Originally posted by skive:
I think there is definitely some 'tweaking' done by the QCA ditty but there are still regression graphs for allocating grades and I can honestly, hand on heart, say that Eng Lit now is as hard as it was when I did it 20-odd years ago.
I suppose I can't comment really on the sciences etc but I guess the subject content would by necessity be somewhat different purely because our technology/knowledge evolves.
Thats good to know. So if its still done on regression graphs... how come the news are reporting 26.7% pass at A grade.... is it a twisted statistic then? ( I wouldn't be surprised). Or... have they upped the upper percentage allocation.
LOL! Am I making any sense to you... given that you know the jargon.. and I am rambling.
Its some of the GCSE science content yes that I have noticed a difference. My daughter & I have the same areas of academic interest... so I notice stuff I remember sweating over in school.... now not included in GCSE, but is deemed A Level material.
But I am not saying they are easy... I know they aren't easy. My daughter may be bright, exceptionally bright, but she's still had to work damned hard over the past two years... whilst her mates went out and socialised... she studied every night.
ALso hubby was saying that at his school (some posh nobby boys boarding school) it was almost unheard of for a kid to get straight A's in A levels.