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3 threads which stick out for me are:

1. The Tent....spent most of my time there (was in OT) and met some lovely people Thumbs Up

2. The Cat/Child/Bike thread....the thread itself was full of arguments which wasn't what I liked about it but the last post from a FM 'Go F*ck Yourselves' was just Red Face

3. The thread where we had army assignments and orders to follow Big Grin My alltime favourite one Thumbs Up (can't remember what it was called)
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
The CRAPpers thread - all about our dislike of Carol and wanting her out of hte house. We were at war with the Borehamwood Front and had a grand time of sabotaging their headquarters while they tried to clean ours!

Wave Hi Suzi

Those were my favs as well Laugh And Zero Defects Shopping List thread - that was brilliant!
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
"Juliet Bravo's" stories about BB6 with Anfonee,craig and co.I was crying with laughter at them,brilliant stuff! Laugh

Those were brilliant! I couldn't want to read them every morning before they were zapped.

Wish I had saved them all,but then me old comp went tits up anyway. Frowner
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Anything that had ZX50 in was always good Ninja

Oh God yeah!

I remember the epic fight with Hooby (not the lovely Darth Hoob...that fella one)...oh and Deegs Big Grin

Aww,did Tots's not make it over here.He posted on the last days of CH4 to me. Smiler

Ed Esc, Katty! Laugh TT used to have a copy of his post where he "outed" the bullehs...(except they weren't)
Originally posted by electric6:
Suzi Valentine and her eviction scripts, the chicken washing, booed on the way in, Ed Esc's analysis of the male HMs relationships and how it related to transformers (good for all the wrong reasons) the psychic Skive threads...oh loads.

Angels pic threads...

Leccy Valentine

There were so many threads tht had me really laughing. Ahhh, the good old days!

Hoochie! Valentine Have a dung bomb in rememberance! Sausage
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Lady P:
Remember Juliet Bravos threads they were amazing. Doe anyone remember the poo thread?? Going back a couple of years.

Was that wassname about someone that had pooed on his patio during the night? Laugh

Remember that but no (think that was on ds) - it was a girl who was trying to work out who was pooing at work - it went on for pages and pages - someone kept going in the ladies and leaving skidders and people were telling their stories and giving hints on how to catch the culrit everytime it was deleted it was started again - it was simply called the poo thread!!
Lady P
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
The CRAPpers thread - all about our dislike of Carol and wanting her out of hte house. We were at war with the Borehamwood Front and had a grand time of sabotaging their headquarters while they tried to clean ours!

My favourite threads ever Thumbs Up They were hilarious! Laugh

I also liked the one about the HM who swapped a pair of jeans in a shop...

...and slightly too late, but the funniest one on here so for is Queen of The High Teas thread about 'pruming her lady garden' ahem! Laugh
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
...and slightly too late, but the funniest one on here so for is Queen of The High Teas thread about 'pruming her lady garden' ahem! Laugh

that was on C4 DIDs, I referred to it on the previous page - it kept me giggling for a whole afternoon.

TBH - it might just have been the threat of the C4 mods pulling it at any moment ...
Originally posted by Rexi:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
...and slightly too late, but the funniest one on here so for is Queen of The High Teas thread about 'pruming her lady garden' ahem! Laugh

that was on C4 DIDs, I referred to it on the previous page - it kept me giggling for a whole afternoon.

TBH - it might just have been the threat of the C4 mods pulling it at any moment ...

Thumbs Up Valentine
The Devil In Diamante

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