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Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Moomin:
You're right Skive I did leave the computer on and on this page when I dashed off to school with my son.
Only just felt able to come back on here now, as it's not been a very nice day.

Thank you so much for worrying about me.

Crying Hug

I just cross posted with you on the results thread.

Moomin... I am so sorry... I guess I know what happened. Is he ok? Have you sorted what to do now?

Shake Head
Moomin, whatever it is don't panic...I know it seems like it's easy to say...but you son has options. He really does, this (if I'm guessing right and he hasn't got what he was expecting) is not the end of the world.

And I know you'll get loads of advice here from the other Parents and people who work in Higher Ed.

Do not panic... Hug For you and your lad xx
Originally posted by Moomin:
Incidentally, I didn't mind at all about the thread turning into a discussion about teaching - I am a primary school teacher (supply) myself.

Now she tells me! Just as my youngest is going on to secondary school.

You could have tried to explain spider division to me!

What Daniel J has just said btw.... I absolutely believe in that ... sometimes these things happen for a reason.
Originally posted by Moomin:
Know what the worst bit is right now?

His friends all got what they needed, and are spending the evening going for a meal and then out to some clubs, and there will be an empty space in the restaurant we he should be sitting. Crying

Have you had a look round or phoned any of his other choices to see if they'll take him with what he got?

If he went out with the others I'm sure his mates would be considerate of him...he can have amoan at them as well..
Originally posted by Moomin:
Know what the worst bit is right now?

His friends all got what they needed, and are spending the evening going for a meal and then out to some clubs, and there will be an empty space in the restaurant we he should be sitting. Crying

Will he take a yaer out Moomin,or go back to school?He might find in this year that what he originally wanted to do doesnt sound so appealing after a year back.I know other kids who this happened to.It was a dreadful shock to start with..but it really did work out for the best Hug
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
What Daniel J has just said btw.... I absolutely believe in that ... sometimes these things happen for a reason.

I wasn't suggesting fate or higher powers, you know! Ninja

Just that other doors can open that wouldn't be an option if it all rolled as expected and that can end up very positive.

For instance, I got my first choice of university many years ago but if I hadn't then I would have gone to Manchester and would probably have been happier there in retrospect.
one of my nephews did not get grades required last year he did get offered a place but not what he wanted to do

He went to tech,and done 2 A levels to add to the grades from last year

He got them this year and is going to uni to do want he wants,at the time it was tough,but he had a great time at tech this year and off he goes,at 19 its just the start of his life in education,another nephew this year will have to repeat as well and go next year.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
What Daniel J has just said btw.... I absolutely believe in that ... sometimes these things happen for a reason.

I wasn't suggesting fate or higher powers, you know! Ninja

Just that other doors can open that wouldn't be an option if it all rolled as expected and that can end up very positive.

For instance, I got my first choice of university many years ago but if I hadn't then I would have gone to Manchester and would probably have been happier there in retrospect.

I suppose that did sound a bit spiritual... I didn't mean it to. Just that you look back on what was a bad thing, and think actually it wasn't a bad thing.
Originally posted by cup:
He got them this year and is going to uni to do want he wants,at the time it was tough,but he had a great time at tech this year and off he goes,at 19 its just the start of his life in education,another nephew this year will have to repeat as well and go next year.

I wish I had gone to university when I was 19 rather than 18. At 18, I was very immature. Well, I was even at 25 too but I think I would have had more confidence at 19 after doing some fill in work or something in the meantime. I'd have liked to have go on a gap year trip if I'd have had the money back then. People didn't usually, unlike now.
The situation is this-
He got BCC - one of his Cs was 10 marks off a B and the other was 15 marks off, I think.

The uni he wanted to go to gave him a conditional offer of BBB.
Unfortunately all 5 of his offers were BBB, so his 2nd choice uni immediately rejected him.

The thing is, his UCAS page does not say yes, but neither does it say no.
He has twice phoned up the uni help line (once this morning when he was 98 in the queue!!) to be told that they are still deciding whether to offer him a place or not. There are apparently a lot of people in the same predicament.
He SHOULD find out YAY or NAY by the WEEKEND!! Eeker What bothers me is that meanwhile all the other places in clearing are going to be taken up by people with worse grades than him who got a flat NO answer, so if he doesn't get in after all this (which I am not hopeful of), there wiil be nothing for him.
Having said that, he will probably take a year out and do some sort of work/voluntary work in his chosen field, resit his papers and reapply next year.

So we STILL don't know - all in all a shitty day.

Thanks you lot - it really does mean a lot to able to talk to you so I can have a weep here and be strong for him.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by cup:
He got them this year and is going to uni to do want he wants,at the time it was tough,but he had a great time at tech this year and off he goes,at 19 its just the start of his life in education,another nephew this year will have to repeat as well and go next year.

I wish I had gone to university when I was 19 rather than 18. At 18, I was very immature. Well, I was even at 25 too but I think I would have had more confidence at 19 after doing some fill in work or something in the meantime. I'd have liked to have go on a gap year trip if I'd have had the money back then. People didn't usually, unlike now.

Daniel the nephew who is going this year after repeating is still very immature to be honest next year would be time enough for him

And the other nephew who has to repeat this year it will do him no harm he wants to live away from home move from ireland to newcastle and i know he isnt ready for it,another year at home will do him good,to calm down a bit etc and be more ready to live away in another country

Well done to you daniel you seem to have done really well yourself.
Originally posted by Moomin:
The situation is this-
He got BCC - one of his Cs was 10 marks off a B and the other was 15 marks off, I think.

The uni he wanted to go to gave him a conditional offer of BBB.
Unfortunately all 5 of his offers were BBB, so his 2nd choice uni immediately rejected him.

The thing is, his UCAS page does not say yes, but neither does it say no.
He has twice phoned up the uni help line (once this morning when he was 98 in the queue!!) to be told that they are still deciding whether to offer him a place or not. There are apparently a lot of people in the same predicament.
He SHOULD find out YAY or NAY by the WEEKEND!! Eeker What bothers me is that meanwhile all the other places in clearing are going to be taken up by people with worse grades than him who got a flat NO answer, so if he doesn't get in after all this (which I am not hopeful of), there wiil be nothing for him.
Having said that, he will probably take a year out and do some sort of work/voluntary work in his chosen field, resit his papers and reapply next year.

So we STILL don't know - all in all a shitty day.

Thanks you lot - it really does mean a lot to able to talk to you so I can have a weep here and be strong for him.

Moomin...tell him to get onto clearing tomorrow and try and get a place....students do take loads of places thru clearing which then then do not use...they grab different ones then decide which one they want...(there was an article in todays Evening Standard about it)

His results are not that far off so I'm sure he'll get a may not be where he wanted initially but he'll get a place.
Originally posted by Moomin:
The situation is this-
He got BCC - one of his Cs was 10 marks off a B and the other was 15 marks off, I think.

The uni he wanted to go to gave him a conditional offer of BBB.
Unfortunately all 5 of his offers were BBB, so his 2nd choice uni immediately rejected him.

The thing is, his UCAS page does not say yes, but neither does it say no.
He has twice phoned up the uni help line (once this morning when he was 98 in the queue!!) to be told that they are still deciding whether to offer him a place or not. There are apparently a lot of people in the same predicament.
He SHOULD find out YAY or NAY by the WEEKEND!! Eeker What bothers me is that meanwhile all the other places in clearing are going to be taken up by people with worse grades than him who got a flat NO answer, so if he doesn't get in after all this (which I am not hopeful of), there wiil be nothing for him.
Having said that, he will probably take a year out and do some sort of work/voluntary work in his chosen field, resit his papers and reapply next year.

So we STILL don't know - all in all a shitty day.

Thanks you lot - it really does mean a lot to able to talk to you so I can have a weep here and be strong for him.

Oh god moomin if you knew one way or other it would be easier at least you know were you stand,moomin he should go out with those grades they are excellent by anyones standards,and i am sure through clearing he would be offered a place.

He should still celebrate his great results,and his hard work.

Moomin he could be offered a place and turn it down and go on and repeat to do what he wants,no point taking anything if he does not really want to do it,I have posted here about my nephews it all turned out good for him in end,i know at start it was end of the world it seemed but he had a great year at tech and is going this year to uni

Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Moomin:
The situation is this-
He got BCC - one of his Cs was 10 marks off a B and the other was 15 marks off, I think.

The uni he wanted to go to gave him a conditional offer of BBB.
Unfortunately all 5 of his offers were BBB, so his 2nd choice uni immediately rejected him.

The thing is, his UCAS page does not say yes, but neither does it say no.
He has twice phoned up the uni help line (once this morning when he was 98 in the queue!!) to be told that they are still deciding whether to offer him a place or not. There are apparently a lot of people in the same predicament.
He SHOULD find out YAY or NAY by the WEEKEND!! Eeker What bothers me is that meanwhile all the other places in clearing are going to be taken up by people with worse grades than him who got a flat NO answer, so if he doesn't get in after all this (which I am not hopeful of), there wiil be nothing for him.
Having said that, he will probably take a year out and do some sort of work/voluntary work in his chosen field, resit his papers and reapply next year.

So we STILL don't know - all in all a shitty day.

Thanks you lot - it really does mean a lot to able to talk to you so I can have a weep here and be strong for him.

Oh god moomin if you knew one way or other it would be easier at least you know were you stand,moomin he should go out with those grades they are excellent by anyones standards,and i am sure through clearing he would be offered a place.

He should still celebrate his great results,and his hard work.

Moomin he could be offered a place and turn it down and go on and repeat to do what he wants,no point taking anything if he does not really want to do it,I have posted here about my nephews it all turned out good for him in end,i know at start it was end of the world it seemed but he had a great year at tech and is going this year to uni


thanks, cup - I appreciate what you said in your earlier posts on this thread. If he doesn't get in, I think he will opt for the year out with resits rather than clearing. He wasn't far off the grades with those marks after all, and if he did some voluntary work in his chosen field, I am hopeful he will be OK next year. It'll just be a wrench when all his friends disappear next month though.
aw moomin Hug sounds like a tough day for you both.

Don't give up hope on him still getting in to one of his choices, this morning will have been hectic beyond belief for Unis all over the place with students scrabbling around for different places.

Pester them again first thing in the morning when the dust has settled a bit.

Daniel's right about sometimes an enforced change in direction can lead you down a better road that you would have otherwise never discovered. But I know it's really hard to see above the anxiety and disappointment for him right now.

:hugs: for you both.
So sorry you & Moomin jnr had such a disappointing day. One way or another you'll get things sorted, I've said before that there are plenty more options available these days with regard to education, this is not the be all and end all it probably feels like today. Taking a year out and doing some voluntary or paid work in his chosen field would be a VERY smart move in today's climate anyway and would give him a head start both for his course and his eventual career. He sounds like a smart lad whose got his head firmly screwed on and I'm sure he'll be just fine in whatever he decides to do. Hug
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by skive:
aw moomin Hug sounds like a tough day for you both.

Don't give up hope on him still getting in to one of his choices, this morning will have been hectic beyond belief for Unis all over the place with students scrabbling around for different places.

Pester them again first thing in the morning when the dust has settled a bit.

Daniel's right about sometimes an enforced change in direction can lead you down a better road that you would have otherwise never discovered. But I know it's really hard to see above the anxiety and disappointment for him right now.

:hugs: for you both.

thanks, Skive Hug

Croc and Cup - He just doesn't want to go out Frowner
Originally posted by Moomin:
Originally posted by skive:
aw moomin Hug sounds like a tough day for you both.

Don't give up hope on him still getting in to one of his choices, this morning will have been hectic beyond belief for Unis all over the place with students scrabbling around for different places.

Pester them again first thing in the morning when the dust has settled a bit.

Daniel's right about sometimes an enforced change in direction can lead you down a better road that you would have otherwise never discovered. But I know it's really hard to see above the anxiety and disappointment for him right now.

:hugs: for you both.

thanks, Skive Hug

Croc and Cup - He just doesn't want to go out Frowner

awwwwwwww Frowner
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
So sorry you & Moomin jnr had such a disappointing day. One way or another you'll get things sorted, I've said before that there are plenty more options available these days with regard to education, this is not the be all and end all it probably feels like today. Taking a year out and doing some voluntary or paid work in his chosen field would be a VERY smart move in today's climate anyway and would give him a head start both for his course and his eventual career. He sounds like a smart lad whose got his head firmly screwed on and I'm sure he'll be just fine in whatever he decides to do. Hug

Queenie - Hug Frowner

I predicted today for your little bun to arrive, too. Thought it was going to be a productive day for both of us. Wink
Guess there's no chance of you squeezing him/her out in the next 3 and a half hours?
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Moomin:
Originally posted by skive:
aw moomin Hug sounds like a tough day for you both.

Don't give up hope on him still getting in to one of his choices, this morning will have been hectic beyond belief for Unis all over the place with students scrabbling around for different places.

Pester them again first thing in the morning when the dust has settled a bit.

Daniel's right about sometimes an enforced change in direction can lead you down a better road that you would have otherwise never discovered. But I know it's really hard to see above the anxiety and disappointment for him right now.

:hugs: for you both.

thanks, Skive Hug

Croc and Cup - He just doesn't want to go out Frowner

Thats a shame..i'm sure he'd feel better surrounded by his mates having a laugh (which he surely would)
awwwwwwww Frowner
Originally posted by mozart:
sorry that you son was disappointed today moonmin. may i just say if he decides to take a year out, tell the school/uni and they will keep a place at his chosen uni and also freeze the fees, at this years prices. (just in case they decide to up them next year

Thanks Mozart - I will bear that in mind - I didn't know you could do that?
He wasn't far off the grades with those marks after all, and if he did some voluntary work in his chosen field, I am hopeful he will be OK next year. It'll just be a wrench when all his friends disappear next month though.

I think he'll get in with those grades,I'll keep everything crossed.

I did resits (thought I could get away without revision Roll Eyes), and plenty of other kids did. It was my best year at 6th form Nod And I came out with all As Cool, went to completely different university from my choices theyear before.

It'll be OK, everything will be OK. He's got his whole life ahead of him. Lucky sod Laugh
Originally posted by Moomin:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Moomin:
The situation is this-
He got BCC - one of his Cs was 10 marks off a B and the other was 15 marks off, I think.

The uni he wanted to go to gave him a conditional offer of BBB.
Unfortunately all 5 of his offers were BBB, so his 2nd choice uni immediately rejected him.

The thing is, his UCAS page does not say yes, but neither does it say no.
He has twice phoned up the uni help line (once this morning when he was 98 in the queue!!) to be told that they are still deciding whether to offer him a place or not. There are apparently a lot of people in the same predicament.
He SHOULD find out YAY or NAY by the WEEKEND!! Eeker What bothers me is that meanwhile all the other places in clearing are going to be taken up by people with worse grades than him who got a flat NO answer, so if he doesn't get in after all this (which I am not hopeful of), there wiil be nothing for him.
Having said that, he will probably take a year out and do some sort of work/voluntary work in his chosen field, resit his papers and reapply next year.

So we STILL don't know - all in all a shitty day.

Thanks you lot - it really does mean a lot to able to talk to you so I can have a weep here and be strong for him.

Oh god moomin if you knew one way or other it would be easier at least you know were you stand,moomin he should go out with those grades they are excellent by anyones standards,and i am sure through clearing he would be offered a place.

He should still celebrate his great results,and his hard work.

Moomin he could be offered a place and turn it down and go on and repeat to do what he wants,no point taking anything if he does not really want to do it,I have posted here about my nephews it all turned out good for him in end,i know at start it was end of the world it seemed but he had a great year at tech and is going this year to uni


thanks, cup - I appreciate what you said in your earlier posts on this thread. If he doesn't get in, I think he will opt for the year out with resits rather than clearing. He wasn't far off the grades with those marks after all, and if he did some voluntary work in his chosen field, I am hopeful he will be OK next year. It'll just be a wrench when all his friends disappear next month though.

I know moomin I understand that with his mates going,I know as a parent its not about grades and getting in,you just dont want them to be hurt by anything or see them upset.

Let us know what happens over next few days.

you know sometimes when people say you will look back and it will turn out for the best,but you dont want to hear it,and it dosnt help at the time when he is upset,but i bet it turns out for the very best

good luck to him Hug he sounds a hard working lovely lad who will do so well.
Originally posted by fracas:
He wasn't far off the grades with those marks after all, and if he did some voluntary work in his chosen field, I am hopeful he will be OK next year. It'll just be a wrench when all his friends disappear next month though.

I think he'll get in with those grades,I'll keep everything crossed.

I did resits (thought I could get away without revision Roll Eyes), and plenty of other kids did. It was my best year at 6th form Nod And I came out with all As Cool, went to completely different university from my choices theyear before.

It'll be OK, everything will be OK. He's got his whole life ahead of him. Lucky sod Laugh

Fracas - he doesn't reckon he can go back to school? Thinks he'll have to do it by himself.
Originally posted by Moomin:
Originally posted by mozart:
sorry that you son was disappointed today moonmin. may i just say if he decides to take a year out, tell the school/uni and they will keep a place at his chosen uni and also freeze the fees, at this years prices. (just in case they decide to up them next year

Thanks Mozart - I will bear that in mind - I didn't know you could do that?

yes they do, my daughter took a gap year and the uni reserved a place and froze the fees.

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