Maybe soon we'll be able to get back to the 'science'?
Looks like our work is almost done. The whole ediface of AGW is falling ....house of cards style. The leaked e-mails are damning. Like the net the tentacles stretch across the pond so NOAOO and Nasa will topple next.
Any sign of suricat?

Do You think that the Guardian has been hacked?
suricat is about

The email isn't in there

Catweazel indeed

So he can piss take all he likes but as a journalist he's clearly a busted flush.
Son of Mulder.
quote:Muf, I've been away but it looks like Monbiot is slowly moving from the dark side.
Humph! At least my political input was based on current policy. High five SoM!
Now, if youâll stay with your thread a bit longer, I would like some advice (if youâll give it).
Iâm in discussion with a professor of thermodynamics that teaches quantum theory as well. OK, but he heralds from Central Europe (Germany, I think) and much of what he says is difficult to understand. It was ages before I realised that "F.ex" wasnât a "function", it was a "for example" abbreviation!
We are currently discussing LTE (local thermodynamic equilibrium) and BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate) in that order of quotes.
<cite>suricat wrote:But, in an atmosphere of mixed gasses, where many gas compounds are made of different atoms, there can be no equilibrium in a quantum theory scenario! Can there?</cite>
Yes there is .</cite>
<cite>And this is why the LASER is fine tuned to the temperature of the mass and a suitable trap for the cold mass is employed.</cite>
No the laser is not "fine tuned" to any temperature . It must only emit a frequency that is absorbed with high probability by a given atom . That depends on the quantum energy spectrum which is independent of temperature (there is no T in the Schroedinger equation , one only needs to solve for eigenvalues that respect H.Psi = E.Psi) .</cite>
In my first statement on LTE I just said what I thought heâd already told me. Seems Iâm wrong.
In my second statement on BEC I just said what I thought was relative to the energy levels of the molecules that could result in cooling.
Can you explain how I misread this? Iâll admit that Iâm at a loss. As an engineer I only manipulate science for the benefit of mankind, but this is getting harder when the science tends to contradict itself.
Best regards, suricat.
Itâs at ClimateAudit.org muf. "jae" is a poster in the forum there (and seems to be a competent chemist) that shares my scepticism of the âback-radiationâ in the âK&Tâ schematic. The post title is "STILL WAITING" and has, so far, run to 24 pages. The âprofessorâ in the thread is "TomVonk".
Iâll give you due warning muf! Since the "Briffa" scenario, the site is running really SLOW! You will probably need to hit the "refresh" button more than once to get in and it seems that itâs occasionally operating in âsafe modeâ. It seems that Steve_M has a lot of "cud" to chew.
Best regards, suricat.
You'll also have a dynamic equilibrium where balls are being caught and thrown at the same rate but there is capacity to catch more balls if they are supplied and because you're dealing with large numbers there is a steady average energy equilibrium.
When it comes to BEC as I understand it this is a special state where the ensemble is Bosons (spin -1 particles) in their lowest quantum energy level and if you're dealing with bosons then there is a big restriction on the photon energies that can interact (the eigenvalues) for the particular Boson but the Pauli exclusion principle doesn't apply so similar states can coexist and I think this means multiple balls can be caught, held and thrown, refering back to the anology.
I couldn't find the dialogue on climateaudit to which you allude. As you'll see my knowledge and understanding is only cursory and possibly inadequate for your needs.
Well I suppose we all could do with a good laugh. Here's a link to the start of the thread: http://www.climateaudit.org/ph...8488234ee25c&start=0 The site seems to be responding better recently, but don't rely on this. If your browser doesn't load, hit the "refresh" button. BTW. We seem to have server problems on the reply box again. Paste the URL destination into your browser!!! Best regards, suricat.quote:I couldn't find the dialogue on climateaudit to which you allude.
Son of Mulder.
I was wrong. This time the server fault was line spacing. However, after seeing the composition characters in this âpost-boxâ, I doubt that line spacing will be a problem!
This site is crap.
Best regards, suricat.
Son of Mulder.
Yep! Line spacing is missing again. Grrr!
Ha! This time the full dialogue was there (again). Perhaps I should post crap in my first post and follow this up with the content that I originally wanted to convey???
Best regards, suricat.
If youâre interested in "3 stations", youâll find this interesting as well.
It all adds to the science dilemma.
Best regards, suricat.
(just realised, I need to hit return twice to get a new line here). There's something fundamentally wrong with the protocol here. When I paste back from the site "Word Pro" shows a two line spacing that wasn't evident in the 'dialogue box'. Some really odd things are happening here!
Best regards, suricat.