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Originally posted by Girlrider29:
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Originally posted by Girlrider29:
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Aww don't kill them! They're so cute I lubs them. I catch them and feel them all fluttery in my hand and then put them out the window. I've had loads this last few weeks. Smiler

WHAT?? They're gross! They leave moth dust everywhere! (mostly when you've killed them without a hoover). I've had two moth infestations in my kitchen and can honestly say it's the most disgusting thing I've EVER seen Sick

Aww I think they're lovely! I'll happily catch most bugs with my hands, except mahoosive spiders or Daddy-long-legs (I reeeeally hate them!) Moths are harmless if you think about it, they can't hurt you. Hug

But they fly in your face! And they're getting so big these days I'm actually starting to believe the climate change conspiracy. I don't want a big fat powdery, idiotic, irritating parasite flying about leaving moth dust in my bed Eeker

Laugh Just put a light on and they'll flock around that instead. Smiler You must have a bright face! Big Grin
Originally posted by MoFo:
Originally posted by Girlrider29:
Originally posted by MoFo:
Originally posted by ~*Lauren*~:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by MoFo:
I hate moths....but not as much as next doors bastard cat - my lass and chefboy are allergic to cats and we keep finding it curled up on beds. Cue lots of sneezing and swollen eyes!

Next door to us have 2 catsFrowner We been trying to keep them away as there is a birds nest in the garden. Not a big tree and there is a mother and some baby birds. Today we found the mother dead in our back garden and are furious with next door just giving their cats free roam at night. I can't stand it that they can just go anywhere. If our Dog was let out and killed their cats we would be in huge trouble Shake Head


I have two cats and i'm sorry but its what they do. I don't know how you think you can police what times your neighbours let their cats out? If i ever see my cats with a bird, mouse, frog etc. I will rescue it but i can't follow them round and watch them every second and i would never keep them in when they want to be out.
Dont worry, I've bought the kids water-pistols and given them instructions to FIRE AT WILL!!!

I dunno Mofo - them Mofo's (hehe) are pretty resilient! I've seen one fly BACK OUT of my hoover Eeker Had to show him who's boss Glance
Laugh Laugh Sorry, I was on about cats there - I've soooo moved on from the moth rant!!! Big Grin

How very dare you Big Grin
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Syd:
Ninja Crane Flies Ninja....

Are they 'Daddy Longlegs'? I like them. Smiler

I hate them. Mad They attack you and dangle their horrible legs in your hair. Urgh.

They never do that to me, but I do understand because my phobia about spiders is up there with the best of them. Big Grin
cologne 1
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by MoFo:
I hate moths....but not as much as next doors bastard cat - my lass and chefboy are allergic to cats and we keep finding it curled up on beds. Cue lots of sneezing and swollen eyes!

Next door to us have 2 catsFrowner We been trying to keep them away as there is a birds nest in the garden. Not a big tree and there is a mother and some baby birds. Today we found the mother dead in our back garden and are furious with next door just giving their cats free roam at night. I can't stand it that they can just go anywhere. If our Dog was let out and killed their cats we would be in huge trouble Shake Head

probably because there are few if any cases of a cat ever mauling a HUMAN to death, is the reason there is no law preventing cats from being allowed to roam free
IF a cat causes damage to YOU or your property including pets, and you have suitable proof, then the cats owner IS responsible the same as for a dog,horse, cow, ardvark, baboon,
BLAMING a cat for killing birds is as daft as blaming birds for building nests,
hunting and killing is a cats NATURAL instinct, its what they DO, besides making other cats,
its not nice when they kill things I know, but they're NOT people,
a responsible cat owner can only do so much, mine wears a collar and a bell I TRY to only let him out at certain times of day, I feed him before he goes out so he's not hungry, but he STILL manages to catch things.
cause.. he's a cat.
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by MoFo:
I hate moths....but not as much as next doors bastard cat - my lass and chefboy are allergic to cats and we keep finding it curled up on beds. Cue lots of sneezing and swollen eyes!

Next door to us have 2 catsFrowner We been trying to keep them away as there is a birds nest in the garden. Not a big tree and there is a mother and some baby birds. Today we found the mother dead in our back garden and are furious with next door just giving their cats free roam at night. I can't stand it that they can just go anywhere. If our Dog was let out and killed their cats we would be in huge trouble Shake Head

probably because there are few if any cases of a cat ever mauling a HUMAN to death, is the reason there is no law preventing cats from being allowed to roam free
IF a cat causes damage to YOU or your property including pets, and you have suitable proof, then the cats owner IS responsible the same as for a dog,horse, cow, ardvark, baboon,
BLAMING a cat for killing birds is as daft as blaming birds for building nests,
hunting and killing is a cats NATURAL instinct, its what they DO, besides making other cats,
its not nice when they kill things I know, but they're NOT people,
a responsible cat owner can only do so much, mine wears a collar and a bell I TRY to only let him out at certain times of day, I feed him before he goes out so he's not hungry, but he STILL manages to catch things.
cause.. he's a cat.

Im not saying its the cats fault, me and my family are furious though that the cat was allowed out even when the neighboors knew the birds have been in the tree for a while. We been doing everything we can to keep them alive and it has been all for nothing Shake Head The cat owners knew there were birds there as the tree is partly in their garden aswell
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by ~*Lauren*~:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by MoFo:
I hate moths....but not as much as next doors bastard cat - my lass and chefboy are allergic to cats and we keep finding it curled up on beds. Cue lots of sneezing and swollen eyes!

Next door to us have 2 catsFrowner We been trying to keep them away as there is a birds nest in the garden. Not a big tree and there is a mother and some baby birds. Today we found the mother dead in our back garden and are furious with next door just giving their cats free roam at night. I can't stand it that they can just go anywhere. If our Dog was let out and killed their cats we would be in huge trouble Shake Head


I have two cats and i'm sorry but its what they do. I don't know how you think you can police what times your neighbours let their cats out? If i ever see my cats with a bird, mouse, frog etc. I will rescue it but i can't follow them round and watch them every second and i would never keep them in when they want to be out.

Why do cats need to go out anyway? Confused I just find it frustrating we been protecting these birds for a while and the cats have gone and attacked it in the night. I have a dog and if i let it out and it attacked any other animal there would be uproar

Its a choice really. Some folk do keep them as just indoor pets but i believe that its in their nature to be outside, to be independent and to roam.
Originally posted by MoFo:
The only birds round here are seagulls and pigeons....I couldnt give a flying crap if the cats killed them. Laugh

These were quite rare birds apparently, our street has known about it all for a while. No one actually knows yet about the mother apart from our family Disappointed Of course we won't go and blame it on anyone but just make out it wasnt caused by the cats
oh and one of my cats favorite prey at this time of year is....... moths but they are not supposed to eat em, apparently they aint good for em,
BUT the cat doesnt CARE t its smaller than him its movement triggers his instinctive hunting response and off he goes,
makes no difference to HIM if its a moth, a butterfly, a black bird, mouse rat rabbit, its ALL the same ........ prey,

I LOVE my little lion I do.
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
oh and one of my cats favorite prey at this time of year is....... moths but they are not supposed to eat em, apparently they aint good for em,
BUT the cat doesnt CARE t its smaller than him its movement triggers his instinctive hunting response and off he goes,
makes no difference to HIM if its a moth, a butterfly, a black bird, mouse rat rabbit, its ALL the same ........ prey,

I LOVE my little lion I do.


One of mine loves to try catching bees Eeker

Also Meat, In my back garden we have a tree thats got a birds nest in and is full of bats too. Its huge and they've been in there for a very long while and i let my cats out still. They don't really seem to bother with it much it is pretty tall and you can't see them in there you just hear them in the morning. Grr! MadBig Grin
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by MoFo:
I hate moths....but not as much as next doors bastard cat - my lass and chefboy are allergic to cats and we keep finding it curled up on beds. Cue lots of sneezing and swollen eyes!

Next door to us have 2 catsFrowner We been trying to keep them away as there is a birds nest in the garden. Not a big tree and there is a mother and some baby birds. Today we found the mother dead in our back garden and are furious with next door just giving their cats free roam at night. I can't stand it that they can just go anywhere. If our Dog was let out and killed their cats we would be in huge trouble Shake Head

probably because there are few if any cases of a cat ever mauling a HUMAN to death, is the reason there is no law preventing cats from being allowed to roam free
IF a cat causes damage to YOU or your property including pets, and you have suitable proof, then the cats owner IS responsible the same as for a dog,horse, cow, ardvark, baboon,
BLAMING a cat for killing birds is as daft as blaming birds for building nests,
hunting and killing is a cats NATURAL instinct, its what they DO, besides making other cats,
its not nice when they kill things I know, but they're NOT people,
a responsible cat owner can only do so much, mine wears a collar and a bell I TRY to only let him out at certain times of day, I feed him before he goes out so he's not hungry, but he STILL manages to catch things.
cause.. he's a cat.

Im not saying its the cats fault, me and my family are furious though that the cat was allowed out even when the neighboors knew the birds have been in the tree for a while. We been doing everything we can to keep them alive and it has been all for nothing Shake Head The cat owners knew there were birds there as the tree is partly in their garden aswell

obviously I am sorry your efforts to protect the birds failed,
but it's not a question of anyone or anything being to blame or at fault,
its just nature n its cruel, birds kill other birds, some make a point of eating the young of other birds,
we shouldn't judge animals by human standards and morality.
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by PuppyDooDoo:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
We had a HUGE moth in our house toady. It was lovely and beautiful! Valentine

Hug Love the moth love.

It was truly gawguss, but it flew away. Frowner

It may kill cats though! Glance
Aaaw, I hope it left a lovely big hole in your clothes for you to remember it by. Smiler Valentine

Laugh Big Grin
I just had a HUGE fight with one, they dont normally bother me, this thing was a MONSTER , I kew I had a fight on me hands when it knocked my hat off, so I twatted it with a rolled up newspaper n it snatched it off me n twatted me back,
then we rolled around the floor for a bit biting and kicking each other, it almost dragged me out of the window at one point, I finally managed to get it in a headlock while I slammed its antenna in the door a few times finally I was able to bundle it out of the window and slam it shut.
PHEW respect to ya mr moth ya put up a good fight.
DAMN they make HARD moths up here in the N/E
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I just had a HUGE fight with one, they dont normally bother me, this thing was a MONSTER , I kew I had a fight on me hands when it knocked my hat off, so I twatted it with a rolled up newspaper n it snatched it off me n twatted me back,
then we rolled around the floor for a bit biting and kicking each other, it almost dragged me out of the window at one point, I finally managed to get it in a headlock while I slammed its antenna in the door a few times finally I was able to bundle it out of the window and slam it shut.
PHEW respect to ya mr moth ya put up a good fight.
DAMN they make HARD moths up here in the N/E

It is in their nature to attack Old Hippy Guys!! Mad
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I just had a HUGE fight with one, they dont normally bother me, this thing was a MONSTER , I kew I had a fight on me hands when it knocked my hat off, so I twatted it with a rolled up newspaper n it snatched it off me n twatted me back,
then we rolled around the floor for a bit biting and kicking each other, it almost dragged me out of the window at one point, I finally managed to get it in a headlock while I slammed its antenna in the door a few times finally I was able to bundle it out of the window and slam it shut.
Eeker *phones the cat protection league*

I am disappointed in you OHG Crying Shake Head
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I just had a HUGE fight with one, they dont normally bother me, this thing was a MONSTER , I kew I had a fight on me hands when it knocked my hat off, so I twatted it with a rolled up newspaper n it snatched it off me n twatted me back,
then we rolled around the floor for a bit biting and kicking each other, it almost dragged me out of the window at one point, I finally managed to get it in a headlock while I slammed its antenna in the door a few times finally I was able to bundle it out of the window and slam it shut.
PHEW respect to ya mr moth ya put up a good fight.
DAMN they make HARD moths up here in the N/E

Bet it felt nowt and went for a curry after Nod

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