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Not interested. Nature, yes. Policy, no. Does this make me a renegade?

No, just out of touch. If you have no interest in how science becomes policy becomes action, then I still don't understand why you are so keen for science to get it right all the time.

Re: market forces

It was a joke! The sparrows were there first and have "sharper teeth". I agree - survival of the fittest (much like the way science works).


No, just out of touch. If you have no interest in how science becomes policy becomes action, then I still don't understand why you are so keen for science to get it right all the time.

Fair comment!

Have you ever heard the adage "if the architect gets it wrong then the roof leaks, but if the engineer gets it wrong the roof isn't there" (because the roof has collapsed)?

Well, as an engineer, I'm quite happy to offer free feedback to any architect, or their advisory scientist, to make my life less stressed as an engineer. More than this explanation would include democratic policy and be totally OT (the electorate expect to be protected against any rogue action from a "mad scientist", the machinations of an engineer that may support their divisiveness, or the orchestration of these by an evil architect). For my part, I have morals based on the improvement of a collective conscience and well-being! I don't want the roof to collapse and that's why I insist on a safety margin over and above known (supposedly "known") parameters.

I hope this explains my expectation of "the science". I really am "au fait" with science and the policy of it, but I just don't post on it.

The sparrows were there first and have "sharper teeth".

Don't believe you! They only get one tooth and that falls out when they get out of the egg. Thus, sparrow's teeth are as rare as hen's teeth (or swallow's teeth for that matter). Big Grin

Best regards, suricat.


OK - don't believe me - but that's what the martins were screaming: "The teeth! The teeth!"

You don't speak Swallow, do you! When Martins get stressed they fly around screaming "ip weeeeh, ip weeeeh", much like the Blackbird struts around shrieking "tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck tuck". It's just a comms message to relatives of impending local danger because a predator (often human) is present. I hope this falsifies your claim that Martins speak English. Big Grin Hug

However, people also have this reflex action and only to often it just starts out with a scream, or a gasp, but - as within the animal population - the scenario plays itself out within the host through a progression of hormonal responses within the subject. Only ending with the neutralisation of the remnants of the hormones that were originally released by the "fight - flight event" that caused the hormone release and imbalance to begin with.

This brings me back to scientists, engineers and architects. Within a human society, the main architect is the government. I'm just happy that, in a democracy, a government can be removed by scientists, engineers and the general populace every few years. Perhaps a good indicator of the reason for my relief can be seen on More 4, Sep 1 @ 22:00 hrs (perhaps not). Here's some info on the upcoming transmission:

Best regards, suricat.
Son of Mulder.


suricat, I couldn't get into the new site for a while but I'm back now..don't ask me how?

High five SoM! We've not heard from you since page 10, I was beginning to think we'd need to send out a search party. wavey

Have you caught up since then and looked at Doug Hoffman's site (African dust)?

Anyway This looks a pretty empirical falsification of the July "high" SST's ... another nail in the AGW coffin?

I've been trying to remember where I read that this data has been corrected (it was probably referenced by a blog comment somewhere) and if memory serves me correctly, there was a resignation at around the time of the anomalous incursion (though this is politics). But, yes I've seen this and it's probably related to this comment on CA:

However, I think it's more a nail in the coffin for trustworthy data processing than AGW. A good reason for an 'open' audit of all such data!

Best regards, suricat.

Edited to improve grammar and readability (good reason for an open audit).
Son of Mulder.
Hello stranger. One needs to ask oneself "Is dendrochronology a science yet, or just a study occupation?".
Any 'science' can be 'replicated' by anyone that accurately follows the scientific instructions with the data. Thus, science expects the data to be freely available together with the method etc., but if the 'science' can't be 'replicated' then it just isn't 'science'! Similarly, if you have to make payment for details to enable a 'replication', it isn't 'science', it's 'business'!
As an engineer, this is my expectation from science! It's also the reason that governments sponsor science projects and engineers have to look for sponsorship elsewhere (ever seen "The Dragon's Den"?).
Winge over. Yes, I've been following this on CA and elsewhere, but the 'blogosphere' has made up it's own mind on it. There is so much vehemence out there that I feel is unwarranted. What it needs is for dendrochronology to tighten up it's act if it wants to be recognised as a science. Change it's methodology and archive data for free access!
Science now has "egg on it's face" because it accepted a non-science subject as 'science'. Though, this is only politics and policy implementation. Did you have a science point to make for discussion?
Best regards, suricat.
I know suricat is loathe to having this kind of material discussed on a science board but here goes
It's down to our thread host Son of Mulder to determine thread content acceptability, not me. However, we've been off thread so many times and we don't seem to have been chastised, or edited, so what the hey! Let's go for it!
Atte Korhola: political and social playground on CA
That's exactly what it is, but not on CA, it's in the science of the climate debate! It seems that a verbal minority are bullying the majority, but hey, that's what an unrepresented democracy is all about. Anarchy!
I can't remember if it was Napoleon, or Charlemagne, that used the adage "The needs of the many are more important than the needs of the few.", but they left out the caveat "Beware of the few, as they may become the coercion of the many.". Because climate science is complex it has entered the 'stage' as a science. However, climate science doesn't appear to adhere to the expected caveats of science per se. As an engineer looking in on the subjects of 'climate science' and 'science', 'climate science' is "something else" and 'science' is suffering because of it. Why?
Let's take the case of dendrology. There is a section of dendrology that goes by the name of "dendrochronology" and this discipline was brought into being simply to create a chronological sequence (by means of 'tree ring signature') that can identify the age of the subject "log" that happened to be incorporated within an archaeological structure. The objective was to accurately determine the age of the "archaeological structure"! This discipline seems to work well. However, the emergence of a new discipline want's to 'piggyback' on this chronology. "Dendroclimatology" (a word so new that I need to add this to my 'spell checker') wants to extract more than just a chronological signature of 'date' from this data!
I don't want to say much more on this subject other than I believe that 'dendroclimatology' needs a full "forensic" backup on the findings of 'dendrochronology' before any climate signature may be realised. I don't personally see this procedure to be in effect!
BTW muf, I guess that you are the same "mufcdiver" that I had dialogue with on the demised C4 site. Please verify on my wall.

Son of Mulder.
By hapstance I stumbled upon this; Reflections on the correlation between global temperature and atmospheric CO2
Is this a true "falsification", or just a "wishful" presentation?
Bottom of the page implies the true falsification.
Best regards, suricat.
Last edited {1}
Let's take the case of dendrology. There is a section of dendrology that goes by the name of "dendrochronology"
This is a well known flaw in the logic of 'global climatology science' that if pushed to its full conclusion should have killed the AGW where it stood!!
But then again, science is such a very loose term in the climate change debate
Ensign Muf

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