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My MIL died aged fifty ...........we had been married for about ten years at that point. She lived some distance from us but ........when she visited she made her mark. Since she died I dont think my house has had a thorough clean since In all honesty ........not really a bad woman but ............very unfeeling - she was never bothered by my kids - not her own either - it was always business first.

I know it sounds awful but ...........i'm glad I was able to live the majority of my married life without her influence .............she was incredibly opinionated.
Soozy Woo
my ex mil used to drive me potty, she did stand in and help when my daughter was born *my mum fell ill the day i had my daughter* but i came home from the hospital and she had changed every room in the house  so when she went home, i but evrything back in the right place  the next day she came round to help me, i went for a bath and she changed everything back again  she is an interferring gran as well

Aimee ....................I know where you're coming from. As I say - fortunately my MIL died (how horrible is that) but have to find a subtle yet firm way of standing your ground there. Start off with the small things but gradually let her know's your house and your kids have to let it be known.

Soozy Woo
ohohoh plus my MIL had a word with my OH about him being too soft on my eldest...something which i've been tryng to tell him for ages (hard for him i know as he is a stepdad...but i feel like the bad guy all the time).

course he listened when he mother told him too i didn't even ask her too..she noticed herself lmao (probably saw my eyes rolling )
Aimee ....................I know where you're coming from. As I say - fortunately my MIL died (how horrible is that) but have to find a subtle yet firm way of standing your ground there. Start off with the small things but gradually let her know's your house and your kids have to let it be known.
its not a problem for me anymore, she's MY EX MIL  daughter is 15 now and doesn't take the bull from her
Mother's In Law

Noooooo... they are evil!   I have had some mental ones (ok... only ACTUALLY one legal mother in law... but BF's mothers).  

I had mad n drunk oirish one.... who would worry so much about her son she would whack him with a frying pan when he came out of casualty with a broken leg...

EVIL Smelly MIL - with the two minature ginger poodles.... eeveeeel.

Current one... well, she has one FANTASTIC trait.... she lives in the US !
My mil died about four years ago, she was lovely. never interferred and rarely had a bad word to say about anybody.
My mother, now she is the most selfish, self centred, self obsessed liar. I love her she's my mother, but I can truly see her just how she is. The mental arguments I have with her....
I don't want to upset her, she's my mum

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