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Before I start, I dont particularly like Dave and I've gone right off JJ...
Dave is a Christian yeah? (correct me if I'm wrong)
WOULD JJ have been so gobby to a non-Christian (you know what I'm saying)... all this (not word for word but pretty much the same) - 'are u still reading that claptrap - I could have done better myself....'
just WHO the hell does JJ think he is, critisizing someone for what they believe in?

Oh BTW - I'm not a Christian either
Barmy, I totally see your point and agree that Christians probably take a heck of a lot more "in your face" crap than a lot of other religions...I guess most slating of other religions is more the sort of thing some people do down the pub with mates or whatever...having said that, I think a lot of Christians would find Dave's "drunk/high/jacked up on Jesus" thing offensive too.

If I were a Christian I don't know which I'd be MORE offended about, I suspect Dave...because I guess at least JJ has ignorance on his side.  What's Dave's excuse?
just WHO the hell does JJ think he is, critisizing someone for what they believe in?

I'm not a Christian either, but I agree with you Barmy. It's was just so wrong what he did there. Then to go and say Dave said what he did for no reason , apart from him mocking someone's beliefs he was a down and out liar. 

I've not liked him from day one, but now he's my least favourite in the house and that's a longish list.
I'm CofE but I didn't tut or roll my eyes. But I do find it odd how threatened some feel about the way Dave chooses to express his faith. He is quirky, and different in his method but being open minded also involves respect for how others go about their lives. Yeah, he's sat there with his Bible and it pisses you off...then move away.
Suzy and Promethus (did I spell that right lol) - I agree with both of you - I'm assuming that Dave is reading The Bible - like I said before, not one that he has written up himself - to suit himself.  Again there would be uproar if someone was sitting reading the K'Ran or whatever it is, or the Jehovas' equivalent of a bible.  I am not a Christian or a Muslim or a Jehovah, but I'm speaking as someone who lives in harmony with each and try not to judge - I actually see good points and bad points to every religion  - JJ had NOT RIGHT WHATSOEVER to diss Dave's  beliefs in such a crude manner (and again I'm NOT a Christian OR a Dave supporter)
i don't mind anyone sitting and reading whatever they choose to read.nearly every conversation dave has involves his lord, and i find myself agreeing with shabby on this, that his belief is that his lord wants him to stay in a reality tv show and in the bb house.

surely the lord has better things to be getting on with? 

dave diminishes his own  beliefs by his actions, in my opinion.
True and the guilt never leaves does it?.
That's true of all religion. Religion is the officially recognised and fully endorsed boogey man, the ghost in the closet. It's always out there waiting to get you if you don't live your life exactly as they say you should. It matters not that depending where you are born you may have a religion that differs drastically to those in neighbouring countries, all that matters is that you are a slave to their idiosyncratic versions of 'The Word Of The Lord' and always will be.

I still don't understand how intelligent people can buy into this and most likely never will. Fear of death and having nowhere to go in the afterlife is, I suppose, the only reasonable explanation.
I'm not getting in to a theological discourse about this but my faith has nothing to do with a fear of death or any other fears. It is simply an acceptance that there is so much that is unknown, that will always remain a mystery, and love and respect is at the forefront of these things, for me.
I'm quite happy to accept that I'm dumb too.
love and respect is at the forefront of these things, for me. I'm quite happy to accept that I'm dumb too.
Love and respect is what sharing life with other people is all about, not just religion. If those are your reasons I applaud you. You're not just following some mantra because you were brought up that way. And no you are not dumb at all.
Having watched many wildlife shows etc, Elephants,gorillas,chimps etc that mourn their dead ,I think they are so much more  worthy  than we,an absolutely vile, murdering species,deserve to be here. Think,we have slaughtered millions of own kind over the eons and other species too in our arrogance.We really do deserve to die out,hopefully we won't take too many more other species with us,we have damaged the planet enough.

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