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Thought it would be good to have a thread for movies... bit like the music thread. Just watched Lincoln Lawyer today, was a pretty good film.


Also, currently watching one that came out last year called The Other Guys, bit of a comedy film. Thought it would all base around Samuel L Jackson & Dwayne Johnson in the movie, but something unexpected happened at the beginning



Another funny part of the movie,


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Are we talking classics or new ones? I saw Knight & Day tonight on Sky, it was surprisingly bloody good! Non-stop action and Cruise was in his Mission Impossible styleee character with some humour thrown in (I know he's a pain in the arse publicly but film wise he's still got it). Diaz was alright, too. Had a few real life laugh out loud moments, the only downside was the ending was shit.


I'll ask the son and heir cos he loves films and would know more than me


I'll watch out for that Crockers, ta. I've got Sky movies but rarely watch them (or only half watch them) I got it for the boy, really. But may start paying a bit more attention. The only thing with Sky is they repeat SO much stuff. I saw Flightplan 4 times in one week once. As much as I adore Jodie Foster even she got on my rack in the end.

Originally Posted by Renton:

The achingly gorgeous and terribly heart breaking American Beauty

My favourite film of all time

I agree.  Brilliant film.  Had hoped to see Kevin Spacey on stage this year but all tickets sold out.  We are going to try the queuing outside hoping for returns tactic.  Our hopes aren't high, though


I liked Jurassic Park - well to be honest I never rated that Jeff Goldblum or Richard Attenborough and some of the other actors were nothing more or less than dinosaur food - especially that kid who hid out for ages, but I did like the dinosaurs - well the meat eaters, not the stupid veggiesauruses.  But I was watching a programme on Discovery (Sky + of course, or whatever the equivalent is on me Virgin Tivo) and it said that the T Rexs never wandered around aimlessly on their own looking for explorers to eat but got together in a little gang to get the food in'  It said that they (Tyrannosaurus Rex) 'hunted in packs'

Now as you know T Rex, has often been portrayed by experts (such as my goodself based on hours of watching Jurassic Park) as formidable but solitary and dull-witted creatures.

But they say that new research suggests"that the species was not only equipped with the build and speed for pack hunting, but also the brain capacity to work together as a team.  He said T Rex's hunting technique may have involved juveniles chasing and catching prey, with fully grown adults taking over and delivering the fatal bites."

He added: "We now have a lot of sites worldwide which show they did get together into gangs, either to hunt or move from one region to another."


It won't stop me watching it even though some parts, like when the trailer is hanging over the cliff do stretch the imagination a bit.  And it reminds me of here a bit, which is nice.

Originally Posted by Geordie Lass:

I liked Jurassic Park - well to be honest I never rated that Jeff Goldblum or Richard Attenborough and some of the other actors were nothing more or less than dinosaur food - especially that kid who hid out for ages, but I did like the dinosaurs - well the meat eaters, not the stupid veggiesauruses.  But I was watching a programme on Discovery (Sky + of course, or whatever the equivalent is on me Virgin Tivo) and it said that the T Rexs never wandered around aimlessly on their own looking for explorers to eat but got together in a little gang to get the food in'  It said that they (Tyrannosaurus Rex) 'hunted in packs'

Now as you know T Rex, has often been portrayed by experts (such as my goodself based on hours of watching Jurassic Park) as formidable but solitary and dull-witted creatures.

But they say that new research suggests"that the species was not only equipped with the build and speed for pack hunting, but also the brain capacity to work together as a team.  He said T Rex's hunting technique may have involved juveniles chasing and catching prey, with fully grown adults taking over and delivering the fatal bites."

He added: "We now have a lot of sites worldwide which show they did get together into gangs, either to hunt or move from one region to another."


It won't stop me watching it even though some parts, like when the trailer is hanging over the cliff do stretch the imagination a bit.  And it reminds me of here a bit, which is nice.

I liked the dinosaurs, but not that woman who screeched at the drop of a hat


After Apprentice I shall be watching the first Predator (the one without the dance sequence in)


Another chance to see Arnie with his shirt off (and Billy).  Mind you, the Predator in that film (which is considerably scarier than some of them round here) was the best one - played by Kevin Peter Hall. He was 7ft 2inches tall and he is also the guy flying the helicopter at the end.  A sad loss to movies.  But because of all the deserving arses that get kicked, well worth watching.


Just watched Full Metal Jacket.  Not too many laughs in that one , but I did find mesel joining in the singing of the Mickey Mouse Club at the end which was jolly nice and put it into context for me.  As I have nothing to do I shall watch the first Alien film again.  They are all pretty good except for the prison planet one although Brian Glover was good in it.


On big screen, with the lights off and peering from behind a cushion they are pretty realistic.  Like walking quietly through a dark forum at night waiting for a monster to jump out and rip you limb from limb ...

Originally Posted by Queen of the High Teas:

I really enjoyed The Boat That Rocked. It got a bit of a mauling by the critics but I think if you don't watch it expecting a typical Richard Curtis rom-com, it's very entertaining. That said I think I probably liked it so much because I'm really interested in 60's music and social history, you might struggle with it otherwise.

I hated it

Known in our house as The Film That Sucked.


Look at me raking up old threads   In response to OP, I watched the Lincoln Lawyer this week, and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Anyway, today we've watched Senna.  Absolutely brilliant, even if you're not a big F1 fan, it's definitely worth a watch.  During that final race my heart was in my mouth because I knew what was coming.  Brilliant, definitely recommend it.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Look at me raking up old threads   In response to OP, I watched the Lincoln Lawyer this week, and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Anyway, today we've watched Senna.  Absolutely brilliant, even if you're not a big F1 fan, it's definitely worth a watch.  During that final race my heart was in my mouth because I knew what was coming.  Brilliant, definitely recommend it.

I saw Senna Cinds, it was incredible - so moving.  

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Look at me raking up old threads   In response to OP, I watched the Lincoln Lawyer this week, and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Anyway, today we've watched Senna.  Absolutely brilliant, even if you're not a big F1 fan, it's definitely worth a watch.  During that final race my heart was in my mouth because I knew what was coming.  Brilliant, definitely recommend it.

I saw Senna Cinds, it was incredible - so moving.  

Both Mr Cinds & I were sat there with tears streaming down our faces at the end.  Mr Cinds blamed it on him having PMT 


I love this:



It's slow and thoughtful, so if you're looking for fast pace it's not for you. But if you like old school sci-fi, give it a chance.


Recent films that I've loved:


Stranger Than Fiction

Third Star

Drive (VERY violent though!)

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.


Edit: would also recommend Senna to everyone too, stunning film.


Oooh i watched MIDNIGHT IN PARIS

This is a truly delightful movie - enchanting, in fact.

A successful screen writer called Gil holidays in Paris to find inspiration to complete a book he's working on.

One night during a walk an old car pulls up - the occupants invite him to a party.

Suddenly Gil finds himself in 1920's Paris with F Scott Fitzgerald and Hemingway!!

Each night the same happens - is it his imagination running away with him cos he thinks the 1920's are a Golden Age of Art and Literatureand . . .  is the subject of his book.

As his midnight jaunts continue he meets Cole Porter, Degas and Picasso etc .

Each offer him an insight to life he previous never realised and with it an epihany that no age is a Golden Age for those living in it.

He values the 1920's because it was forward looking and inventive - never nostaligic.

He realises he has been looking at life in the wrong way and that is what has been wrong with his book - a book about nostalgia and the 1920's

He also decides his life must change if he is to fully realise the beauty and oppertunity of "now" - including the separation from his wife.


An unusual, utterly absorbing and beautiful movie by Woody Allen. Truly enchanting


And watch out for a hilarious moment with the private detective sent to follow Gil on his midnight jaunts - just wonderful


Originally Posted by Angel:

I liked Knight & Day too


Watch Little Miss Sunshine and Alfie (the original of course)


I've got The Help to watch next.

Little Miss Sunshine was brilliant Angel. The grandfather! 

I must give Midnight in Paris and Knight and Day a look. I think Tom Cruise is a very underrated actor 


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