctioned. It was all above board, but terribly sneeky. Quite a dimalla!
That's the thing, isn't it?  Who can honestly say they wouldn't have done the same given the chance if they thought it wouldn't all become public and therefore give a bad press?  I mean the normal ones, including home flipping, not the fraud cases.
Our ex Home Secretary tried to defend herself tonight on QT by not defending herself, but she still didn't have the gumption to say that she would just pay the money back because that would mean admitting to a moral deficit.
Yes Jacqui Smith looked a wee bit flustered when she was trying to defend herself last night!  

 Lembit Opik makes me laugh!  I try not to like him but I can't help myself!
Two things came to mind.
1. If we are now  going to investigate MPs over a few pennies then surely we need to go root and branch through expenses for every gov. employee in this country. Otherwise  it would appear that we were persecuting MPs. Again, I'm more keen on investigating the more significant non payment of tax.
2. Apologists for the BNP have said that everyone  ganged up on the disgraceful Nick Griffiths (sic) No-one has mentioned the same attitude shown towards Harriet (twice) or the delightful Jackie Smith.
Garage Joe
Most of these MPs own massive houses worth millions that have been paid for and sold on at massive profits with the help of their expenses.

Most of 'em? It must be somewhere else  then  I think that from my area only Mr Blair fits in with that theory. I met my MP delivering her own leaflets last week, she looks like she doesn't have a halfpenny to scratch her bottom with.
Garage Joe
I met my MP delivering her own leaflets last week, she looks like she doesn't have a halfpenny to scratch her bottom with.
I'm thinking Bolton West MP Ruth Kelly, come to think of it, she looks like she's not got a ha'penny to scratch her arse with too , though she did claim a ridiculous amount for flooding (i think) as her house insurance didn't cover it.... know what I mean crossy though, some of them have made quite alot out of property deals and flipping houses
The Devil In Diamante

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