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Reference: Lee
Exactly...He reckons Sam is fake because he now likes Josie,if that's the case so is she for LOVING Sam,did she defend Sam?,no she agreed with Imbecile and said I told you....Soooooo she obviously doesn't like Sam,she is being fake.
She defended Sam in certain aspects, and not in others.

And she told John James that she had told Sam that.
sam has dished out an awful ginger said he was in josie's face on the h/l last night......pulling the quilt off.......following her around......leaning over the bed with the coconut shells doing the clip clop thing......following her doing his attention seeking he gets some back there's uproar.......if he can't take it......he shouldn't dish it out........did he stop to think how josie felt when he was having a go at her? claimed it was 'a laugh'......and that was widely supported on here.........but now sam's getting a bit of it words like 'he's being bullied' and 'poor sam it's not fair' are flying around

he's been antagonistic and full of it's biting him on the backside i'm reap what you sow
She laughed for the most part,as usual....When he dragged up things that happened 2 weeks ago,things he said sweet effa about she was all I told you ,she came in from the garden where she'd been with Corin hung over the couch and laughed about it....Sorry Bliz as much as I despise how JJ behaves she is equally as nasty but more cunning.she's some piece of work.
thank you for the welcome super, i joined for the other forums like the soaps and a couple of the comedies and have posted a bit there but actually noticed most posts seem to be on here presumably because bb is on right now.
senora i do agree that it was a bit of an attack on sam but i cant feelsorry for him as i think he brings it on himslef but then again i dont think he is a horriod person and has a nice side to him. i think if someone was genuinely upset and hurt that he would feel bad and he has a good heart deep down.
Reference: Saz the oracle.
So Sam has insulted pretty much everyone since he got in there, now he's had a bit back and he's upset?
I really like Sam, and felt very sorry for him last night........ but still, there's a lot of truth to this ^^^

Sam needs to learn his humour can be hurtful and if he doesn't like how it makes people feel about him, then he should change it.

One of the things I loved about Sam from the moment he entered the house was that he seemed to be able to give it AND take it. Now it seems I was mistaken. I still like him a lot though, and he is very young still and maybe his stint in BB will teach him a thing or too.

Oooh maybe he's on a journey!
sam has dished out an awful ginger said he was in josie's face on the h/l last night......pulling the quilt off.......following her around......leaning over the bed with the coconut shells doing the clip clop thing......following her doing his attention seeking he gets some back there's uproar.......if he can't take it......he shouldn't dish it out........did he stop to think how josie felt when he was having a go at her? claimed it was 'a laugh'......and that was widely supported on here.........but now sam's getting a bit of it words like 'he's being bullied' and 'poor sam it's not fair' are flying around he's been antagonistic and full of it's biting him on the backside i'm reap what you sow
Well let HER sort it,let HER have it out with him,let HER fight her own corner,Imbecile had no problem with it at the time,all of a sudden now he's using defending HER to have a pop at Sam....He physically lifted Sam and threw him out of the bedroom because Sam was in there asking HER if she was ok,it's not his darn house,not their bedroom so what right had he laying his hands on Sam or any HM?....He said Sam is fake for liking her now,well then that makes her fake too for loving Sam no?
One of the things I loved about Sam from the moment he entered the house was that he seemed to be able to give it AND take it. Now that it seems I was mistaken. I still like him a lot though, and he is very young still and maybe his stint in BB will teach him a thing or too.
You watched it last night Ducky no?....The reason Sam was so upset was he was foolish enough to think Barbie Boy was a friend,he didn't really seem too bothered about the other 2 slating him it was Barbie Boy,Mario even tried to explain that to him but in his own egotistical twisted mind Sam USED him,used him by going in the darn bedroom,he is so far up his own butt he'll need resuscitated,he really believes he is all that the idiot.
i wonder if sam actually has a bit of a crush on josie, because he follows her round like a lamb, and i truly believe he doesnt hate her. i must say again that although i feel sam brought it on himself that he is not a evil person and is just like a naughty wee brother.  soft hearted though i think but a bloody pain in the rear at times
but she has had a go at sam lee on plenty of occasions...........she told him to 'pee off' when he was following her around doing his best to antagonise her.....she's told him to leave her alone and stay away from her and still he continues......he calmed down last w/end and maybe she.......(i know i did) thought maybe he'd calmed down and got it out of his system.........but he's started again....he pulled the duvet off her and thought it funny......she poured a bit of water over his trousers and he didn't like it........he can't expect to do things to people and not get it back...

and john james ranting and raving at sam is down to john james not josie....why jj didn't have a go at him for the stuff sam did 2 weeks ago i don't know.....but i can't see how it's josie's fault just cos he's done it now?

~Lee~ offline 5,038 Forum Posts Today at 11:33 AM Last Edited: Reference: sam has dished out an awful ginger said he was in josie's face on the h/l last night......pulling the quilt off.......following her around......leaning over the bed with the coconut shells doing the clip clop thing......following her doing his attention seeking he gets some back there's uproar.......if he can't take it......he shouldn't dish it out........did he stop to think how josie felt when he was having a go at her? claimed it was 'a laugh'......and that was widely supported on here.........but now sam's getting a bit of it words like 'he's being bullied' and 'poor sam it's not fair' are flying around he's been antagonistic and full of it's biting him on the backside i'm reap what you sow Well let HER sort it,let HER have it out with him,let HER fight her own corner,Imbecile had no problem with it at the time,all of a sudden now he's using defending HER to have a pop at Sam....He physically lifted Sam and threw him out of the bedroom because Sam was in there asking HER if she was ok,it's not his darn house,not their bedroom so what right had he laying his hands on Sam or any HM?....He said Sam is fake for liking her now,well then that makes her fake too for loving Sam no?
Reference: ginger
i wonder if sam actually has a bit of a crush on josie, because he follows her round like a lamb, and i truly believe he doesnt hate her. i must say again that although i feel sam brought it on himself that he is not a evil person and is just like a naughty wee brother. soft hearted though i think but a bloody pain in the rear at times
When Mario was talking to John James, last night, he mentioned something about Sam fancying Josie, during lockdown.

I don't know whether there is any truth in that, or whether it is just Mario's theory on why Sam was so busy insulting her, when he came in the house.
Reference: spongey
but she has had a go at sam lee on plenty of occasions...........she told him to 'pee off' when he was following her around doing his best to antagonise her.....she's told him to leave her alone and stay away from her and still he continues......he calmed down last w/end and maybe she.......(i know i did) thought maybe he'd calmed down and got it out of his system.........but he's started again....he pulled the duvet off her and thought it funny......she poured a bit of water over his trousers and he didn't like it........he can't expect to do things to people and not get it back... and john james ranting and raving at sam is down to john james not josie....why jj didn't have a go at him for the stuff sam did 2 weeks ago i don't know.....but i can't see how it's josie's fault just cos he's done it now?

She's not allowed to have more than one dimension to her.

She's not allowed to feel annoyed with someone one minute and like them the next.
Blizzie online 14,394 Forum Posts Today at 11:47 AM Last Edited: Reference: spongey but she has had a go at sam lee on plenty of occasions...........she told him to 'pee off' when he was following her around doing his best to antagonise her.....she's told him to leave her alone and stay away from her and still he continues......he calmed down last w/end and maybe she.......(i know i did) thought maybe he'd calmed down and got it out of his system.........but he's started again....he pulled the duvet off her and thought it funny......she poured a bit of water over his trousers and he didn't like it........he can't expect to do things to people and not get it back... and john james ranting and raving at sam is down to john james not josie....why jj didn't have a go at him for the stuff sam did 2 weeks ago i don't know.....but i can't see how it's josie's fault just cos he's done it now? She's not allowed to have more than one dimension to her. She's not allowed to feel annoyed with someone one minute and like them the next.
'er no
and john james ranting and raving at sam is down to john james not josie....why jj didn't have a go at him for the stuff sam did 2 weeks ago i don't know.....but i can't see how it's josie's fault just cos he's done it now?
Spongee she was DEFENDING JJ,yes defending him....She thinks it's ok because he'd have said it to Sams face,she told Sam he'd say it to your face how does that make it acceptable?....I think if it had been me I'd have stepped in when JJ was going at Sam,BB did they called him to the DR for being aggressive,her actions last night were indefensible imo,JJ's were too but she ended up fawning over him and agreeing with him.
She's not allowed to have more than one dimension to her. She's not allowed to feel annoyed with someone one minute and like them the next.
Well why not set Imbecile right when he was saying Sam was fake for liking her?,why not say well I like/dislike him too at times?...Aww I give up tbh,but as sure as eggs are eggs she will reap what she sows in this life.
Reference: LL
I think as someone said before, it is now like a love/hate relationship between big sister and annoying little brother.
That's what I think.

*** treasures a little bit of agreement ***

I don't know if he has a bit of a thing for Josie, or whether he did during lockdown, but his reaction to John James bitching about him seems to stem from him admiring John James and being hugely disappointed to find out that he can't get away with his antics with everyone.

Much as I dislike John James, Sam is not completely innocent in all this.
Blizzie online 14,395 Forum Posts Today at 11:53 AM Last Edited: Reference: LL I think as someone said before, it is now like a love/hate relationship between big sister and annoying little brother. That's what I think. *** treasures a little bit of agreement *** I don't know if he has a bit of a thing for Josie, or whether he did during lockdown, but his reaction to John James bitching about him seems to stem from him admiring John James and being hugely disappointed to find out that he can't get away with his antics with everyone. Much as I dislike John James, Sam is not completely innocent in all this.
Make the most of it cos it won't last   
You watched it last night Ducky no?
Yes I did, and I stand by what I say. I was discussing Sam not JJ1 Lee. I don't want to get into a discussion about JJ1 to be honest....I can't see the point. Our opinions on him are polar opposite and I doubt we will find any common ground so why waste our time 'eh?

I will say though..... of course I don't agree with what JJ1 said to Sam, behind his back or to his face last night. I'm disappointed that it came to that, because I was enjoying the relationship between JJ1 and Sam previous to last night. I like them both, a lot.

I'm not willing to condemn a person I like for one bad night, or one aspect to their personality though. If I did that I would have to hate the whole world. I really don't have the energy for that.
Reference: Lee
Well why not set Imbecile right when he was saying Sam was fake for liking her?,why not say well I like/dislike him too at times?...Aww I give up tbh,but as sure as eggs are eggs she will reap what she sows in this life.
Because she does agree that Sam might be behaving in certain ways to get some airtime.
She can agree with part of what John James says and disagree with others, as she did last night.

She challenged John James on thinking Sam's original behaviour towards her was OK, but then bringing it up when he has a problem with Sam.

She actually said, "What does that say about you?", to John James
sam has dished out an awful ginger said he was in josie's face on the h/l last night......pulling the quilt off.......following her around......leaning over the bed with the coconut shells doing the clip clop thing......following her doing his attention seeking he gets some back there's uproar.......if he can't take it......he shouldn't dish it out........did he stop to think how josie felt when he was having a go at her? claimed it was 'a laugh'......and that was widely supported on here.........but now sam's getting a bit of it words like 'he's being bullied' and 'poor sam it's not fair' are flying around

he's been antagonistic and full of it's biting him on the backside i'm reap what you sow

Must have been an effort to type all that out, you should have some cake and keep your strength up
Reference: Supes
Anyone notice that Josie, on hl last night, in the DR, said that she hated John J....maybe she just uses the words love and hate a bit too losely....or maybe there's something in the theory that the apparent extremes of love and hate, when placed on a circle diagram, are actually right next to each other?

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