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1st Law of Thermodynamics!!!!  

whoop!   I kinda get off on this!

does the 2nd law work with money..... 

2nd Law =  no energy transfer is 100% efficient... some energy is always lost in the transfer... emitted in the form of heat...

so.... no money transfer is 100% efficient (I'd agree with that... but then I am with bloody Barclays)...  some money is always lost in the transfer in the form of my bank being a robbing bunch of gits!

Yes.. I'd say it works!
Oh god...... my son does Economics and explained to me last week how theoretically the banks can "create" money by lending and re-lending. It blew my mind.....and I couldn't get my head around how it worked because it seemed to be independent of repayments. (or maybe I misunderstood)

Mind you..... judging by the banking crisis maybe it doesn't work after all.
Yeah renton, as long as you have the two bits of serial numbers, I seem to recall.

When I was a kid my dad dropped a big bundle of money on the green in our close, he realised he'd done it as the council gardener on his sit on lawn mower drove right over it

The bank replaced most of it but he was still a hundred quid or so down.
I don't really understand why they don't just print more money
...and give some to meeeeeeeee.......

...seriously though, didn't they do that somewhere like Zimbabwe years ago, the money then effectively became worthless. I'm sure GJ or someone may be able to explain this, this thread is far too much for me to get my minute brain around
The Devil In Diamante
Whilst on the subject, can anyone explain where my money disappears to when I do a bank Transfer....seems to get lost for a couple of days in cyberspace...
Official name 'Clearing'....common parlance 'Swiping'. Banks make gazillions for those few days, necessary in the quill pen and parchment days, rendered redundant by a click of a mouse.
...seriously though, didn't they do that somewhere like Zimbabwe years ago, the money then effectively became worthless. I'm sure GJ or someone may be able to explain this, this thread is far too much for me to get my minute brain around
Not just Zimbabwe DiD they have been doing it here for the last few months too.

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